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  1. #41
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    yea pm me too if you need to

  2. #42
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    i get them sometime too, they piss me off!

    Yeah that sucks too buddy I didn't mean to sidestep that thread. If ya ever need to talk about it go ahead and pm me ya know? I hate it when dudes sidestep my posts even though it happens all the time. I try not to do that.

  3. #43
    PhishStasH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    yeah it's a great idea to sit there trying to meditiate away blood pressure of 160/105

    i don't give a shit how you treat it long term, but if you're having attack you have to do something to treat them as they come.
    Nice job completely misunderstanding of my advice.

    Obviously you don't "meditate" away an anxiety attack but you can use general meditative practices to learn to cope with your body's reaction as well as breathing techniques to CONSCIOUSLY lower your blood pressure and deal w/ the physical symptoms of an anxiety attack. If you have no experience w/ this, I would not expect you to understand.

    Myself, I use to have panic attacks that would trigger convulsions. These convulsions were more or less what you would consider symptoms of a seizure. You think that didn't scare the shit out of me and make me wanna jump on some meds real quick after I realized what was happening? **** yea, it did. So that's what I did...went to a shrink and got on some meds. But I'll tell you what. Those meds ****ed me up a whole lot more than having those attacks and convulsions could have. The meds I was on made me have hallucinations and paranoid delusions.

    I'll tell ya what the shrink prescribed that did help me. It's called PSYCHOTHERAPY. That's where I was able to talk about problems that triggered anxiety attacks. That's where I learned about what actually was going on inside my body. That's where I learned to consciously control the mental aspects of the problem to alleviate the physical symptoms.

    I'm not saying that this is THE solution that will work for everyone. No one is alike, and some people do need medications to learn to cope with mental disorders. However, I don't believe anyone should rely on them as a means to solve the problem all together. Jumping on some of these medications will lead to just becoming addicted to another drug...a legal one your doctor prescribes you.

    As SC said above, some people have a true chemical imbalance that need medications to help them lead (somewhat) normal lives. These are extreme cases.

    Go see a shrink and a therapist more importantly and explain your problem.

  4. #44
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Yea bro, I know how ya feel. I think you need to find a way to keep a calm frame of mind. Maybe the pills will help but, dont let them **** you up. Just breath and dont think, just do.

  5. #45
    ProtienShak3 is offline Junior Member
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    anxeitey really sucks .. took a few trips to the er before one of the docs figured out it was panic attacks ive been dealing with it for years... for me they come and go i went bout 4 years without one then all of a sudden about a year ago they came back and came back hard. they were ruining my life to the point i gave up and agreed to go on meds which i always refused.

    anyway i take 50 mg of zoloft ed and this seems to have done well to stop the anxeity attacks. I do reccommend that you have xanax on hand when i was just startin zoloft (takes like a month to kick in) if i felt an attack commin on i jus poped a xanax and that took care of it.

    these things do give you a "high" so to speak so takin em ed im sure you would become addicted in a short time.

    I tortured myself for years and lived through these things with no meds and it was brutal im glad i decided to finally get on something. I was getting no sleep when the attacks were prevelent missing important meetings at work comming in late ect ect it cost me a few jobs in my time... imagine telling your pissed off boss the reason you are showing up late to work is panic attacks..... anyway it didnt go over so well for me.

    I dont know alot about the disorder all i know is i finally sought help and got it and im 1000% happier with my current state of being now.

    I suggest you find a good doc you trust and like and consider the fact that you may need meds for a while...

    I never wanted to take them because i felt it was weakness you know ...i cant tell you how bad it feels for me to admit to myself i may not be in complete control of my own mind!

    I thought if i took them that i would have to for the rest of my life .... as ive researched this disorder a little some people take the meds for a while and come off of em and never have symptoms again and some take them for the rest of their lives .... (scary thought for me)

    Anyway the mind is very powerful and sometimes some of us ane not in complete control of our minds and must seek help.

    best of luck man ive been dealing with this crap about 12 years if u have any questions or anything and feel i can help hit me up.

  6. #46
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    There was another thread ike this a whjile back..I can't recall who started it..

    If you don't want something heavy, their are lighter solutions..

  7. #47
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    thank u everyone for ur posts, all of them were helpful...thanks for offering a helpin hand guys...its nice to know im not a minority with this disorder...when u dont know anyone else that has them it is hard to explain to them and they dont understand...but i know what i have to do more waiting hoping for the shit to pass/deal with it...thanks again...

  8. #48
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  9. #49
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    thanks miz appreciate the search...good info on the first one cuase i was concerned about weight gain...

  10. #50
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Dude I am on Lexapro 10mgs a day and it has helped me tremendously! It will totally give you a better living style. I was like you and didn't want to take pills but now I can't imagine what I would have been like without them.

  11. #51
    LS1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    yeah im goin to mention somethin to my mom tomorow, and do something about much do shrinks usually cost...
    Hey bro dont go to a shrink just yet first go to your doctor and talk to him first. I was thinking all that shit at first and I think thats what held me back from doing any thing sooner. Just go to your dr. first and take it from there. Good luck bro. PM if ya want to.


  12. #52
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LS1
    Hey bro dont go to a shrink just yet first go to your doctor and talk to him first. I was thinking all that shit at first and I think thats what held me back from doing any thing sooner. Just go to your dr. first and take it from there. Good luck bro. PM if ya want to.

    yeah thats what im goin to do, go to the doc. and see if he recomends someone and can prescribe me something...thank u again to everyone....u guys are appreciated...

  13. #53
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by PhishStasH
    Nice job completely misunderstanding of my advice.

    Obviously you don't "meditate" away an anxiety attack but you can use general meditative practices to learn to cope with your body's reaction as well as breathing techniques to CONSCIOUSLY lower your blood pressure and deal w/ the physical symptoms of an anxiety attack. If you have no experience w/ this, I would not expect you to understand.

    Myself, I use to have panic attacks that would trigger convulsions. These convulsions were more or less what you would consider symptoms of a seizure. You think that didn't scare the shit out of me and make me wanna jump on some meds real quick after I realized what was happening? **** yea, it did. So that's what I did...went to a shrink and got on some meds. But I'll tell you what. Those meds ****ed me up a whole lot more than having those attacks and convulsions could have. The meds I was on made me have hallucinations and paranoid delusions.

    I'll tell ya what the shrink prescribed that did help me. It's called PSYCHOTHERAPY. That's where I was able to talk about problems that triggered anxiety attacks. That's where I learned about what actually was going on inside my body. That's where I learned to consciously control the mental aspects of the problem to alleviate the physical symptoms.

    I'm not saying that this is THE solution that will work for everyone. No one is alike, and some people do need medications to learn to cope with mental disorders. However, I don't believe anyone should rely on them as a means to solve the problem all together. Jumping on some of these medications will lead to just becoming addicted to another drug...a legal one your doctor prescribes you.

    As SC said above, some people have a true chemical imbalance that need medications to help them lead (somewhat) normal lives. These are extreme cases.

    Go see a shrink and a therapist more importantly and explain your problem.
    sorry about your 1 in 1000 unconfirmable internet experience but for most people xanex isn't going to hurt them. i used to use breathing techniques all the time and they can keep me from having a full-blown attack but i'm still not feeling good. i know a couple other people who have them and they say the same thing. i would much rather have my symptoms completely gone.

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