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  1. #1
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    personal trainers?

    Is anyone here currently in a fitness program or have gone through a health and fitness program in college? i think this is what i want to do i originally wanted to do landscaping but im having a change of heart and i want to focus on my main interest..working out

    so if anyone has input on how hard it is or the job placement comment please im very interested

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's a field occupied by MANY.

    As far as what degree, certifications, etc., this is all dependent upon where you want to work, what exactly you wish to do, who you want to work for, etc. I'd encourage you to work for YOURSELF in this field.

    I do, and I'd NEVER work for someone else. It's harder at first, but once you get your name out, people know you, you have many references and proof in yourself and before/afters pics of clients, etc., then it takes off like a 747.
    Such was the case w/myself anyhow.

    Good luck!


  3. #3
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    yeah i really want to get into this field and thats the way that most businesses go..where did you graduate from if you dont mind me asking...i appreciate the advice man

    how tough was it to thinkin about a state college for a bachelors degree

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Well, I graduated from Cal State Monterey Bay with a degree in English/Humanities. I took nutrition courses in JC and in the 4 year school, but that wasn't really because I wanted to do this. I was anorexic before JC, and I wanted to learn more about foods/health/etc.

    It wasn't until after my bodybuilding shows/wins/national qualification, that I thought about helping others. The way I parlayed this onto the Internet though, shit, I couldn't have done it if I planned it that way, it just kind of happened and I realize God had a plan for me and this is what I was truly meant to do. I have my certification through ACE and IFA, but I was doing this before I had any of those. THAT is a perk of being your own boss. When you walk around at 6% bodyfat and 230 lbs. lookin' lean/mean, people understand that you know WTF you are talking about. I only got certified to add validity to those who "have to know" if you are certified, because I just like to cover all bases.


  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    usually getting "CERTIFIED" Is a joke.. i know both of mine were pay 300-600 bux go through a course take a test if u fail OMG u must not be able to read.. and if u pass gj ur going to be fighting to make back that 600 bux unless you already got some contacts or are a good car sellsman

  6. #6
    Sage's Avatar
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    use this board as your cliff notes.

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    usually getting "CERTIFIED" Is a joke.. i know both of mine were pay 300-600 bux go through a course take a test if u fail OMG u must not be able to read.. and if u pass gj ur going to be fighting to make back that 600 bux unless you already got some contacts or are a good car sellsman
    Yes, it is a joke because half of those who get certified are out of shape.

    The other half can't communicate properly to attain clients.

    So, be your OWN BOSS and be the "Ultimate Hustler" as I like to say, in a GOOD sense of the word HUSTLE. You are helping people, but the HUSTLE is the non-stop work in getting your name/service/rep out there. That is what HUSTLE means.

    So, you can HUSTLE and make your OWN job, you don't need any fancy certification or degree. Just know your shit, look like you know your shit, and then find a way to get exposure.


  8. #8
    SHAOKAHN is offline Member
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    I agree with looking the part...for that matter BEING the part.

    I also love the idea of working out of your own site, but I guess I don't understand how you would apply any real "hands on" training...sure the process of laying out a diet plan would be easy (for lack of better words trust me) online,...but the actual lifting aspect? how can form and function explained through that route?

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i kan hustle all i want in my area and blamo NO LUCK kuz no one around HERE wants to get in shape LOL
    oh well back to selling lemonaid

  10. #10
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    It's a field occupied by MANY.

    As far as what degree, certifications, etc., this is all dependent upon where you want to work, what exactly you wish to do, who you want to work for, etc. I'd encourage you to work for YOURSELF in this field.

    I do, and I'd NEVER work for someone else. It's harder at first, but once you get your name out, people know you, you have many references and proof in yourself and before/afters pics of clients, etc., then it takes off like a 747.
    Such was the case w/myself anyhow.

    Good luck!

    Excellent respose, I managed a couple of Ballys and pt's didn't make shit. You have to do your own thing to get ahead in life, don't be the sheep, be the wolf. That's why I quit there and got my "own" thing.

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Just know your shit, look like you know your shit, and then find a way to get exposure.~SC~
    I honestly would not hire a trainer that was not in amazing shape, being in shape can only boost your client base IMO.

    It does'nt take a genius to figure out who i will hire if i see two trainers at a gym and one is big and cut up and the other is 140lbs soaking wet but "cut".

  12. #12
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    So is ACE and IFA the best certs to have..i am seriously contemplating getting a cert.

  13. #13
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    There are no "best" ones really. Reason is, one business may deem a certification credible, while another location thinks it's sub-par. There really is no "one" correct way to go about it.


  14. #14
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    ACSM is i believe the biggest certification, I am studying to get my CSCS, I think it is through the NSCA. These two I was told were the most stellar of the "certifications" you can get. Correct me if I am wrong swole. to accompany these I will have a degree in phys ed/health/ and a minor in exercise physiology. Swole how do you suggest I get my name out in a city that is a much smaller than say L.A or NYC. possibly a quarter of the size. (I'm guessing because I do not know the pop. of either of the two.)

  15. #15
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    i'm going to school to become personal trainer,nutritionist now and it's alot harder than i thought it was gonna be.

  16. #16
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    The area I live in has a lot of wealthy people in it, and they look for "certification" over most other things. They of course, like most people, want someone who has experience, knows the field, and has a great appearance/physique.

    What types of certifications are the best to look into?

  17. #17
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Hulkster provided the ones that are usually accepted by most.

    As far as getting your name/biz out there, I'd go to local gyms, take out ads in the paper, put flyers up @ colleges, etc.

    It takes time to get exposure and some beating of the pavement. However, once you do the hard work, after a few years, you just sit back, workout, eat, train, train others, collect and stash cash.

    Good luck to all of you!


  18. #18
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Hulkster - I own a few businesses myself, and personal training is just something I would like to look into for a "side" profession.

    I know your question was directed to SC, but just some of my thoughts in regards to promotions:

    1. Word of mouth
    2. Business cards
    3. Go to your local gym, become friends with the owner, work out a deal that will benefit both parties.

    Those three should get you started.


  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    i'm going to school to become personal trainer,nutritionist now and it's alot harder than i thought it was gonna be.
    It's ironic because people think that the hard part is getting certified.

    It's not...

    It's what you do once you ARE certified. It's like any career really, when you leave college w/your degree you are never guaranteed a job. Job placement assistance and things of that nature help, but when you are looking to be your OWN boss, it's even harder.

    You have to really want it, live it, breathe it, shit it, throw it up, eat it again, etc. No time for sleep, just take naps until you have it all in order.


  20. #20
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Hey SC - for myself and others; how much is an average rate to charge someone to train? And is it done per session, per hour, or otherwise?


  21. #21
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    In person, it's usually per hour but that hour is a "session".

    However, you can work with weekly rates (which include how many hours/days a week basically), it's just another way of offering packages. You can offer discounts up-front for more time purchased. That is what I do, as usually people are in it for the long haul, or at least, you encourage them to be!

    I no longer train in person though, all of my work w/the exception of the actor in L.A. who pays for everything monthly when I go, is done on the Internet. I have been paid to fly and train 2 other people, but they were rich and that was something I could not turn down even though I am very skeptical of traveling to work w/people these days. You just "never know" what you are getting into.

    Eventually when I get into more things in L.A. like acting/modeling/etc. (what I am working at now) I may train other actors and people down there in person, but they have to come with some major cash at that point in time.



  22. #22
    LAGMuXle's Avatar
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    Thanks, good luck with everything. You sound like you are heading in a good direction training actors, models, etc. The demand will never die for that.

  23. #23
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    It's ironic because people think that the hard part is getting certified.

    It's not...

    It's what you do once you ARE certified. It's like any career really, when you leave college w/your degree you are never guaranteed a job. Job placement assistance and things of that nature help, but when you are looking to be your OWN boss, it's even harder.

    You have to really want it, live it, breathe it, shit it, throw it up, eat it again, etc. No time for sleep, just take naps until you have it all in order.

    I see exactly what your saying Swole I was planning on moving to Arizona this summer and trying to get on some big gym and see how that goes not even close to thinking about owning my own business yet and yes i'm serious i thought school for this would have been easier than what it is but oh well since I want it bad enough I will succeed.

  24. #24
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    I see exactly what your saying Swole I was planning on moving to Arizona this summer and trying to get on some big gym and see how that goes not even close to thinking about owning my own business yet and yes i'm serious i thought school for this would have been easier than what it is but oh well since I want it bad enough I will succeed.
    Arizona is close to Cali, so if I can ever help ya in any way, let me know.


  25. #25
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    Thanks, good luck with everything. You sound like you are heading in a good direction training actors, models, etc. The demand will never die for that.


  26. #26
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I guess i will have to check and see what Certification is good for this particular area.

  27. #27
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Arizona is close to Cali, so if I can ever help ya in any way, let me know.

    Thanks SC much appreciated.

  28. #28
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks everyone..I am definetly going to be pursuing a career in this

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