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  1. #1
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dumbass advice and things you see at the gym

    I'm sure you've be given 'advice' from idiots who think they know everything about lifting.

    here's some i get -
    i asked this guy to spot me on the close grip bench. Itwas a my last set, so the chances are i would get less than 7-8 reps. Afte doing about 6 reps i failed, and the guy jsut watches me struggle! While i was growling i yelled fukin help damit! After this he jsut grabs the bar and rockets it out of my control and reracks it. I had asked him at the beginning to keep the bar going, even if very slowly and stay with me, something which he didn't do AT ALL during the set.
    After the set he has the NERVE to tell me that im holding the bar with my hands too close to each other. I told him it was close grip bench, it emphasizes more tricep than chest. Dumbfounded, he says,' well you should do less weight because if you do more reps you can build more muscle.' I just walked away.
    DO people have to always try to sound smart?

    My friend was using the pec deck the other day when this old guy says,' o why so much weight, you'll get hurt'. WE just smiled shook our heads and carried on with MORE weight. Why do peopel even feel like giving advice when they know it s going to fall on deaf ears because it has absolutely no use whatsoever??

    My friend measured his weight and was a bit unhappy that he was not 200 yet (he has 4 weeks of his cycle left). SO i was telling that he would eventually reach his goal and probably even surpass 200 by the end of his cycle. This girl who overheard this conversation came upto me and asked me why he was trying to gain weight, she thought he wanted to get smaller

    There is a parallel grip attachment which you can use for the lat pulldoan machine. (hammer grip). This old fat woman was using that, but she was standing up and away from teh machine and pulling it down towards her waist. She was also using 20lb weight on the stack. Who tells people to do these things?? Where do they even get the idea from?

    I saw anotehr person doing the calf raises using NO WEIGHT. I don't even see how anyone can think this is useful! Why not just stand up and do it.. you get more weight ANYWAY!

    ive gone to this gym for TWO DAYS and these are the complaints i have about it. I hate this community center gym, next month im going GOld's gym, the membership may be more, but i wont be so appalled at what i see.

  2. #2
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    i had a guy spot me once on db overhead press...the first and second rep he grabbed my wrists and held me down causing more resistance...the first rep i wasnt really sure what he was doing, after the second i put the dumbs down and told him to get the f away from me

  3. #3
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    I've always received good advice from the guys... hand positioning etc... (ahem, at the gym) but my gripe is the girls. I went to a job... a few gyms back and there was this girl - total butterface. She was an x-gymnast and never actually went to the gym to work out although she'd ALWAYS do stretches in the free weight section. I got close enough to her one day and saw that all that flowing block of blonde hair was one big clip on extention, loads of make up and the outfits that couldn't pass for decent underwear. What a hoe!

    OK, I feel better

  4. #4
    Prada's Avatar
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    I always go with known spotters. I rarely use one but if neccessary I go with one that I know.

  5. #5
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was doing rear pulldowns yesterday and this old man like 55 comes up to me and starts to tell me that I'm doing it wrong and that I should stop what I'm doing or else my shoulder was going to pop out.

  6. #6
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
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    I had a guy tell me I should go no further then a 1/4-1/3 squat b/c full squats dont do anymore for you and just hurt your knees and lower back, I told him his lower back wouldnt hurt if he did deads and squatted right

  7. #7
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    i use parrell bar on lat machine standing to do pushdowns for tris >< is that wut she was doing? it works goood!!
    as for calve raises with no weight... maybe had injury.....cuz i was squating bar with no weight after hernia surgery ><

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    the first one with the spotter is classics. I fvkin hate when that happens.

    the other day I'm doing incline bench, and this kid is staring at me as I rest between sets. I make eye contact (cuz i feel him staring), then look away, listening to my music. 30 secs later he's still freakin staring. then he starts walking over. oh, ok I think, maybe he needs a spot. taking my headphones off, he says, "you need a spot, man". wtf, if I needed one I would've asked.
    guess he meant well, but i wasn't going heavy or struggling with the weight, so....

  9. #9
    farrebarre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m
    the first one with the spotter is classics. I fvkin hate when that happens.

    the other day I'm doing incline bench, and this kid is staring at me as I rest between sets. I make eye contact (cuz i feel him staring), then look away, listening to my music. 30 secs later he's still freakin staring. then he starts walking over. oh, ok I think, maybe he needs a spot. taking my headphones off, he says, "you need a spot, man". wtf, if I needed one I would've asked.
    guess he meant well, but i wasn't going heavy or struggling with the weight, so....
    lol maybe he was coming on to you

  10. #10
    farrebarre's Avatar
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    i hate it when really skinny guys try to give u advice. i remember this one guy, he couldnt whey more than 130-140lb. he starts talking like "yeah ive been working out for years, you not doing this right you should do it like this instead" im just staring at the mofo thinking "god damn, if u look like that after all these years, then apparently your the one doing it all wrong". i mean wtf is that shit. i hate skinny ppl, and i hate them even more when they try to gimme advice..

  11. #11
    D7M's Avatar
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    ditto. I think that's what pissed me off more than his offer for help, that he was like 6', 130lbs.

  12. #12
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    LOL @ this thread

    the other night i saw a mother (in her 40's) bring her daughter (who was about 12-13) to the gym and give her 'workout advice' (almost all of it was completly wrong), and forced her through one. - The out-of-shape personal trainers acting consistent and know-it-all about fitness - the newbie workout people which are constantly scrutinizing everyones workout

    Of course, i would say something to these people... but i just dont care enough.

    All the bigger people at my gym have a standard anti-social rule, as little speaking as possable.

  13. #13
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    yesterday i saw some old fat guy(mid 40s id surmise) and 2 younger guys. they were doing push presses in the squat cage. he was groaning and grunting really loud as he pressed up 135lbs. his workout partners followed suit, with less weight but still grunting loud....... all with horrible form. the fat guy urging them on, everytime the weight hit their upper chest i was waiting for them to fall over. then they walked around the gym BS'ing, one of the skinnier guys in a cut off shirt (that annoys me) with some random supplement company name on it. Must have gotten it for free for buying a jug of their protein or something.

  14. #14
    farrebarre's Avatar
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    but the funniest shit still, is when u see really skinny guys wearing tight shirts lol or tank tops, or running around showing off their abs, and by abs i mean they are so skinny and undernourished that their abs show lol

  15. #15
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    It's better when they have a nice farmers tan on their arms, and a backwards hat.

  16. #16
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stunner5000pt
    I'm sure you've be given 'advice' from idiots who think they know everything about lifting.

    There is a parallel grip attachment which you can use for the lat pulldoan machine. (hammer grip). This old fat woman was using that, but she was standing up and away from teh machine and pulling it down towards her waist. She was also using 20lb weight on the stack. Who tells people to do these things?? Where do they even get the idea from? month im going GOld's gym, the membership may be more, but i wont be so appalled at what i see.
    That thing with the fat woman is common. i have seen three woman at my gym do that. They just donnt understand the concept of the excersise. I kinda feel bad when i see that, but at the same time its their own fault for being cheap and not buying a training session with a trainer and thinking resistence training is simple and mindless enough to just go in and copy what other ppl do.

    My little bro was workin out doin warm up sets of weighted dips for 3-4 reps. this kid stares at him(not any bigger than my bro) and says "ha, you can't even do 10 reps?" WHAT KIND OF STATEMENT IS THAT?!
    So my brother, almost speechless, dumbfounded, and amazed at this person's ignorance says "Uh, there are soooo many things wrong with that statement, i can't even begin." which is exactly right! That statemnt is retarded on a number of levels. First of all that kid is assuming ALL programs are the same and all sets have the magic special wonderful flawless number of ten in them, even warm ups.
    Here, i still blame the kid for his ignorance, but i also blame BOZO trainers that have you do 3 sets of ten for all excersises. this idiot trainer that trained me once had me do that. it wasnt until i started working out with a powerlifter and researching high intensity traing that i began training intelligently.

    yeah, im switching to GOLD's too! theres prolly more drug connections there anyway.

  17. #17
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    your bro should tell the kid "if u dont shut the **** up ill kick ur ass ten times"

  18. #18
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    That thing with the fat woman is common. i have seen three woman at my gym do that. They just donnt understand the concept of the excersise. I kinda feel bad when i see that, but at the same time its their own fault for being cheap and not buying a training session with a trainer and thinking resistence training is simple and mindless enough to just go in and copy what other ppl do.

    My little bro was workin out doin warm up sets of weighted dips for 3-4 reps. this kid stares at him(not any bigger than my bro) and says "ha, you can't even do 10 reps?" WHAT KIND OF STATEMENT IS THAT?!
    So my brother, almost speechless, dumbfounded, and amazed at this person's ignorance says "Uh, there are soooo many things wrong with that statement, i can't even begin." which is exactly right! That statemnt is retarded on a number of levels. First of all that kid is assuming ALL programs are the same and all sets have the magic special wonderful flawless number of ten in them, even warm ups.
    Here, i still blame the kid for his ignorance, but i also blame BOZO trainers that have you do 3 sets of ten for all excersises. this idiot trainer that trained me once had me do that. it wasnt until i started working out with a powerlifter and researching high intensity traing that i began training intelligently.

    yeah, im switching to GOLD's too! theres prolly more drug connections there anyway.

    yea you know you should never bash someone for trying even if thats all he could do. your in the gym for a reason, to better yourself, that sort of negative energy doesnt belong in the gym.

  19. #19
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stunner5000pt
    .... I had asked him at the beginning to keep the bar going, even if very slowly and stay with me, something which he didn't do AT ALL during the set. .....

    man i would have laughed and told you to **** off, im not there to do upright rows all day for you or bar babysit. if someone wants me to spot, its all or nothing im not there to dick around. usually, if someone tries to pull that on me (which you werent since you actually did some reps first, but someone that cant get past like 1 or 2 and is trying to do like 8) i usually just let it sit there on them and act confused and then yank it off and rack it. that was one of my gym pet peeves...that and any body within 30 feet of me


  20. #20
    Rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    man i would have laughed and told you to **** off, im not there to do upright rows all day for you or bar babysit. if someone wants me to spot, its all or nothing im not there to dick around. usually, if someone tries to pull that on me (which you werent since you actually did some reps first, but someone that cant get past like 1 or 2 and is trying to do like 8) i usually just let it sit there on them and act confused and then yank it off and rack it. that was one of my gym pet peeves...that and any body within 30 feet of me

    shutup bathgayte

  21. #21
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981

    My little bro was workin out doin warm up sets of weighted dips for 3-4 reps. this kid stares at him(not any bigger than my bro) and says "ha, you can't even do 10 reps?"
    If people said things like that taht would totally ruin my workout... unless i told them off or hit them with the plate i was dipping

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