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  1. #81
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    Have you ever seen a v. large dog post neuter? They remove the balls but leave the skin... and it's like a 6" long pancake hanging between their legs

  2. #82
    stee is offline Member
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    thats sick!!

  3. #83
    stee is offline Member
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    and cruel!!

  4. #84
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Alex*
    i 'd make one.

  5. #85
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temptation
    Ironically enough when I started the thread Animal Planet was on in the background and they said that verbatum... so unless you can prove otherwise then you're
    I used to keep piranhas, I have books on piranhas and they can most definitely see, mine used to swim around all excited as I approached the tank with food. They, like all fishes, cannot hear per se but they have what is called a "lateral line" running down their bodies that picks up vibrations which for all intents and purposes in the same as hearing.

    "Their eyesight and sense of smell is extremely well developed as well as their ability to pick up vibrations in the water. These acute senses serve to put the Piranha in what appears to be almost a sensory overload, making them to appear constantly anxious and nervous."

    Towards the bottom of the penultimate paragraph here:

    Erm So who exactly is ?

  6. #86
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    ive heard it too.
    If any of you have seen the doccumentary film form the 70's (faces of death) it says it on there.
    There is no end of false propaganda surrounding the piranha - don't believe the hype!

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by spencer
    my m8s dog eats his shit
    dogs tend to eat crap (usually a cats tho) due to its high protein content!

  8. #88
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    lol some of the posts here are pretty class, i love all this useless stuff, however some of it is just obviously wrong and false!

  9. #89
    stee is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    There is no end of false propaganda surrounding the piranha - don't believe the hype!
    to be honest mate im not really arsed mate. but i have heard that they can strip a cow to the bone in minutes.
    to be honest im not gonna see first hand if its bollox.
    in my book fish are only good for one thing...
    putting int hte frying pan and throwing down my kneck

  10. #90
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    yeah. i was reading up on the effects or DHL in your body. and it gets inhibbited when you take speed exstacy ephadrine etc.
    also can be inhibited if your system dont kick back in from doing a course of juice. and also can be disrupted by starting to pull it at a young age or doing it excessively
    errr, what is considered excessive?

  11. #91
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    You wouldnt be able to build such a weapon.
    You are confusing the fact that alph beta and gamma types of radiation are not the same.
    the first 2 are particles that are harmfull if injested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
    the third gamma, is a ray and is what is use for measuing things.
    i.e wall thickness, broken bones etc.

    actually no i didnt think that they are all the same things. alpha particles are 2 protons and 2 neutrons. a beta particle is essentially an electron, and a gamma particle is a light photon with a tremendous amount of energy. you cant measure things with gamma rays, but you can fry sh_t with them. you cant inhale an alpha particle, they penetrate your skin like a rifle bullet

  12. #92
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    actually no i didnt think that they are all the same things. alpha particles are 2 protons and 2 neutrons. a beta particle is essentially an electron, and a gamma particle is a light photon with a tremendous amount of energy. you cant measure things with gamma rays, but you can fry sh_t with them. you cant inhale an alpha particle, they penetrate your skin like a rifle bullet
    well a alpha particle is acctualy totaly unable to penetrate skin. Even air stops it. Its only dangerous if a alpha emitter is consumed in some way. Its almost the same for beta emitters aswell. So unless you make a alpha/beta emitter into a powder and spread it into air/water/food supply its no real danger.

    Would be a very slow killing weapon. Just giving people cancer isnt quick enough

    Fortunaly a gamma ray weapon will probably never be possible. x-ray would seem more suitable.
    A microwave laser would probably be alot better at killing stuff painfully

  13. #93
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    haha, imagine going to the doctor, and he says "well, i think we should measure your skeletal structure with some gamma rays"

    i would run. do you have any idea what that would do to you?

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    well a alpha particle is acctualy totaly unable to penetrate skin. Even air stops it. Its only dangerous if a alpha emitter is consumed in some way. Its almost the same for beta emitters aswell. So unless you make a alpha/beta emitter into a powder and spread it into air/water/food supply its no real danger.

    Would be a very slow killing weapon. Just giving people cancer isnt quick enough

    Fortunaly a gamma ray weapon will probably never be possible. x-ray would seem more suitable.
    A microwave laser would probably be alot better at killing stuff painfully

    really? i thought alpha particles would wreck havoc on you if you got exposed to enough of them. but you're right about how a microwave gun would be more of a possibility than a gamma ray gun. either way, it would suck ass to get lit up with one of those

  15. #95
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    haha, imagine going to the doctor, and he says "well, i think we should measure your skeletal structure with some gamma rays"

    i would run. do you have any idea what that would do to you?
    Well gamma is used to kill cancer and there is a process where a patient consumes gamma emitting isotopes and by tracking the spread of those in the body with a gamma camera you can examine alot of things.

    Its also getting used instead of x-rays to scan ships

    So gamma radiation is not that bad.

  16. #96
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    im telling you bro, id have so much fun with a gamma ray gun. id go cook my sworn enemy. then id probably fry some child molestors after that. only problem is that the gamma rays would go through the intended targets house, and probably hit some random person. id feel pretty guilty about that.

  17. #97
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    So gamma radiation is not that bad.
    Hmmm, tell that to the Incredible Hulk!

  18. #98
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    really? i thought alpha particles would wreck havoc on you if you got exposed to enough of them. but you're right about how a microwave gun would be more of a possibility than a gamma ray gun. either way, it would suck ass to get lit up with one of those
    only if the alpha emitter gets into the body.

    There is no problem with holding a bit of say americanium in your hand. But swollow it and your dead.

    Same with something like plutonium. You can hold plutonium in your hand totaly unprotected without suffering any consequenses(except that it might be to hot to hold for long). But grind it up and ingest it and your dead.

    I know microwave guns are already used against violent protest. It is said to feel like the skin is burning. Crank the effekt up and you will be cooked lol that would be a nasty sight. I think those kinds of weapons are banned for development and production though. Il rather take a bullet in the head...

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Well gamma is used to kill cancer and there is a process where a patient consumes gamma emitting isotopes and by tracking the spread of those in the body with a gamma camera you can examine alot of things.

    Its also getting used instead of x-rays to scan ships

    So gamma radiation is not that bad.

    thats surprising. i thought gamma rays would fu_k up anything they come into contact with. but then again, there isnt one set energy for a gamma ray. im thinking of the gamma rays with rediculous amounts of energy in them

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Il rather take a bullet in the head...

    yea me too. getting shot in the head would be instantaneous death. but getting cooked with microwaves would by excruciatingly painful, and it would take awhile to die from it.

  21. #101
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    thats surprising. i thought gamma rays would fu_k up anything they come into contact with. but then again, there isnt one set energy for a gamma ray. im thinking of the gamma rays with rediculous amounts of energy in them
    yeah I wouldnt want to be around higher energy gamma thats for sure...

    but there is realy no clear cut border that separates gamma and x-ray. The same wavelengt can be called either thing depending on what its emitted from.

    If I dont remember totaly wrong gamma radiation is produced only from protons and neutrons in the core dropping down a shell(same as electrons dropping down a shell and releasing light). No electron excitations can produce or absorb gamma as far as I know.
    I dont know of any way to excite nucleides either Only way to produce it would be by a naturaly emitting radioisotope. I guess put that into a lead cylinder and open it up in one end and you have a gun

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I guess put that into a lead cylinder and open it up in one end and you have a gun

    haha, we should produce that. i bet wed be rich

  23. #103
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    yea me too. getting shot in the head would be instantaneous death. but getting cooked with microwaves would by excruciatingly painful, and it would take awhile to die from it.

    I can imagine blood vessels exploding in the body when the blood boils. God damn. I guess a good microwave treatment would be a good torture method

    That would be a good sentance to phedophiles. Cook there dicks with microwaves

  24. #104
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    haha, we should produce that. i bet wed be rich

    I can do the calculations and you can guinnea pig it. Dont expect me to be anywhere near it though

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I can imagine blood vessels exploding in the body when the blood boils. God damn. I guess a good microwave treatment would be a good torture method

    That would be a good sentance to phedophiles. Cook there dicks with microwaves

    hell yea bro, you could put someone through indescribable pain without killing them... at least immediately if you cook them in the right spots. finger tips and the upper lip would be pretty ideal. theres lots of nerve endings there

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I can do the calculations and you can guinnea pig it. Dont expect me to be anywhere near it though

    hmm, i dont know about that. i do however know some guys i dont like that we could use as the test subject. haha, we dont have to pay them anything either as long as we dont tell them what were gonna do

  27. #107
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    You two really are geeks! lol

    In a nice way!

  28. #108
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    why thank you

  29. #109
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    hell yea bro, you could put someone through indescribable pain without killing them... at least immediately if you cook them in the right spots. finger tips and the upper lip would be pretty ideal. theres lots of nerve endings there
    Or the asscrack that would be the worst ****ing pain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    hmm, i dont know about that. i do however know some guys i dont like that we could use as the test subject. haha, we dont have to pay them anything either as long as we dont tell them what were gonna do

  30. #110
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    You two really are geeks! lol

    In a nice way!

    thats my title isnt it

  31. #111
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    haha oh jesus, i can only imagine how painful it would be to get blasted with hihgh energy gamma rays in the crack. i like your idea of frying child molestors with it though. haha, castration by gamma rays

  32. #112
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    haha oh jesus, i can only imagine how painful it would be to get blasted with hihgh energy gamma rays in the crack. i like your idea of frying child molestors with it though. haha, castration by gamma rays
    this would be even better.

    Read this quote

    The Oh-My-God particle (a play on the nickname "God particle" for the Higgs boson) is the nickname given to a particle observed on the evening of October 15, 1991, over Salt Lake City, Utah, estimated to have an energy of approximately 3.2 × 1020 electronvolts, equivalent to about 50 joules—in other words, it was a subatomic particle with macroscopic kinetic energy equal to that of a fastball (140 g) moving at about 27 m/s (60 mph).
    Its ****ing unbelivably energetic. I cant even imagine what the hell created that badboy.

  33. #113
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    thats my title isnt it
    Sure is mate and you're living up to it!

    I'm not flaming, it just made me chuckle reading your ray gun convo!

  34. #114
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Sure is mate and you're living up to it!

    I'm not flaming, it just made me chuckle reading your ray gun convo!
    I know. I love physics. I live for physics. Only thing I like more than physics is food and pussy and Il rather take a free lifetime supply of good quality physics textbooks than free pussy for life.

  35. #115
    Temptation is offline Female Member
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    I was listening on the news today and two police officers were in training, they were playing with their Taser (sp) and one accidently turned his on and it tasered the other officer IN HIS MOUTH... omg... ow. He's been charged with assault and something else. Slightly extreme since it was an accident.

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