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  1. #1
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    Question Who believes in Aliens (not immigrants)?

    I was wondering who believes, why and if so if they were to come here what would their intentions be? Peaceful or hostile?

  2. #2
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    I'm sure there are other living things in the universe. How many of those life forms are advanced enough for space travel is another story.

  3. #3
    Elysium's Avatar
    Elysium is offline Productive Member
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    Yep, they exist. They know we're here. They are peaceful, if they werent we'd be dead already, they are obviously are intelligent coz they know that if they came to us we would end up trying to kill them. The human race is dumb and infantile

  4. #4
    Spyder Guest
    The book, To Serve Man, ... IT'S A COOKBOOK!"

  5. #5
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    Yep, they exist. They know we're here. They are peaceful, if they werent we'd be dead already, they are obviously are intelligent coz they know that if they came to us we would end up trying to kill them. The human race is dumb and infantile
    pretty much..they have to exist with all the galaxies...and some creature has to be more technologicaly advanced than us...They must be peaceful otherwise we would be dead....

  6. #6
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Since we are not perfect they are probably told to stay away from us until we reach perfection

  7. #7
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2
    Since we are not perfect they are probably told to stay away from us until we reach perfection

    there is no such thing as perfection

  8. #8
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    under some plywood sheets

  9. #9
    cjp85's Avatar
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    I would guess that there is, whether it be a parasite on a distant planet or a small animal. I don't believe that there are these funny looking things driving space-ships around, after all, that would be describing ourselves wouldnt it? I feel that we are the advanced life form that flies around in space and look weird.

  10. #10
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjp85
    I would guess that there is, whether it be a parasite on a distant planet or a small animal. I don't believe that there are these funny looking things driving space-ships around, after all, that would be describing ourselves wouldnt it? I feel that we are the advanced life form that flies around in space and look weird.
    We are the child, the infant, the first letter of the spoken word of advanced.

  11. #11
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    under some plywood sheets

  12. #12
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    look at our technological advancement in the last 100 years, i think alien technology we have found is part of why we are advancing so fast.....

  13. #13
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    Barlow I have a feeling you are correct

  14. #14
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Barlow I have a feeling you are correct
    you cant be serious. why would aliens help us kill ourselves. aliens wouldnt even consider contacting us, we cant even get along with people in our own species

  15. #15
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I wonder if alien chicks like anal?

  16. #16
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    Mesyy, I was speaking of the technology advancements. A little over 100 yrs ago we could'nt even make a simple plane.

  17. #17
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Mesyy, I was speaking of the technology advancements. A little over 100 yrs ago we could'nt even make a simple plane.
    yes its called progress, we havent found alien technology. look back, at for example the plane, which must of sounded so amazing, now we know and use them all the time, its just progress, learning understand things. we now are in an age of understanding.

    give me an example of this "alien technology" we have found, that has helped us advance.

  18. #18
    Matrix78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    yes its called progress, we havent found alien technology. look back, at for example the plane, which must of sounded so amazing, now we know and use them all the time, its just progress, learning understand things. we now are in an age of understanding.

    give me an example of this "alien technology" we have found, that has helped us advance.
    space shuttles today will be like planes of the past to our grand children they probably wouldnt think twice about a quick trip to say Mars, its all in your perspective. it's alraedy begining with SpaceShip One i belive is the name that privately made space ship that went up back in April... and to keep with the thread yeah i belive aliens are out there

  19. #19
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matrix78
    space shuttles today will be like planes of the past to our grand children they probably wouldnt think twice about a quick trip to say Mars, its all in your perspective. it's alraedy begining with SpaceShip One i belive is the name that privately made space ship that went up back in April... and to keep with the thread yeah i belive aliens are out there
    yep, well richard brandson of virgin atlantic UK commisioned a space flight

    its all perspective as you say. aliens are out there, but they sure as hell aint gonna give us technology or make contact as long as our planet, our people act the way we do

  20. #20
    Sage's Avatar
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    i believe they do exist and are curious fakers just like we being so slow in tech advancements compare to them, they feel that they are the elites of the universe and we r not worthy direct contact with them till further notice.........i would not want to associate with retards either so u can't blame them...................

  21. #21
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    I saw this documenrty with a ex-milatary leader I don't remeber his exact rank but he was on top that said he was in charge of the nukes in colorado and they identified
    a ship that came down sat over the nukes for a sec and then took off,and the nukes were completly usless and the PPL that made them could'nt get them to work again..
    They might be trying to help us help ourselves...Are not ruin the planet at least..
    who no's?

  22. #22
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    well, there are many interesting theories out there on different topics. Actually the Germans were years ahead of us in technology in WWII for rockets and nukes.

    There have also been studies on mind control and telekinetics in the former USSR, I'm talking people could do it.

    My point is that we may have stumbled onto it by an accident of sorts, downed spacecraft etc... Messy I really have to disagree that this is simple progress in motion.

    Computers for example A.I. will be real very soon , all in 100 yrs? It doesn't sit right.
    Messy tell me the turning point , the catalyst that made all of this possible in your opinion.

  23. #23
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    well, there are many interesting theories out there on different topics. Actually the Germans were years ahead of us in technology in WWII for rockets and nukes.

    There have also been studies on mind control and telekinetics in the former USSR, I'm talking people could do it.

    My point is that we may have stumbled onto it by an accident of sorts, downed spacecraft etc... Messy I really have to disagree that this is simple progress in motion.

    Computers for example A.I. will be real very soon , all in 100 yrs? It doesn't sit right.
    Messy tell me the turning point , the catalyst that made all of this possible in your opinion.
    Electricity for one -the burning desire that man has to be more than he is

  24. #24
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    Messy, I see we will not agree which is cool. I find it illogical to believe that in a century our minds have evolved so dramatically that we have advanced so far

  25. #25
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Messy, I see we will not agree which is cool. I find it illogical to believe that in a century our minds have evolved so dramatically that we have advanced so far
    Bro we're not supposed to agree, thats the whole point of a discussion such as this

    I did not mention the word evolve, just keep that in mind. We have become no more intelligent over the past 100 years. We have simply learnt new ways, developed new methods.

    Please provide me with one of these "pieces of technology" that apparently was found, that directly impacted the development of a technology we have today, or in the past 100 years.

  26. #26
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    well I would but I 'd have to kill you! There are things so advanced in our military that our own Presidents probably don't know about it. I have no proof but look at the timeline and the facts. You are intelligent. Did the inventor of the microchip design it taking a crap one day and write it on a napkin? Simple logic dictates something was put into the mix to cause the explosion of technology we have today. My 02.

  27. #27
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    well I would but I 'd have to kill you! There are things so advanced in our military that our own Presidents probably don't know about it. I have no proof but look at the timeline and the facts. You are intelligent. Did the inventor of the microchip design it taking a crap one day and write it on a napkin? Simple logic dictates something was put into the mix to cause the explosion of technology we have today. My 02.
    I agree with messy it's the human desire to invent to evolve and make there mark with something they invent...

  28. #28
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    well I would but I 'd have to kill you! There are things so advanced in our military that our own Presidents probably don't know about it. I have no proof but look at the timeline and the facts. You are intelligent. Did the inventor of the microchip design it taking a crap one day and write it on a napkin? Simple logic dictates something was put into the mix to cause the explosion of technology we have today. My 02.

    To be able to define good you have to know what bad is.

    To be able to define sad, you must of experienced happiness.

    To make a claim, and base it on nothing but a website, and present me with nothing to back up your claims and say to me you know your correct means, and LOGIC () dictates you have evidence to dispell the current consensus. Do you?

  29. #29
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
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    GO TO BED!!! Esp if you aren't even gonna acknowledge MY thread...after I mentioned you. You are grounded!

    Sorry to jack the thread.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  30. #30
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    Your current consensus Messy. Okay , please explain how the light bulb fillament brought us to where we are today in 100 words or less!

  31. #31
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    GO TO BED!!! Esp if you aren't even gonna acknowledge MY thread...after I mentioned you. You are grounded!

    Sorry to jack the thread.
    Sorry mom

  32. #32
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Your current consensus Messy. Okay , please explain how the light bulb fillament brought us to where we are today in 100 words or less!
    It didnt.

    The end.

  33. #33
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    Crap it can't be the end! What caused this huge leap forward? What was it? In your opinion?

  34. #34
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Crap it can't be the end! What caused this huge leap forward? What was it? In your opinion?
    Lol the light bulb was a huge leap forward? Do you believe it was just invented, lol just like that?

    I'll give you a quick run down of how something such as a light bulb could of evolved...

    light > fire > the creation of electricity > the realisation that metals light up when heated > experimenting with different ways of heating and sustaining that temp without melting the metal > the light bulb.

    bro this really isnt rocket science, most of it is just basic knowledge, with a bit of drive and a good mind things are possible

  35. #35
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    okay weak point but from a simple fillament to space tech, computers , A.I.

    If it wasn't aliens then it was God we simply didn't will ourselves into a sudden state of intelligence to produce these things, humans are tenacious beings so that doesn't float as the driving force to me. We have been tenacious since the beginning of recoreded time.

  36. #36
    Matrix78's Avatar
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    i agree with Messy, we had no help in the things we do right now, just as computers advanced quickly so did we once we realized (on owr own) WTF we were doing like a snow ball down a hill, everything was always in place we jsut needed to realize how to use it or create it.

  37. #37
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    okay weak point but from a simple fillament to space tech, computers , A.I.

    If it wasn't aliens then it was God we simply didn't will ourselves into a sudden state of intelligence to produce these things, humans are tenacious beings so that doesn't float as the driving force to me. We have been tenacious since the beginning of recoreded time.
    your totally right bro. we didnt just get some sudden state of intelligence.

    there was a time when we didnt know how to make fire... then we realised that friction caused heat, then eventually that rubbing materials such as wood, or hitting two pieces of flint together can make a fire/spark.

    Its the natural progression.

    You have to try and think realistically.

    AI to start with, theres A.I, well not as such. We have yet to make an AI that is self aware.

  38. #38
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    There is much more out there than we are led to believe, in more advanced stages.

    Maybe I saw too many episodes of the X-Files!

  39. #39
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
    The book, To Serve Man, ... IT'S A COOKBOOK!"
    ROTFL! I just DLed that episode a couple of months ago and saw it again!

    I also just DLed episode 1 of season 1 of "My Favorite Martian" which I hadn't seen since it was originally aired, and I think I like that sort of alien much better.

    But actually... what if the aliens... are US?????

  40. #40
    Pale Horse's Avatar
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    well as a Christian it says we are not of this world. I believe we are not, and God is not. Diff thread tho.

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