Hey - I was wondering what people's opinions are on taking B12 shots...dosage/frequency?
Also, I wanted to know what the difference is between this product and other B12 products? Here is the description:
B12: HUMAN GRADE (Sterile)
30ml at 1000mcg/ml
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of blood corpuscles, nerve sheaths and various proteins. It is also involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism and is essential for growth. Adenosylcobalamin is the coenzyme for isomerization of 1-methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl Co A (an important reaction in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism) and in ribonucleotide reduction (which provides building blocks for DNA synthesis). Reactions involving methylcobalamin include biosynthesis of methionine, methane and acetate. There is evidence that vitamin B12 is required in the synthesis of folate polyglutamates (active coenzymes required in the formation of nerve tissue) and in the regeneration of folic acid during red blood cell formation.
p.s. I posted this in the supplement section as well. Just wasn't sure which one would get a faster response so if you need to delete this from the AR lounge, i understand =)