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Thread: I was hugeee

  1. #1

    I was hugeee

    Well finally I have experienced the effect of Dbol....I had a short workout today of triceps and chest...and the pump as unbelievable...

    I looked myself in the mirror and couldnt believe my eyes....the biggest I have ever been.... my pecs were full and my arms hugge...

    Love it! even though it was water and blood.... I felt like superman...

    Steroids Kick asss heh

    No im not running d's alone

  2. #2
    How long have you been on?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I never got real big pumps from it. Used it for the first just a month or so ago when i started my cycle. And since i never got those pumps i wasnt impressed with it in fact i said to myself that I wasted my money.

    In the 4 weeks I was on it i gained 25lbs. After I stopped weight only goes up a pound or two a week. No doubts in my mind that dbol will give you a hell of a kick start.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    is there a question here? AR LOUNGE material.

  5. #5
    2nd week....and no no question... just pure satisfactionlol

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Serbian_Stallion
    2nd week....and no no question... just pure satisfactionlol
    Dbol blew me up too - I avoid it now becasue of the DHT. Hair started falling out.

  7. #7
    ohh shit.... i didnt even know dbol does that....did u regain the hair back man?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Bay, California
    he didn't he had as much hair as Michael jordan, or George Foremen if I could recall.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    yea man, i just started week 4 of my dbol and i've blown the F up! my strength is insane... and for some reason im not holding any water at all... im actually ripped more than ever... only up 14 lbs in 3 weeks, but im lookin good and strong as hell, so i have no complaints.... can't wait till the test kicks in

  10. #10
    i used dbol for 8 weeks and gaind about 15 pound ..its good stuff man

  11. #11
    whats that?

  12. #12
    whats what? you mean dbol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    good job bro.. its a great feeling.. keep it up

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