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05-05-2005, 11:37 AM #41
Originally Posted by AandF6969
05-05-2005, 11:40 AM #42
yah and next time... maybe try sharing some of that roast.... I mean you may just make some friends there buddy
05-05-2005, 11:41 AM #43
05-05-2005, 11:56 AM #44
Originally Posted by taiboxa
you weren't reading my posts.....
05-05-2005, 12:00 PM #45
aww i skippd that one read the bottom of it! didnt read whole thing...
yeah i usually have my gym bag sittin on my cooler
05-05-2005, 10:09 PM #46
The other day one guy came to me and asked: you are sweating; I can open the window if you are feeling hot!!! I think some of them are gays and others are wannabes. But I like it when girls stare at me or ask me to spot them
05-05-2005, 10:31 PM #47
Originally Posted by dieselrip
05-06-2005, 09:44 AM #48
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I just want to be left alone when I train. I broke my cd player a while back, so now I just keep the headphones in so people will not come up and talk to me until I take them off. They don't even know that the headphones are not attached to anything. Keeps me focused. Train hard!
05-06-2005, 11:48 AM #49
Jerksssssssss Thats All Those People Are... When Im Lifting Heavy Sick Weights, And I Cant Get The Last Rep I Yell Out Of Pain, And Then Im Able To .... And Yet These Asshole Come And Tell Me To Keep It Down>>> Pfffff Hahahahha Mortals... These Guys Dont Know What Pain Is.... If They Did Theyd Be Yelling... Continue The Hard Work Guys!!! Yell And Lift And Push Hard Till U Die!!!! Aint No One Gonna Tell Us Not To Yell...
05-06-2005, 04:24 PM #50
if they hated u theyd tell u smth since ur not that big (even tho fights have nothing to do with size thats wut ppl think)neway its prob admiration or smth u know ppl thinkin this is wut i wanna look like etc.....
who cares bout people neway just go in do ur thing go home eat then ****
05-06-2005, 04:35 PM #51
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Originally Posted by dieselrip
05-06-2005, 10:16 PM #52
i catch people at the gym glimpse at me here and there, but i don't mind it...........looking that good definitely attracts attention...................…...........
05-06-2005, 11:18 PM #53
Originally Posted by dieselrip
05-08-2005, 06:11 AM #54
Originally Posted by abstrack
05-08-2005, 12:53 PM #55
Originally Posted by dieselrip
Did you just fall off a turnip truck or something?
05-08-2005, 01:14 PM #56
Originally Posted by Tock
05-08-2005, 01:39 PM #57
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There was this fat dude in the gym I used to work out at in VB. He would wear a gray kmart sweat suit(you know, the fruit of the loom kind?)w/ a stocking cap, and combat boots. And he would squat every single day. Everyday I went in, I $hit you not, he would be at the power rack squatting a ridiculously low weight. 225 was the most I ever saw him put up, but he would scream his fuking head of with every rep, like he was under 600 lbs., and after every set he would do some dumbell pullovers w/ a 12 or 15lb dumbell, still moaning incessantly w/ every single rep. It was weird, he had a little cronie that he had working out w/ him, that dressed exactly alike, and did the same routine, he just didn't scream as much.
And many times I would go in the locker room after my workout and him and his cronie would be sitting there, talking, butassss naked. Just sitting there talking. That was a little scary! I'm talking shit about the guy, but I gotta thank him because he was a hilarious source of entertainment for me and my training patner. If anyone else here ever worked out at Flex Gym in Virginia Beach, you gotta know who I'm talking about!
So dieselrip!: If that was you.... Thanks Bro!Last edited by alphaman; 05-08-2005 at 01:47 PM.
05-08-2005, 01:46 PM #58
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You know.... I find it interesting that not one chick chimed in, sayin they don't like being stared at. Out of 57 posts. What does that tell ya?
THEY WANT YOU TO LOOK!!! I knew all that tail in the air was on purpose!!
05-08-2005, 02:05 PM #59
People stare at me, not in envy, well maybe, but they are just wondering "who the **** is that guy"
- gym = bad mood
- dont talk to me, or Ill shout something in Vandoolish
- I dont leave way to anyway, get out of my airspace!
- I lift heavy, and do things they wont normally do
- They see me in a sweaters and they think look at that fatso, I get in a thsirt and they are like "damnnnnn his arms and chest are bigger than my house!
- I dont talk to anyone, except my training partner(if I have one!) and the words are simple: **** off, shut the **** off, lift harder damn cunt, another one bitch, let's go eat!
- I go to the gym with my friends, I only talk to them twice, when we arrive I say "later" and when we are leaving "okie im over!"
- I dont watch the hunnies, even if most of the hunnies at my gym would make blush playmates, they think im gay, no im making love to my weight, not eyeing some whores in need of attention!
- I have an attitude problem
- im a sociopatch
and yes many moons ago I noticed people looking at me, and my buddy told me "feck off you spending your time looking at people looking at you than lifting so shut the feck off and lift that fecking bar or ill smash your head with it! Well, he sent me to the ER"
05-09-2005, 06:37 AM #60
whys everyone having a go at dieselrip
has he does something wrong in another thread that i have missed cos as far as i can see he is only expressing his opinion
everyone notices the different type of people at their gym, its human nature
and i have to agree on hating those guys who load up the plates and do half reps
infact there are quite a few types of people i hate at the gym
i've seen whole threads on people airing their hates on this sort of thing
05-09-2005, 09:01 PM #61
Originally Posted by G-Force
when did anyone rip on him?
he gave his opinion we gave ours. was everybody in the thread supposed to get pissed off about "those" type of people also?
To be honest I notice the guy who flares hit lats out, I notice the guy who grunts on every sigle rep even though it is only a 120lbs, I notice the guys in their baggy shirts XXXXXL when they are only a 150lbs wet, I notice all the haters and pople who stare, but I tell you one thing!
I dont give a ****! Plain and simple! It doesnt piss me off, i dont care, I have shit to do, and I am much better person for letting things like that not even bother me because they shouldnt and they dont! comprende amigo?
05-10-2005, 04:19 AM #62
you dont sound like a better person
are you sure they dont p!ss you off cos you seem pretty P1ssed off to me
are you saying you dont get p!ssed off when some 150lb weakling does 10 sets of benches, followed by another 10 of inclines, while your waiting for your turn
or when you ask someone how long there gonna be on a piece of equipment and they reply "erm about half an hour"
or people who sweat all over the equipment, people who dont put the dumbells back, people who drop the weights from a great height, people who smell, people who go around giving wrong advice
i could go on
these people dont irritate you in the slightest bit?
i find that very hard to believe
i am a tolerable guy (most of the time), and i dont concentrate on these people, no fcking way, i let them get on with it, if they want to make a tit out of themselves more power to them
but its a bit fcking difficult NOT to notice them
and from time to time they P1ss me off
but i'll be fcked if its gonna ruin my workout
05-10-2005, 09:09 AM #63
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Originally Posted by G-Force
05-10-2005, 09:13 AM #64
Originally Posted by dieselrip
05-10-2005, 09:33 AM #65
Originally Posted by HeavyHitter
I hate you's!
maybe we could work out together and the fact that I hate you will make me lift harder....
thats not a date either, don't get all sexy on me.
05-10-2005, 10:00 AM #66
Originally Posted by alphaman
i havent got any negativity (for the love of god)
people can do what they want in the gym i find it funny
why would i want to join another gym?
i like my gym, even if i hated everyone in there (which i dont) i would continue to train there because of the quality of equipment, i know i can get a good workout there.
that is all i'm concerned with, i dont go there to socialise
all i am sayin is that i can empathise with diesel and i dont see why everyone was ripping on hm, saying he doesnt concentrate enough on his own workout, or he should join another gym
thats rubbish - how can you not notice these people
i doubt he looses sleep over these people and i doubt he lets it ruin his workout
05-10-2005, 11:05 AM #67
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Originally Posted by G-Force
I'm just done talking about the other $hit, as I feel your totally on the wrong page. One last time- Yes we all notice these people, but to start a thread in which you whine because people are staring at you is a total waste of time and energy. It's almost like he's thinking that we'll think he must be really big and tough because he posts such a thread(mad insecure), but obviously it backfired on him. As a matter of fact I guarantee you, people aren't staring at him as much as he says they are, and in turn he probably grits on them like he's gonna beat their azz or something. He needs a good biatch slap, as I'm sure he ain't that tough and he'd probably start crying.Last edited by alphaman; 05-10-2005 at 11:07 AM.
05-10-2005, 11:09 AM #68
Originally Posted by dieselrip
bro let it go one wants to fight u just cause ur working out hard...damn i hate ppl like u that think the world revolves around them
05-10-2005, 11:24 AM #69
Like some of you above, I do not notice when others notice me. I am too busy doing my own thing.
05-10-2005, 04:34 PM #70
im gonna step out on a limb and guess, they are staring at you bc your prolly 195lbs, and staring around at everyone thinkin they are you, plus your prolly giving out a hardass look.... sounds to me like you need to hit up ballys and leave a gym where most normal members will kick your ass for acting like a retard. your making the rest of us, who are actually there to help or workout look thanks
05-10-2005, 04:40 PM #71
Originally Posted by dieselrip
05-10-2005, 08:19 PM #72
Follow my caps because it seems that you are not understandinG a single letter or word i type and no I am not yelling either.
Originally Posted by G-Force
05-11-2005, 04:34 AM #73
Originally Posted by abstrack
geez what is your problem?
YOU sound like the biggest moaner of all. Infact judging by the immaturity of your posts and the fact that you are so quick to criticise others, i wouldnt be at all suprised if you are EXACTLY the "type" of person who throws a girly tantrum everytime someone drops a dumbbell
everyone gets p!ssed off from time to time, its human nature. denying it is lying to yourself. if i get p!ssed off, i deal with it and move on, simple. i dont make an issue out of it. all i was i trying to say is that i thought people were being a bit hard on diesel. thats all
yes he does sound like he has his head up his ass, and by that i mean he appears arrogant but so what?
you cuss him down then you cuss me down, what makes you better than anyone i really have no idea
i think you have got issues buddy, you can cuz on me all you want if it makes you feel better, i couldnt give a flying ****. but i'm not gonna be around to listen, i have a hell of a lot more important things to do with my time
i'm done with this, i've said my bit
see you on another threadLast edited by G-Force; 05-11-2005 at 10:37 AM.
05-11-2005, 06:44 AM #74
ppl should treat the mods with much more respect...
05-11-2005, 07:05 AM #75
happens to me all the time, must be the enormous bulge in the shorts!
05-11-2005, 11:00 AM #76
Originally Posted by Dally
05-11-2005, 11:09 AM #77
Originally Posted by hooker
Leave it up to hooker.
And besides what's wrong with a fag bag?
05-11-2005, 12:14 PM #78
Originally Posted by G-Force
for one thing I have not once cussed at you or anybody else in any of these forums. Getting mad is very petty and a waste of energy. You can make any assumption you please, if it makes you feel better.
The reason I quoted you is because you are still clueless to what I have said in any of my replys. I think it is because you are from a different country and you a younger then me. When you grow up you will realize getting angry over petty stuff is like
05-12-2005, 08:41 AM #79
i like this tread.. we should make it a sticky ... and i think vandoo had best ripost of em all
that or heavy hitter or .. well "FagBag" Was cute too.
05-12-2005, 08:45 AM #80
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Originally Posted by abstrack
Agreed my brutha, agreed.
I got a headache having to see you repeat yourself.
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