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  1. #41
    colossus1's Avatar
    colossus1 is offline Member
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    Reminds me of a story on the news i heard a year or two ago. A woman was driving on the freeway and cut a guy off almost causing him to crash. She started bitching at him so he forced her off the road...blocked her car, jumped out of his and walked to her car. Before she could do anything he reached in, grabbed her dog and through it into oncoming traffic. Yes........he did have me sick but i laughed out loud.

  2. #42
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    How much for a Serb or a Bosnian Muslim

    I don't have much against bosnian muslims though, that whole croatian-bosnian conflict was a game that was played between the 2 nations presidents...

  3. #43
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Seriously a 90lb pit, although he might give me a little nip and here there wouldn't cause me too much trouble. I'd be disappointed in myself if it did. As regards the dog not "tapping out", his bad, because people tap out so they don't get choked out or have limbs/joints broken.

    I can't understand people who say they could kill anothe rhuman being before an animal, that to me is a little twisted.
    LOL how can the dog tap out? I honestly believe that you WOULD be able to take out a dog(only cuz your the Irish GI Joe), me personally... my psychological edge is destroyed the second the dog starts passively looking at me - he really doesnt even have to growl

    You obviously havent been apprehended by the eskimo poilce have you? the standard patrol sled in canada carries 7 blood thirsty, anti-children huskys which all attack with 7 to 1 odds.. we call this the "Minority Stragety" which was adopted from the US Border Patrol in 1971 when every dog in their kennel was released to apprehend one drunk mexican who wondered over the border.... poor son-of-a-btch

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