Originally Posted by
Mike Dura
The blood was in the water. I think the stool was black but I didn't examine it for too long because I started feeling that twilight feeling as beeds of sweat started forming on my brow. When I was out (I fainted) I could hear these whispering voices but couldn't make out a clear message. Maybe it was a voice from "beyone the wood" saying, "Go See A GI Man!" I was at my brothers place and he found me on the floor making what he described as a "suckng sound" with frothing at the mouth. Isn't that appe****g? This whole thing has freaked me out. A doc on call said he thought I should go to the emergency room but by the time he got back to me(he called me two hours after my first call) it was 1:30 am. This morning I had no blood. It's scary stuff. Never happened before. I just completed a horrific 6 week cycle of superdrol - 2 weeks at 30mgs, 2 weeks at 20, and 2 weeks at 10 mgs and just started pct with 60 mgs of nolva which I'm cutting back to 20mgs. I say horific because the sides really fatigued me. I'm hard pressed to believe this GI thing is due to superdrol. Besides, I've also had chronic diarhea for over two years. Maybe it's a pollup. Then again, it could be cancer. That would really suck. Well, we'll see what happens monday.