Thread: Dear Santa
11-30-2004, 03:12 PM #1
Dear Santa
> Dear Sana
> I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boyall yeer.
> Yer Frend,
> BiLLy
> Dear Billy,
> Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How about
> I
send you a ****ing book so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least HE can spell
> Santa
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Santa,
> I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is
> peace
and joy in the world for everybody! Love,
> Sarah
> Dear Sarah,
> You're parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they?
> Santa
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Santa,
> I want a new bike, a Playstation, a train, some G.I. Joes, a dog, a
> drum
kit, a pony and a tuba.
> Love, Francis
> Dear Francis,
> Who names their kid "Francis" nowadays? I bet you're gay.
> Santa
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Santa,
> I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left carrots for
your reindeer outside the back door.
> Love, Susan
> Dear Susan,
> Milk gives me the runs and carrots make the deer fart in my face when
riding in the sleigh. You want to do me a favor? Leave me a bottle of scotch.
> Santa
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Santa, What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you
> busy
making toys?
> Your friend,
> Thomas
> Dear Thomas,
> All the toys are made in China. I have a condo in Vegas, where I spend
most of my time making low-budget porno films. I unwind by drinking myself silly and squeezing the asses of cocktail waitresses while losing money at the c raps table. Hey, you wanted to know.
> Santa
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Santa, Do you see us when we're sleeping, do you really know when
we're awake, like in the song?
> Love, Jessica
> Dear Jessica,
> Are you really that gullible? Good luck in whatever you do. I'm
> skipping
your house.
> Santa
> -------------------------------------------------------------! !
> Dear Santa,
> I really really want a puppy this year. Please please please PLEASE
could I have one?
> Timmy
> Timmy,
> That whiney begging **** may work with your folks, but that crap
> doesn't
work with me. You're getting a sweater again.
> Santa
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Dearest Santa, We don't have a chimney in our house, how do you get
> into
our home?
> Love, Marky
> Mark,
> First, stop calling yourself "Marky", that's why you're getting your
> Ass
whipped at school. Second, you don't live in a house, you live in a low-rent apartment complex. The Third, I get inside your pad Just like all the burglars do, through your bedroom window.
> Sweet Dreams, Santa
11-30-2004, 03:16 PM #2
i remember tha from last year, and i still love it..
11-30-2004, 03:21 PM #3
nice one og very funny
11-30-2004, 03:37 PM #4
haha lol.
11-30-2004, 05:23 PM #5
pretty good
11-30-2004, 11:31 PM #6
Thats some funny ****....
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