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Thread: Rant thread!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere

    Rant thread!!!!!!!!

    There is a lot of people on here having a rant lately so i thought id make this thread to save space elswhere.

    Il start :

    I fu*kin hate it when I go to a job interview like the one yesterday and the ask stupid dumbass questions, like "why do you want this job???"

    Like fu*king dur!!! I need the fu*king money. Why else do I want a job....cos i want to eat like a mother fu*a and cant do that as good whilst unemployed.

  2. #2
    Why should we hire you?
    What makes you better than anyone else?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Why should we hire you?
    What makes you better than anyone else?
    there the exact frigging questions. There is no right or wrong answer cos in all truth everybody that applied for the job would have matched to ctiteria for it otherwise we wouldnt of bin shortlisted would we.

    I cant exactly say "oh well hire me cos im the greatest and al them other fu*kers outside are a waste of space"

  4. #4
    I stumbled over the questions and gave shitty, repetitive responses and I still got hired..oh well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    one of the interviewers had a great set of tits and a nice ass. Hope she didnt notice me staring .lol even if i dont get the job it was worth it to see her bend down in front of

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i hate my roomate for sleepin so long, cause i have to tip toe around till 2pm
    i hate early classes mon. wed. fri. cause the good nights to go out during the week are tues. thurs.
    i hate not gettin laid when i want
    i hate the asshole who talked shit to me after i cut in front of him.
    this is all i have for now...

  7. #7
    My roommate takes fvckin naps in the middle of the day too. I used to be gay cuz he was a bitch to me so when I would make food I would clang stuff around. BUT his alarm goes off every morning and its LOUD and he NEVER wakes up. I think he is actually awake he just lets it stay there. And its the "siren" ringtone on his phone. SOO annoying. THEN the mexican station will go off on his alarm/radio both are going off loud as fvck and he just lets them go off. The other day I just turned both off and he was like..dude i missed my classes did u turn my alarm off? I was like yeah..WTF do u set ur alarm if u dont wake up? To wake me up so I wake u up? ahhhhhh

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    i hate my girls gf's.. their the worst

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    My roommate takes fvckin naps in the middle of the day too. I used to be gay cuz he was a bitch to me so when I would make food I would clang stuff around. BUT his alarm goes off every morning and its LOUD and he NEVER wakes up. I think he is actually awake he just lets it stay there. And its the "siren" ringtone on his phone. SOO annoying. THEN the mexican station will go off on his alarm/radio both are going off loud as fvck and he just lets them go off. The other day I just turned both off and he was like..dude i missed my classes did u turn my alarm off? I was like yeah..WTF do u set ur alarm if u dont wake up? To wake me up so I wake u up? ahhhhhh
    haha, thats funny same shit over here...if its before 11 i'll be quiet. but from then on im like **** it, i'll be bangin shit when i cook old roomate when i dormed had the same annoying ass alarm, that neeeee nerrrrrr neeee nerrrr noise....pissed the everliving shit outa me...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I hate my boss. I'd like to beat his face off walls until his bloody mouth cant even force out a scream anymore. Then I wanna put him in a canoe with a hole in it, a broken paddle, and cup to bail with so he can sail home to quebec...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    dayum bro. u got some hostility...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ya, well, a long story and alot of history between that piece of shit and myself...

    I also want to **** his hot wife. Get pictures of her drinking straight from my bottle, put em up on the inside of his plexiglass window and loctite his door shut..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Im so sick of this ****in chic calling me every ****in night. I just ****in met you bitch. Stop bein so ****in desperate. You call my house every 2 minutes. I cant ****in have 2 minutes to myself after work. I cant even go out to a bar alone WTF. Youve told me twice not to goto the gym and to come see you. No way in hell babe would that ever happen. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thats everything I wanted to say to her just now. TY for listening. Feel much better.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp
    Im so sick of this ****in chic calling me every ****in night. I just ****in met you bitch. Stop bein so ****in desperate. You call my house every 2 minutes. I cant ****in have 2 minutes to myself after work. I cant even go out to a bar alone WTF. Youve told me twice not to goto the gym and to come see you. No way in hell babe would that ever happen. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thats everything I wanted to say to her just now. TY for listening. Feel much better.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Predator
    Ya, well, a long story and alot of history between that piece of shit and myself...

    I also want to **** his hot wife. Get pictures of her drinking straight from my bottle, put em up on the inside of his plexiglass window and loctite his door shut..
    i got ur back bro...oh and i'll take the pics if u need someone for that homo...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I love life. I wish there were no Stds, cause I would **** every bitch rall, i'll be back i got to take a leak.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    My rant for today is this : OLD PEOPLE !!!!.

    Example : A 75 yr old man for which my mother cares for get waited on hand and foot all day long and plays the flail old man. Then next day he decides to go2 pub like he does 5 days out of 7 gets blind drunk and is full of life in the club, dancing about and the life and soul of the party. Gets pi55ed then walks home gets threw the dor n goes to bed. Next day, back to been a frail old man

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    My roommate takes fvckin naps in the middle of the day too. I used to be gay cuz he was a bitch to me so when I would make food I would clang stuff around. BUT his alarm goes off every morning and its LOUD and he NEVER wakes up. I think he is actually awake he just lets it stay there. And its the "siren" ringtone on his phone. SOO annoying. THEN the mexican station will go off on his alarm/radio both are going off loud as fvck and he just lets them go off. The other day I just turned both off and he was like..dude i missed my classes did u turn my alarm off? I was like yeah..WTF do u set ur alarm if u dont wake up? To wake me up so I wake u up? ahhhhhh

    my roomate is much worse, dont get me started

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle

    my roomate is much worse, dont get me started
    thats realy weird i wrote that..ahhh his alarm is going off now i just wanna throw it out the window & hes not waking up

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The Dirty South
    Its the dam tren brother! I have such a attitude! So if I piss you off or act like a complete A-Hole...Just ignore me!!!

    I just jumped some fellow members ass for being natural! I had no right because when I read his post it did not register and I went off...I feel bad...because I may of lost respect and thats not what I want!

    So I appoligize to all!! for my actions...ITS THE TREN I tell you!

    Thank you and have a Great Day

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    my rant 2day is that i just had a job interview. yes it went well then some ass wants me to attend another one at 4pm 20 miles from my house. My problem with that is that 4pm is gym time. wat an ass

  22. #22
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    My roommate takes fvckin naps in the middle of the day too. I used to be gay cuz he was a bitch to me so when I would make food I would clang stuff around. BUT his alarm goes off every morning and its LOUD and he NEVER wakes up. I think he is actually awake he just lets it stay there. And its the "siren" ringtone on his phone. SOO annoying. THEN the mexican station will go off on his alarm/radio both are going off loud as fvck and he just lets them go off. The other day I just turned both off and he was like..dude i missed my classes did u turn my alarm off? I was like yeah..WTF do u set ur alarm if u dont wake up? To wake me up so I wake u up? ahhhhhh
    I am still.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

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