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  1. #1
    ECKO 747's Avatar
    ECKO 747 is offline Associate Member
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    Protien and fat?

    If left unabsorbed/ unused by the body.. Can protien turn into fat like carbs do ?

    Just wondering wheter its a good idea to take a heavy protien shake before bed that why...

  2. #2
    ECKO 747's Avatar
    ECKO 747 is offline Associate Member
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    Gona bump this one up a bit

  3. #3
    BIG_JDAWG is offline Associate Member
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    i'm not exactly sure on this one bro, but i will give ya a bump because i am curious about this too.. good question

    Big J

  4. #4
    ECKO 747's Avatar
    ECKO 747 is offline Associate Member
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    Any one?

  5. #5
    Jenna's Avatar
    Jenna is offline Female Member
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    Originally posted by ECKO 747
    Any one?
    You may want to post this question in another forum - such as diet questions or maybe even steroid questions to get more responses....

    But, my personal opinion is that a low carb protein shake mixed with water before bed would be fine. As a matter of fact, I would think that it would be better to have a shake than to go to bed hungry. Just make sure that it's very low in carbohydrates.....

    <<<< JENNA >>>>

  6. #6
    superbeast's Avatar
    superbeast is offline Member
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    Jenna's pretty much right on this.

    Any calories can be turned to fat if they are not burned. Whether it be fat, carbs, or protein. It really depends on your metabolism. Growth and rebuilding of muscle occurs during sleep. Your metabolism also slows down while you sleep, thus you aren't burning as many calories. Take in protein before going to sleep to supply your body with "building blocks" for muscle. Don't take in too much though as your metabolism is slowing.

    Personally, I take protein before bed and get up after 4 hrs of sleep to take in more. Then back to bed. This way I know my body isn't in a catabolic state.

  7. #7
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    definitely. if calorie intake is greater than calorie demand then the only fate of these calories is storage and the only effective form to store excess calories is fat. it doesn't matter if these excess calories originated from carbs, fat, or protein. however, the conversion of protein into fat molecules takes energy (calories), so you won't end up storing as much fat from excess protein calories as you would from excess fat calories.

  8. #8
    ECKO 747's Avatar
    ECKO 747 is offline Associate Member
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    So by that logic, consuming a fast delivery protien like an Isolate would be ill-advised when approching bed time, and a more "time released protien" like Caisen would be better, at it is slower to break down

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