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  1. #1
    gymrat12345's Avatar
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    Gyno Need Help Quick

    hey fellas...been hanging around the forums for the last year, and finally decided to join. anyways, just started first cycle dbol 30mg/ed and test e 500mg/wk.

    i am now 2 wks into cycle up 10lbs...after about 1 wk started getting HARD LUMPS UNDER NIPPLE THAT WERE KINDA TENDER, so i did 40mg nolva for 2 days, then 30mg 3rd day, 20 4th day, and have been doing 10mg/ed ever since. HOWEVER, LUMPS NEVER REALLY WENT AWAY JUST MAYBE A LITTLE LESS SORE. What the deal, should i bump nolva up more, or keep it at like 10mg/ed throughtout my cycle??!??

    i don't wana hinder gains by talking more nolva then i should be, but at same time don't want fiucking gyno...

  2. #2
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME is offline Associate Member
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    the thought behind nolva hindering gains is that you will now retain as much water therefor not as much lbs gained. but it is water you are lsoing. as for gyno. i will let others more exp. answer this.

  3. #3
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    just keep it at 20 mg/day. the lumps don't mean u r gettin' gyno. it's just an indication of high estrogen levels. so keep the nolvadex on.

  4. #4
    gymrat12345's Avatar
    gymrat12345 is offline Associate Member
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    what about liquidex...i know its an AI and helps decrease bloat, would it do any help for this problem??? just popped some nolva, hopefully i can get this under raps...

  5. #5
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    i say nolvadex is enough for now, don't freak out bro. as long as fatty tissues aren't forming, there is no need to worry.

  6. #6
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    The only gyno that will give you a lump is prolactin / progesterone. D-bol and test will not give you that kind.

    You can have a gland that is getting swollen for some resin.

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