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  1. #1
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Exclamation My Female Friend needs Your HELP! plz


    ok heres the issue firstly
    she is 24? i dunno she is younger than me but went to school w/ me and is HOT, and only eats like fish, veggies and health food. but anyways lately she has been missing alot of class lately because she says her heart has been hurting (sharp pains inside left side of her chest i believe)e? she has UBER NIGHT SWEATS she says that are like my Tren Sweats if not worse! she wakes up in the middle of the night w/ an outrageous cramp down the side of her back from neck to but and its not pulsating like a spasm but is a CRAMP that just holds. she has gone to the doc many times they have done tons of test on her and they think it is hormonal.

    there was like 5 of us studying together (her included) when she told me this, one of them has been doing surgeory and working at a podiatrice clinci for 3 years now under his uncles supervision and he is brilliant when it comes to medical stuff but the only advice he could give is "Hormones eh? THATS RIGHT DOWN TAI's ALLY!" well i was at a loss and after some weird questions, here are the responses i got

    Have you noticed any water retention of puffyness in any areas? Nope none.

    Has your sex drive increased or decreased in past 6 months? Yes it has decreased but that is becuse i dont like my boyfriend. (good for tai!)

    Have you experienced any tenderness in your breast at any point in the month? Nope none

    Any size reduction or increase in breast or other body fat? Nope same'o same'o

    Any changes in mood, i.e. anger or agitiation? I have become depressed even more than usual. doc said it could be possibly related to stress.
    (she works 2 jobs and goes to school full time)

    thats all i got right now but if anyone can SHINE any light on this especially from personal experience i would be GREATLY APPRECIATIVE! because she is HOT, i had huge crush on her in highschool, and she shot me down when i asked (actually stopped talking to me for a while after i "Accidently" beat da krap outta her old boyfriend"

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Tai, have the Doc's done any hormonal screens to see where her levels are at ?

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Tai, have the Doc's done any hormonal screens to see where her levels are at ?
    i think they pulld blood work and i kant remmber but her test is ok i remember that but thats all i think she got
    my gf doesnt let me talk to her much anymore since she found out i had a crush on her in highschool ><

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    To be honest if those levels are normal it sounds a bit more sinister to me. Those are some pretty weird symptoms. I would be seeking a 2nd medical opinion if I was her.

  5. #5
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    What medications does she currently take? Any?

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    To be honest if those levels are normal it sounds a bit more sinister to me. Those are some pretty weird symptoms. I would be seeking a 2nd medical opinion if I was her.
    she is.. she is doing everything she can
    getting reffered to another specialist or something i not too sure on it. but yeah VERY INNISTER indeed

  7. #7
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Also has her stress level increased? any chance she is having panic attacks at nite?

  8. #8
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    is she drinking enough water?

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Also has her stress level increased? any chance she is having panic attacks at nite?
    see never thought of panic attacks at night. yes i believe it has increased
    she just bot new house w/ her mother, ontop of the 2 jobs and school and i guess bf problems i dunno realy know to much i try not to pry.

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    is she drinking enough water?
    yeah, she is quite the lil health freak as far as diet/water/stuff goes

    she kinda a blond version of you

  11. #11
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    see never thought of panic attacks at night. yes i believe it has increased
    she just bot new house w/ her mother, ontop of the 2 jobs and school and i guess bf problems i dunno realy know to much i try not to pry.
    Panic attacks can play havock on you body and don't always come when you think your stressed out.

    I have only ever gotten them at night (way back when i was in university), when you would think my stress levels would be low..

    Sometimes your mind is thinking evenwhen your not aware of it and at night, issues or stuff your worried about can manifest even bigger

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Panic attacks can play havock on you body and don't always come when you think your stressed out.

    I have only ever gotten them at night (way back when i was in university), when you would think my stress levels would be low..

    Sometimes your mind is thinking evenwhen your not aware of it and at night, issues or stuff your worried about can manifest even bigger
    Neat, i never thought of that... but it is true and could be a very plyable possibility here. thanks bossette

  13. #13
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Time for some ROID MAN NINJA SKILLZZ

    SAVe teh princess live happily ever after???

  14. #14
    RA's Avatar
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    My wife used to have the same thing. She would have chest pains so bad she would stop in the middle of the grocery store and couldn't move until it went away.

    It was directly related to stress. Certain factors/issues came up again and she started to get the pains again but now has not had one in a long time.

  15. #15
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    I think it is stress and panic attacks as mizfit said. I was diagnosed with GAD (General anxiety disorder) and al of the symptoms are the same. You mind can be thinking of things subconciously and be reaking havoc on the body. I was presrcibed Lexapro and it worked great. I am actually about to go back on a low dose of 5mgs a day.

    Stress and anxiety can cause all of these symptoms and can be very bad. I would have her ask her DR about GAD and see what he says. My symptoms were so bad that I thought my heart was jammed up and limbs went numb ect. It was all attributed to cramming in school and working two jobs ect.

  16. #16
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    other anxiety meds include buspar (not a benzodiazepine)- Very light and actually doesn't work in alot of ppl and takes longer to actually feel the affects.


    Ativan (Lorazepam)

    Clomazapam too

    I'm sure there r tons more
    Last edited by Mizfit; 05-08-2006 at 09:59 AM.

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    thanks all

  18. #18
    MinkyGirl's Avatar
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    I'd definately say its anxiety or panic attacks. I started having bad chest pains shortly after I started working and going to school full-time. I always got them in the late evening when I thought I was winding down. . It felt like someone was prying my ribs apart. The doctors could never figure out what it was, and just chalked it up to me pulling a muscle. (I had to go to the emergency room at least a dozen times and never had any tests show something physically wrong--ekg's, blood tests, etc.) When I picked up a second job I started having insomnia and the pain was more frequent and intense. I got assigned to a new primary care physician who sent me to a psychatrist. The shrink put me on Ritalin and Wellbutrin, and everything was great. After I dropped the 2nd job, and cut back on classes (I had been taking 18-21 hours a semester), I dropped the Wellbutrin and never had another attack.

    I've never known any guys who have had these feelings, but quite a few of my girlfriends have had something like this happen at some point in their lives. (Birth of 1st child, promotion at work, etc.) I think its because we internalize so much stuff, that when we 'relax' it rebounds on us all at once.

  19. #19
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinkyGirl
    I'd definately say its anxiety or panic attacks. I started having bad chest pains shortly after I started working and going to school full-time. I always got them in the late evening when I thought I was winding down. . It felt like someone was prying my ribs apart. The doctors could never figure out what it was, and just chalked it up to me pulling a muscle. (I had to go to the emergency room at least a dozen times and never had any tests show something physically wrong--ekg's, blood tests, etc.) When I picked up a second job I started having insomnia and the pain was more frequent and intense. I got assigned to a new primary care physician who sent me to a psychatrist. The shrink put me on Ritalin and Wellbutrin, and everything was great. After I dropped the 2nd job, and cut back on classes (I had been taking 18-21 hours a semester), I dropped the Wellbutrin and never had another attack.

    I've never known any guys who have had these feelings, but quite a few of my girlfriends have had something like this happen at some point in their lives. (Birth of 1st child, promotion at work, etc.) I think its because we internalize so much stuff, that when we 'relax' it rebounds on us all at once.

    So they think you has Attention deficit thats what the ritalin was for?

  20. #20
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    it does sound kinda like a anxiety problem...GET SOME XANAX TAI

  21. #21
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARLOW
    it does sound kinda like a anxiety problem...GET SOME XANAX TAI
    dood XANAX MAKES ME MEAN.. like uber hateful mean kuz i just dont kare about anything or wanna be around anyone 2bars owns me in the HATE department

  22. #22
    TinTin78's Avatar
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    I would take her to a good healer, this sound like pure energy blocks from surpressed emotions.

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    I would take her to a good healer, this sound like pure energy blocks from surpressed emotions.
    im more a taichi person

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