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  1. #41
    xfade7's Avatar
    xfade7 is offline Member
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    The middle of nowhere.
    i wanna know too, my lil bro is 16 and is doing 225.. he's makin some good progress.. he may just have the worst genes you'll ever encounter. one of my friends is like that weighs 195 and cant bench 115. he also cant run more than about 10 steps without getting out of breath and stopping. he's been training running and lifting for about 6 mos now too.. crazy man, but i agree get off the juice


  2. #42
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    You bench 75 lbs or is that a typo? I'll put it this way, on a flat bench freebar i hit 5 45 lbers on each end and a 25 on each end. On the smith flat bench press I can hit 6 plates on each end. Not only is the bar lighter in my gym, but the motion is a lot easier as it requires no stabilizer muscles, just up and down.
    Bdtr you bench 540 for reps on the smith machine!?

  3. #43
    Chemical King's Avatar
    Chemical King is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    ****, what happened to Chemical King? I wanted to find out the answer.
    Im back, had to come away yesterday. In answer to your question dude, I ment 75 on each end not including the bar so thats probably 175 in total.

  4. #44
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    Im back, had to come away yesterday. In answer to your question dude, I ment 75 on each end not including the bar so thats probably 175 in total.
    Much better.....I think bdtr can rest a little easier now.

  5. #45
    Chemical King's Avatar
    Chemical King is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol. I should probs have made my original post a little clearer. But when I say 175lbmax at the minute, I did slip down to 140 about a month ago due to a shoulde injury but im hoping to bench 200 pretty soon

  6. #46
    GQplaya is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    When you let go of the bar at my gym with its saftey hooks off, it just floats because of its supports. I consider it no weight at all.
    I agree with u, mines the same way i dont consider it as being weight as i would with a regular bar. GQ

  7. #47
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdtr
    You should probably train naturally before hitting up juice man...
    Maybe get off the crack too 1st. JK

    BDTR I agree with you on the smith. With its fixed range of motion most people can push more weight on it. Although it may carry some kind of weight to it i wouldnt say it counts as anything really. I do more weight incline bench on the smith too. It helps me hit the right part of chest every time.

  8. #48
    p0werlift is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by p0werlift
    smith machine bars=15 lbs. this is for most regulated smith's that are in LA fitness/worlds/golds/powerhouse etc, and it also says it most of the time above the warning sign.
    yes, im quoting myself because the last 30 posts have all said "i wanna know too".................

  9. #49
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Chemical, I'm glad you came back to answer that question. You had me wondering for a while there.

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