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  1. #1
    getbig888 is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2004

    Essay on steroid use

    i am doing an essay on the use of steroids among teens, adults, and professional ball players.

    I want to argue about how bad steroids are for teens, how steroids can be used with minimal side effects by adults, and how there is no steroid that can make you hit a baseball(although i will be pointing out that either everyone in the league should juice or no one should)

    anyway i can find plenty of info on how bad steroids are and bla bla bla, but i need some articles with research that suggest that at safe dosages steroids can be used to better oneself with minimal sides> it can't just be something talked about on the board i need something documented

    if yall know any articles etc it would help me out alot

  2. #2
    xfade7's Avatar
    xfade7 is offline Member
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    I also am doing a 6 page paper on steroids . But my point of view is "why they should be legalized"... I dont have much yet but am in the process, anyone giving articles would be great help.

    my thesis statement is as follows: Steroids should be legalized because the health risks have been over exaggerated, and the Federal and Sports regulation is unnecesary.

  3. #3
    getbig888 is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2004
    yea xfade, its going to be hard to find resources other than opinions on this board to back up our essays

  4. #4
    xfade7's Avatar
    xfade7 is offline Member
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    i've found a few. one 10 page paper article that says "the health risks of steroid use have been over exaggerated"

    thats gonna be alot of my paper right there. lol

  5. #5
    Rob's Avatar
    Rob is offline Canadian Legend
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    google it, i found tons info on ways where athletes were getting away with stuff when i did my essay

    blood doping, stuff like that

  6. #6
    getbig888 is offline Senior Member
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    man if you could hit me up with that article, it would help out alot xfade

  7. #7
    xfade7's Avatar
    xfade7 is offline Member
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    yea no problem man ill send ya the 5 articles i have.. pm me your email address.

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