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  1. #1
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
    Nate_Dog is offline Member
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    Heros at the gym ?? God I dislike them!

    I was at the gym today.

    There were these wankers on a Hi-row machine. And they had it staked to the max. BUT they were getting HEAPS of trunk flexon and hence cheating there ass off. NOT ONLY THAT - but they were moving the weight so quickly, I cant see how it was to encourage hypertrophy. What happened to a slow speed of movement and getting a decent time under tension?

    So when they finished there,... they decide to migrate to right near where I was doing DB pressed. They choose deadlifts as there next exercise of choice. So they racked up 4x45 pounders either side. I watched their form and IT WAS SCARY. 1 of the lamers was getting so much movement at the trunk.... I am scared to think how his erector spinae will feel tomorrow or how long it will be until this joker seriously injures him self.

    WELL I JUST WANT TO HAVE A BITCH. I just get tired of how many loud show pony morons there are that are attracted to weights. Makes me want to open my gym and screen the members.

    Does anyone else have idiots like this in their gym?

  2. #2
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    They're everywhere bro, just wait till they injur themselves and then they will be out of your hair for at least a couple of weeks. The gym at now doesn't have any of the shit, but then again it's pretty small. Next time laugh at them and say "Is that all you're going to do?" Then they'll get pissed and rack more up and really fuck themselves up.

  3. #3
    Butch is offline Anabolic Member
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    How about the guys that think they know everything. I have this one guy at my gym that always insist on telling how to do things. He's some fool that lost about 118 pounds and thinks he is a fitness trainer. He's in there telling the high school kids how do certain exercises. He pisses me off. And he always stands in front of me talking while I have my headphones on...dumbshit. You know i can't hear you.

    Sorry I had to vent, Nate you got me started.

  4. #4
    jeffylyte's Avatar
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    when i was going to the gym, i would just turn my headphones up so loud that nobody would bother me. other pet peeves of mine: yellers, no need to let the world know your doing weights. and the biggy. people to hog equipment and talk to each other rather than lift. If 8 of you are gonna lift, then lift. Otherwise shut the fuck up and leave.

    This is why I layed out the 3 grand and bought my own equipment. No need to worry about jackasses like that.

    btw Nate. I lift quite fast (at least on the concentric) cause I use compensatory acceleration. Of course my negatives are normal speed. some people lift fast for a reason. You can usually spot us though cause we also have a tendancy to do other stuff like power cleans, jump squats, plyos,...

  5. #5
    rexflexall is offline Associate Member
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    my favorite thing is when i go into the gym 4 times a week for months at a time and see the same people for the same months in the upper body section. i find myself purposely trying to find these one guys every time i go in there to see if maybe they figured out that they have a lower body, but no luck. i guess these guys never wear shorts?

  6. #6
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Idiots are everywhere--in the gym, in the bars, on the street.

    I just say "Let darwin's principle of natural selection go to work."

  7. #7
    Nate_Dog's Avatar
    Nate_Dog is offline Member
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    Originally posted by jeffylyte
    btw Nate. I lift quite fast (at least on the concentric) cause I use compensatory acceleration. Of course my negatives are normal speed. some people lift fast for a reason. You can usually spot us though cause we also have a tendancy to do other stuff like power cleans, jump squats, plyos,...
    I dont have a problem if you throw the weight up with good form and emphasize the eccentric phase. I kid you not Speed of movement was 1 sec on the eccentric, no hold, 1 second on the concentric. But these fools were doing neither. But they were getting no negs just making noise. Acting cool. Well at least they thought they were cool. Actually I think it was less the movement speed (yes less then 1 second either way).... and NO I AM NOT JOKING.

    Someone commented on people making noise, even thought I am quiet I dont mind if people make a bit of noise when they are busting there ass.
    But these lamers were just being heros. Walking around talking about their pump in their lower back. Hell no wonder their lower back was killing... getting a curve in the spine while deadlifting can do that.... OUCH!

  8. #8
    testprop's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Vegas Kid
    They're everywhere bro, just wait till they injur themselves and then they will be out of your hair for at least a couple of weeks. The gym at now doesn't have any of the shit, but then again it's pretty small. Next time laugh at them and say "Is that all you're going to do?" Then they'll get pissed and rack more up and really fuck themselves up.

  9. #9
    jonesmeister's Avatar
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    theres a bloke at the gym where me and my bro train, and he does squats builds up to 2 -45s either side and how he manages to do that without his back exploding i dont know cause he doesnt squat he sort of have spuats and half good mornings with it and the weight is not on his trps , but alot lower, this bloke is just asking for trouble, but he strutts about like the goddamn king of the gym so im just gona let him get on with it!

  10. #10
    demetri's Avatar
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    This gym that I used to train at years ago had a couple of clowns that would come in, we called them Nim and Rod.

    They would get kicked out of my gym for being ass wipes and then get kicked out of the only other gym in town so they would crawl back and beg the owner to let them train.

    They were a couple of skinny kids and they would try to do 3x 45s each side on the bench. It would take both of them to lift it off (IMO if you can't lift it off you should not be doing the weight), it would come down hard on the chest and do a huge bounce and then it would take both of them to get it up ... all on the first rep. They would then try to get 3 or 4 more reps.

    It was the same with other exersises, and I've never heard so much banging on the machines. Leg extensions were funny, they would help each other on the extension and then crash, that weight would come down so fast. The owner would then come out and give them shit.

    Those guys were always good for a laugh and a lesson of what not to do in the gym.

  11. #11
    demetri's Avatar
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    What really gets me in the gym isn't so much the heros but the tools that always have to stand in front of you when you're doing something heavy. They can pick anywhere to stand but they have to wait until after you just started your set and then just stand in front of you.

  12. #12
    Pete235's Avatar
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    I'm lucky in the sense that I train at a gym where the are literally no jack offs. Everybody is respectable and friendly, everybody traisn hard, and everybody leaves each other a lone when their working. BTW...I always train in the evening. Now, there are some guys who train in the morning who make me laugh (on the rare winter mornings I go to do cardio). These are the guys who do the same 8 exercises everyday (all differen't body parts) use terrible form, use the exact same weight every day and then bitch because they're not growing. I read once that "ignorance is doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results" I feeel like walking up to these guys and saying "It's called the principle of variation Slapnuts....look into it!!!!"

  13. #13
    Dark's Avatar
    Dark is offline New Member
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    YES bro ! These clows are everywhere ! Here in Turkey Istanbul as well ! I think instead of getting mad to them we should feel sorry to them. By the way; a good one from me ; One of those Clowns tried to give my buddy ALEVOK ( he is also a member of AR) advice. The asshole was also quite a skinny m.fucker. My buddy Alevok just pretend like he did not hear him. which made the clown more pissed off. I think that should be the way to handle these idiots. Headphones are also a good solution ( Butch thank you for reminding )

  14. #14
    Pete235's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dark
    One of those Clowns tried to give my buddy ALEVOK ( he is also a member of AR) advice. The asshole was also quite a skinny m.fucker.
    I know!!! I have nothing against thin guys especially when I see them busting their ass in the gym to get bigger, but when Joe Toothpick who has the worst form in the world and never does more than one set per exercize walks up and says "You should try this exercise or that will make you bigger" I feel like saying "Will I get as big as you?" I mean c'mon....I'm not the biggest or best shaped guy around, but I think I look like I know what I'm doing!

  15. #15
    demetri's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Pete235
    but when Joe Toothpick who has the worst form in the world and never does more than one set per exercize walks up and says "You should try this exercise or that will make you bigger"
    That's no different than Joe Expert at the local supplement shop who tries to tell me what protein to buy. He looks me dead in the eye and says that he has had great gains off of it. In the last two years I've never seen him make any gains.

  16. #16
    jeffylyte's Avatar
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    damn pete you look pretty big to little ole me. another pet peeve i must say (and its usually the same a-holes that do all that other crazy stuff.) is the weight droppers. now im not talking those who get stuck on occasion or are in a bad position. but the f'ers who feel the need to drop handweights from 5 feet off the floor while doing flat presses or something. the damn weights go bouncing halfway across the gym. i can feel the concrete groaning from the abuse.

    watch the toes!

  17. #17
    demetri's Avatar
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    Originally posted by jeffylyte
    the f'ers who feel the need to drop handweights from 5 feet off the floor while doing flat presses or something. the damn weights go bouncing halfway across the gym.
    OK I'll admit that I'm one of those .... though its only two feet off the ground but damn it those dumbbells get pretty heavy and when I'm burnt the gosta go somewhere.

    My gym has a no dropping of the weights policy. I don't think that I'm abusing anything. I'd rather let gravity handle a couple of feet than injure myself. That's why they bought the drop mats. Its not like a freakin china store.

  18. #18
    sav22's Avatar
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    I have some of the same problems at my gym but the thing that gets to me are the guys that go who don't lift and just stare at the ladies! I mean why spend money on a membership when you can go to a strip-joint for no cover. Blows my mind! Plus the ladies are already probably the minority at the gym so they have to deal with that, so they probably don't want to see out of the corner of their eye some pervert checking them out and I don't want him wasting the gym space!
    These guys have definately got to get a new hobby instead of wasting our time.

    Thanks I really needed that.

  19. #19
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Butch
    How about the guys that think they know everything. I have this one guy at my gym that always insist on telling how to do things. He's some fool that lost about 118 pounds and thinks he is a fitness trainer. He's in there telling the high school kids how do certain exercises. He pisses me off. And he always stands in front of me talking while I have my headphones on...dumbshit. You know i can't hear you.

    Sorry I had to vent, Nate you got me started.
    That is so funny, wither we work out at the same gym...or I have a dude that is the same way!!! Hahaha Funny

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