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  1. #1
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Going out with friends ex?

    A few years back my best friend saw this girl for like a month, they basically didnt last cos he didnt like her. Anyways somehow we have got real close and we both really like eachother. I thought the right thing to do would be to tell my firend about our feelings and see what he thinks, just so I stop any conflict from happening. He cannot approve of it and his so upset that I like her. He doesnt want us seeing eachother but I dont get it because his well and truly moved on with a girl he loves and his ex means nothing to him. What should I do? I think of just going for her but I dont wanna loose my best friend in doing it.

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    to be honest any of my best friends ex's i keep out of my life...there are plenty fish in the sea, u dont have to throw away a good freind for a girl...cause girls come and go, true freinds will be wiht u forever...
    its hard to tell a girl that u dont wanna talk to them especially if u want to start a relationship but in my eyes it would be wrong to do...

  3. #3
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    yah.. dont' talk w/ her if you value his friendship.

  4. #4
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Yeah thats true, but I still think my friend is over reacting! Like if it were a girl he saw for a long time and had very strong feeling for I could totally understand and I would of not got involved int he first place.

  5. #5
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds to me like you made up your mind to see the girl anyway. I lost a friend doing the exact same thing. And she didn't even last.

  6. #6
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I understand what you mean. I'm a little confused about it all, but I think I should just re think things. Your right girls come and go and your friends are always there for u if u keep the close.

  7. #7
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    i see what u mean on the overreacting thing...if is was way long ago and only lasted a month then he shouldnt be that pissed....but people react differently with girls...i know if any of my boys tried to get with an ex of mine i would bug the **** out....

  8. #8
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Yeah true I guess everyone reacts differently. Some couldnt care if a friend sleeps with an ex they had for 2 years and some get pissed if their friend even looks at their ex.

  9. #9
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgeous_33
    Yeah true I guess everyone reacts differently. Some couldnt care if a friend sleeps with an ex they had for 2 years and some get pissed if their friend even looks at their ex.
    yeah its weird like that, i had a kid try to get me to bang his ex girl...i was like what u dont care, he could give a fck less...but i would never ever ever ever let any of my friends try that shit...but they know better...

  10. #10
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    I would confront your friend about it bro.see what he was only a month and you say he didint like her so see what he says.

  11. #11
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Thats some funny shit. Well I guess in situations where there was strong feelings involved and a clear history your friends should stay well away from the ex. But a girl a friend just hooked up with one night or had a one month fling, I really dont see the big deal in that. Does anyone else see different?

  12. #12
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I think maybe I should talk about it with him more. He found out through other people that I was out with her one night, but we didnt exactly do anything we were just out. I think when he got that he over reacted. The funny thing is I was gonna tell him all about us the next day and by then he was pissed off!

  13. #13
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Guys meet their friends girlfriend and say "I want to find a girl like that"...Girls meet their friends boyfriend and say "I want THAT guy!"...

    Honestly, girls are never worth more than a friendship...doesn't matter if they dated for a day, if he feels some sorta way about that, you should respect it...

  14. #14
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    the girl im with now was with one of my old bestfriends for about three years...i have known her since i was very little as we grew up around eachother..i met him in middle school

    we smoked weed together in 7th grade and got caught i never really picked up the habit much but he was always looking for another way to get high
    they stayed together for years and he would cheat on her and lie and just generally be a dirtbag i really didnt respect that because she was a nice girl but that was my friend...eventually he started picking up coke habits and sniffing heroin and after they broke up for good he started shooting heroin im making a very long story short here mind you we got together well over a year after they had stopped dating and i hadnt had contact with him for longer than a year because he had his own druggie friends and legal problems to deal with i really didnt want to surround myself with that

    we started talking about a year ago and we ended up hooking up and i fell in love with her...weve been through a lot of stuff but i think she is the one for me maybe im jumping the gun because weve only been together a year and im still young..but you cant put a certain age on just happens anyways he didnt know but when he found out he pretended to be happy but he still calls when he is ****ed up on his dope and tries to bring up old memories and its funny how rude she is to him but hell still call anyways the point of my long rant is that you really cant help who you like

    under different if he was still my friend i would steer clear as best as possible because they were together for so long..but why give up a shot at an awesome girl for some junkie who is beyond helping that i dont talk to anymore....the same goes for you...if he was with her for a month and had no interest in her..he should give you both his best blessing and stop being a bitch about it because it seems they were nothing in the first place

    i hope all goes well with you dude and i hope your friend comes to accept friendship is worth throwing away over a girl..but it sounds like he is being jealous and over reacting

    sorry for my rant i hope you enjoyed reading if you actually read it

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I think its perfectly FINE to go out with your best friend's long as you're stronger than him...

  16. #16
    OSTIE's Avatar
    OSTIE is offline Senior Member
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    He dumped her after only ONE month cause he wasnt interested???

    If thats the case, he should man up and be happy for you.... go for it...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    It's part of the man law... haven't you seen the miller lite commercials?

  18. #18
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice guys! Yeah definately he should be happy for me. And thanks for the rant anabolios. Made a good point "no friendship is worth throwing away over a girl..but it sounds like he is being jealous and over reacting"

  19. #19
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    Squeeze him by his throat and tell him it's been a pleasure being his friend, and that you cherish everything you have had together, but your D**K has taken over your entire body, and IT says that it's new primary focus in life is to SPEAR that girl in the bunghole....Im sure he'll understand, if he doesnt, just squeeze a little harder

  20. #20
    slob is offline Member
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    dont ever put partners before your friends.
    your best friends will be with you for life.
    partners come and go like the wind.

  21. #21
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    in a hole
    all is fair in love n he wasnt interested, ghey

  22. #22
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    he's pretty out of line. if they were serious i could see it. man bro's before ho's but he's being way ghey.

  23. #23
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    This is one of those questions that has an answer before it leaves your head..NO WAY.

    If he is just an aquintences.. then date her.

    If he is a good friend.. then no way.. WALK away..

  24. #24
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    walk away for sure. yes, he is being a dick, unreasonable and petty, but, just leave her be. she will understand. if she tries to change your mind, or gets funny with you over it, then she isnt the nice girl you believe she is. unfortunately its just one of those things, everyone reacts in different ways, and your mate is being a clown. still, they are his emotions, nobody elses, and who are we to criticise them

  25. #25
    tretch187's Avatar
    tretch187 is offline Associate Member
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    Even though you will do it anyways, you should walk away.

    Never fack with a bros ex, doesnt matter what the situation is/was. Just a rule for me and many I know.

    Much less drama that way.

  26. #26
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    now that we got that all straightened up...anyone mind hooking me up with there hot x's :P

  27. #27
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    Dude, refer to the beer commercial, Burt Reynolds- "It is never ok to date a friends ex when she breaks up with him, she breaks up with you." ,
    2nd Guy- "But what if she's hot", Burt Reynolds- "Ok maybe six months".

  28. #28
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    u can have one of mine dude, but be warned

  29. #29
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    my best friend and i have shared a few girls this way.

    but they were not serious relationships. he'd have a fling with her, then in a year or so I'd have a fling with her. or vice-versa.

    if he only 'saw' her for a short time and it wasn't serious, talk to him about it and make sure he's cool with it. I would have no problem letting my friends have girls I've been with; as long as it wasn't a serious commitment

  30. #30
    j3374's Avatar
    j3374 is offline Associate Member
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    I think it'd mostly depend on how your friend felt about it. I personally don't date friends' exes.

  31. #31
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you value your friend then walk away. Maybe just give her a quicky and move on. lol

  32. #32
    stee is offline Member
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    to be honest your friend sound a bit posessive.
    id say stay away but as ur kinda involved maybe its time for ur friend to grow up a little.

  33. #33
    georgeous_33 is offline New Member
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    Ill cut the topic short cos you have all convinced me not to pursue it! Not only that the bitch drove me up the wall the last couple days and I thought **** that shit it might last a month if where lucky and my mate has and will be around for years. Thanks for the advice!

  34. #34
    stee is offline Member
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    well if thats the case, just take her out get her drunk and do her the once. its got to be worth that at least. unless you dont like stirring your mates porridge.

  35. #35
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Aside from the firendship BS... I have never liked the idea of dating a girl one of my boys has... ummm... violated?

    "Hey, whats up dude? This is Uwana Fukalot... or wait - you two have already met right? Silly me..." [insert akward moment]

  36. #36
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by stee
    well if thats the case, just take her out get her drunk and do her the once. its got to be worth that at least. unless you dont like stirring your mates porridge.
    You beat me to it! "Stirring your mates porridge" - that's funny...

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