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  1. #81
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    If I recall correct, Doomsday also got stronger the more you beat him up? Just like the hulk.

    The Hulk has had to fight Juggernaut, who IMO is stronger than Superman as well. Remeber this is not Lou i'm talking here of the Sci Fi channle. I'm talking about the 9 ft beats that is solid muscle, impentitrable skin and endless power. The hulk never gets tired. As other get tired, he gets stronger, the more you push him, the stronger he gets. The hulk has been thrown into the sun and come back to beat Nick Furry and shield. He's crushed metal that can hold up the wieght of the moon.

    I started out as a DC comic freak, Superman was my favorite. I know about them both, I know the powers of each and the hulk would win.

    The hulk also has a better explaination of his powers, his body reacted to readiation and mutated to repair its self. It takes away from his thinking power, and reverts the split personality of Bruce Banner.

    Superman is "super strong" and they explain his power as, he's from another planet!
    But the hulk still has to breath. In one spider man comid the hulk(the gray one) was in orbit around earth and thinking that if he doestn get soon he will suffocate....But the gray hulk maby is less powerfull?

    In another spiderman comic some other gamma radiated dude(doctor something, a scientist he doesnt turn into a monster but has green hair)almost beat him just because he got some kind of super virus in his body.

  2. #82
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your thinking of Doc Samson. He's introduced in Incredible Hulk #141 I have it hanging on my wall next to Incredible Hulk #181, the first comic wolverine was ever in.

    The grey hulk is smarter, and more clever, but not as strong as the green savage hulk. THere is also a war hulk which is as smart as bruce banner, but if he gets too bad, he reverts to the savage hulk...he thinks but in the form of 120lb bruce banner. The Green Savage Hulk is the most powerful.

    The hulk has fought heros and villans as strong, or stronger than Superman, Thor is one. He's also fought Cyber and Apocolypse at the same time when he was the war hulk. Cyber (had adamantium skin, like wolverines bones) was put out of commision and Apocolypse had to flee. This was just after the Onslaught saga and the Hulk was confused on who was the enemy.

    X-Man, Nathan summers also is more powerfull than the Hulk and Superman. Mr.Sinister genticly made him to be the most powerfull mutant ever, he has "perfect" mutant DNA. He was made to assasinate Apocolypse during the time line "age of apocolypse" but Magneto beat him to it while he was killing Holocaust. Not only is he a more powerfull telapath than Professor X, he is infact more powerfull than the Phonix. He is also a warrior, being able to stand up toe to toe with Apocolypse and Holocoaust who cannot be controled with telepathic powers.

    X-Man is the real winner, but the hulk beats super man.

  3. #83
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    So it's settled....I'm the greatest super hero...or villian whichever side you're on.

  4. #84
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    Your thinking of Doc Samson. He's introduced in Incredible Hulk #141 I have it hanging on my wall next to Incredible Hulk #181, the first comic wolverine was ever in.

    The grey hulk is smarter, and more clever, but not as strong as the green savage hulk. THere is also a war hulk which is as smart as bruce banner, but if he gets too bad, he reverts to the savage hulk...he thinks but in the form of 120lb bruce banner. The Green Savage Hulk is the most powerful.

    The hulk has fought heros and villans as strong, or stronger than Superman, Thor is one. He's also fought Cyber and Apocolypse at the same time when he was the war hulk. Cyber (had adamantium skin, like wolverines bones) was put out of commision and Apocolypse had to flee. This was just after the Onslaught saga and the Hulk was confused on who was the enemy.

    X-Man, Nathan summers also is more powerfull than the Hulk and Superman. Mr.Sinister genticly made him to be the most powerfull mutant ever, he has "perfect" mutant DNA. He was made to assasinate Apocolypse during the time line "age of apocolypse" but Magneto beat him to it while he was killing Holocaust. Not only is he a more powerfull telapath than Professor X, he is infact more powerfull than the Phonix. He is also a warrior, being able to stand up toe to toe with Apocolypse and Holocoaust who cannot be controled with telepathic powers.

    X-Man is the real winner, but the hulk beats super man.
    You have to read the recent Cable/Deadpool Comic. Nathan has his full powers and decides to destroy all of the weapons on Earth. The Fantastic Four contact Silver Surfer and he fights him. Silver Surfer wins. He burns off half of Cables body.

  5. #85
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I guess I can accept that Silver Surfer could beat him. I mean they say he may be able to even create life. I've read them, they were good issues. I liked how Cable was able to break the surfers board after his powers were unleashed.

    X-man is not Cable though, it gets confusing. They are the same entitiy, but from different time lines. Most of cables power is consumed just to keep him alive because of the legacy virus that runs though him. The legacy virus also keeps him alive, as X-Man is dying...because his body cannot hold his powers in check.

    True though, if anyone can beat X-Man, it would be the silver surfer. All of X-Mans telepathic powers are unleashed though, not contained by anything deadpool has or any legacy virus.

  6. #86
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    X-Man, Nathan summers
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    X-man is not Cable though, it gets confusing. They are the same entitiy, but from different time lines. Most of cables power is consumed just to keep him alive because of the legacy virus that runs though him. The legacy virus also keeps him alive, as X-Man is dying...because his body cannot hold his powers in check.

    True though, if anyone can beat X-Man, it would be the silver surfer. All of X-Mans telepathic powers are unleashed though, not contained by anything deadpool has or any legacy virus.
    You referred to X-Man as Nathan Summers. Nathan Summers is Cable not X-Man. You're getting the two confused. X-Man's name is Nate Grey. Nate Grey does not have the legacy virsus. Cable does.

  7. #87
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    Your thinking of Doc Samson. He's introduced in Incredible Hulk #141 I have it hanging on my wall next to Incredible Hulk #181, the first comic wolverine was ever in.

    The grey hulk is smarter, and more clever, but not as strong as the green savage hulk. THere is also a war hulk which is as smart as bruce banner, but if he gets too bad, he reverts to the savage hulk...he thinks but in the form of 120lb bruce banner. The Green Savage Hulk is the most powerful.

    The hulk has fought heros and villans as strong, or stronger than Superman, Thor is one. He's also fought Cyber and Apocolypse at the same time when he was the war hulk. Cyber (had adamantium skin, like wolverines bones) was put out of commision and Apocolypse had to flee. This was just after the Onslaught saga and the Hulk was confused on who was the enemy.

    X-Man, Nathan summers also is more powerfull than the Hulk and Superman. Mr.Sinister genticly made him to be the most powerfull mutant ever, he has "perfect" mutant DNA. He was made to assasinate Apocolypse during the time line "age of apocolypse" but Magneto beat him to it while he was killing Holocaust. Not only is he a more powerfull telapath than Professor X, he is infact more powerfull than the Phonix. He is also a warrior, being able to stand up toe to toe with Apocolypse and Holocoaust who cannot be controled with telepathic powers.

    X-Man is the real winner, but the hulk beats super man.
    You have read a ****load of more comics then me so I bow down. Not fully convinced but it seems like you are right and hulk is the man

  8. #88
    PaRiS2005 is offline Female Member
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    Running through your mind
    I still like batman...I don't care what any of ya'll say...he's my hero

  9. #89
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lol sorry, silly me, Ya i'm thinking Nate Grey.

  10. #90
    Sierra_Breeze's Avatar
    Sierra_Breeze is offline Female Member
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    Wonder Woman, for three (3) reasons! I'll let you guess the get three(3) guesses and the first two (2) don't count!

  11. #91
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    Gotta be Galactus, it took like all the other superheroes to defeat him. Oh yeh this site is pretty useful for clearing up some arguments

  12. #92
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    Gotta be Galactus, it took like all the other superheroes to defeat him. Oh yeh this site is pretty useful for clearing up some arguments
    No, not Galactus. The Fantastic Four manage to beat his ass on a regular basis. If you read the most current story arch they did it again.

  13. #93
    Rob's Avatar
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    superman, no doubt aboot it
    he can just fackin look at you and make you explode god d*mnit

  14. #94
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    superman, no doubt aboot it
    he can just fackin look at you and make you explode god d*mnit
    Not true, Superman is bound by morality that makes him weak. Apollo from The Authority on the other hand, has the same powers as Superman and will kill people from orbit with his eye beams.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Not true, Superman is bound by morality that makes him weak. Apollo from The Authority on the other hand, has the same powers as Superman and will kill people from orbit with his eye beams.
    holy dork

  16. #96
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    holy dork
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    A mega nerd thread
    This thread is not meant for you bigrob33.

  17. #97
    Full Intensity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SplinterCell
    hands down he cannot be killed and unstopable. even Phoenix was badass

  18. #98
    BDTR's Avatar
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    Judging by the current state of Diesels acount and mine, i'd have to say cycleon is the most powerful comic book character.

  19. #99
    mushroomstampr's Avatar
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    the knowwhich1
    I like to say I said apocalypse.....and u cant use cosmic characters like god and chronos and those fools. They are omnipotent immortal and can alter time and reality. And whoever said the silver surfer he was Galactus's bitch and it was only with his insider help could the fantastic four get Galactus not to eat earth but they can't kill him.
    Also, I stopped reading comics when the later X-men series came out with alot of stuff about apocalypse and phoenix but I would say either galactus or apocalypse. With the coolest badass being Venom. And spiderman is a sissy girl who looks like Tobey Maguire

  20. #100
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    HULK of course... It's not logical for him to lose because every time he gets hurt it makes him stronger and therefore unstoppable! HULK allllllllllllllllllllllll the way to the Bank!!!

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