Originally Posted by novastepp
go in and look around for a little bit, make eye contact a few times and when you look at her hold it until she looks away. walk slow and confident because she will be intrigued by you if you are mysterious, she will wonder "what is he looking for? and for whom?" she WILL be interested. stay near her but not close to her. she will UNDOUBTEDLY ask you if you need help finding anything. here is your chance, say something like "ya know what i'm not really shopping... i'm trying to gain a perspective" look her up and down real quick and then say "and you look like the kind of girl who might know this, what is it that keeps relationships like Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas together? I mean he's so old and she's wearing this kind of stuff, like what does he expect from her? He can't honestly look good in something like this..." she will laugh as you point out some dirty lingerie, she will respond with an answer something like i don't know or something vague along those lines. here is your chance to find out anything about her you want. you can follow with... well what does your boyfriend think? or would you laugh at me if i was wearing this? then at some point she will ask what you meant by "you look like the type of girl who..." flatter her with "you are attractive (personal attribute here) and you look like a girl who can take care of herself". then when you chat with her don't forget to use the words attractive, and interesting a few extra times because those will be the two words she remembers about you and if she associates you with attractiveness and being interesting you will have her thinking about you outside of the conversation which will prove to be more important than the first impression (which you nailed anyway). well now that you hopefully haven't been staring at her chest teh whole time it's time to close the small talk. after concluding that Catherine Zeta Jones probably has the worst morning breath ever so she is stuck with Mr. Jones you say something like "well i guess i know the answer to my first question but after talking to you i feel like i don't want to walk out of here without knowing when i might talk to you again" then you ask her to meet you somewhere social and really get to know her. let her talk and you listen *and on a side note whatever she is wearing at this meeting remember some special detail about it, anything will work. A color of earring, a clothing attribute, ANYTHING. and then on your "date" bring up that thing that you liked and she will never forget it. i hope you can get her man. I know you can! let me know how it goes!
wow. how involved is that?! i can't wait to hear what happens....