Kings of the Brotherhood...
Heavyhitter, Dally, NMS, Jantzen, Bigen, and Nark

**Honorary king shall be SC at all times... for he is one of AR's true leaders

Generals of army: Meso, Matrix and CBarbi: all tactics of combat must be passed by them first. (CBarbi is in charge of all female battles)

*Please decide who will be your top assassins* (only two)

Judge/Motivational Leader: Determines right from wrong and has final say!

Personal guard for Kings/Fluff boy/Water boy/: Justin Sane

Sexual & Obscene Assassin: Dally Will defend our bruthahood from any obscene/dirty/nasty sexual attacks.

Female Perfectionist/Lover/Playa etc: Of course me!! nuff said lol

Brotherhood Queen: ttu princess and will have a highly respected opinion on everything w/ no critiques or rebuttles.

Bruthahoods Prize Possesions: Paris & PLP: Feet will be kissed as long as they stay beautiful and flirty. (Note: are allowed to be as flirty as you want)

Brotherhoods Prime Instigater: Cruisecontrol. When we feel like peckin a fight... we send him in. **This is temporary and can be promoted to higher ranking

Brother Party animal/Entertainment Leader (CPO Chief Party Officer) Co2boi

Special Forces: *until specific name specified*

Rex357: Squad leader

Will my Kingmen please confirm my list and offer/make any changes if necessary...

**First Objective coming up for Brutherhood: Attack Decadbol at all costs.

ohhh and by the way.... i like BrothARhood... for our name!!!