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  1. #41
    PaRiS2005 is offline Female Member
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    Running through your mind
    My mom is 37 and my dad is 59...kinda gross when you think about it. But they don't act their ages at all. They act like kids.

  2. #42
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    My mom turned 59 just over 1 week ago.

    Dont know how old my dad is, dont give a **** about him anyway.

  3. #43
    OSTIE's Avatar
    OSTIE is offline Senior Member
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    Mom - 46
    Dad - 45

    Me - 22
    Brother - 19

    I think that in the era my parents grew up, having kids at a younger age was customary. Now it seems that more people are having kids later once they are financially set. Plus alot more people attend college now, so they dont start families until their late 20's early 30's.

    Personally, I am glad my parents had me when they were in their lower 20's, because they were more hip on the times and I was able to relate to them more. I would want to be in the same position with my kids when I have some, but at the same time, I cannot see myself financially set to have kids until im around 30. Tough question.

  4. #44
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    I don't see myself pulling the "that wasn't allowed back in my day" since pretty much everything goes in our time.

    Thanks for the great always give a lot of time and thought to your replies.

    Who knows what the future holds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sierra_Breeze
    CB, both my parents (who raised me) are now dead, and they were an older couple my dad was 72 when he passed away, mom was 64 when she went. They both had so many issues that far exceeded the old age question.

    As for me, I never really payed any attention to thier age when I was growing up, except for the fact that they refused to see things as they were......Like keeping up with the times!!!

    I was always kept on a very SHORT leash by them, they always used the phrase........."that kind of thing was not allowed back in our day." And, they refused to hear any reasons why it is tollerated and accepted (in what was, this day and age)

    Knowing you only from what I've seen you post on the board I'd say this wouldn't be much of an issue in your case, you're healthy and fit, and deffinately a keep up with the times kinda gal as I'm sure the daddy to possibly be would have to meet those standards as well, so I don't see any reason the child wouldn't have two active, involved parents. No matter the age.

    As parents we have to set ruels, limits, and boundries, for the saftey of the child, we should also keep in mind that this is a totally different generation, and not try and make them conform themselves to the rules and limits we had set for us, as far as the emotional, well being of your kid, having an older this case(not all) I'd say he/she would likely never even give it any hard thought, because you'd simply be mom and dad to him or her.

    Good luck sweetie, with whatever you decide, don't let that tick...tock drive ya nuts girl, those **** biological clocks are a real pain sometimes eh.
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  5. #45
    Rob's Avatar
    Rob is offline Canadian Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaRiS2005
    My mom is 37 and my dad is 59...kinda gross when you think about it. But they don't act their ages at all. They act like kids.
    daddy robbed the cradle eh

  6. #46
    xfade7's Avatar
    xfade7 is offline Member
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    The middle of nowhere.
    hahaha sick

  7. #47
    Sierra_Breeze's Avatar
    Sierra_Breeze is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    I don't see myself pulling the "that wasn't allowed back in my day" since pretty much everything goes in our time.

    Thanks for the great always give a lot of time and thought to your replies.

    Who knows what the future holds.

    You're very welcome Ma'am, I try........

    Just out of my own curiosity CB, may I ask......Did you by any chance have the oppertunity to play with a small child recently?

    The reason I ask is every time I'm in the same room with a sweet smelling, precious little one I get that maternal urge myself. However, when I return back to reality and to my own kids it quickly passes, LOL usually just after my 13 yo daughter shoots off her smart mouth and rolls her eyes at me, yet again.

    Nuttin' like a bit of sassin' to send that urge right out the window.......I'll just wait on grandbabies.........but I'm in no hurry for those either

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