I just saw hotel rwanda. It is a great movie, very moving. Although it is deff not a date movie.
I just saw hotel rwanda. It is a great movie, very moving. Although it is deff not a date movie.
I saw it too. Very good movie.
just saw it today...I would HIGHLY recommend it.
thats my type of date movie!
I want to see it myself,not into dramas but I heard that movie was pretty good.
For those who don't know what that movie is about it's sort of a modern age Schindler's List about a Rwanda hotel owner that hid over 1,000 refugees from the Hutu militia during the 1994 Rwanda genocide which ended up with nearly 1 million Rwandans dead,that included men,women and childern,streets were filled up with dead men,women and childern.The genocide took about 3 months and no one bothered to help them not even the US truly a sad time back then.
Originally Posted by IntensityX
If you wanna know more:
Read : Shake Hands with the Devil : The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda by General Roméo Dallaire.
This man was the officer responsible for Rwanda he did everything to stop it, but the UN, and the US ****ed him very badly. That general did a severe depression, not funny, one day he left his office at the National defensel HQ and we found him some days later naked in the snow sobbing like a baby.
worth a read.
Don Cheadle is one hell of an actor. However, everytime I see him in a movie I always think of him in "Boogie Nights"
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