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Thread: Girl Problems

  1. #1
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    Girl Problems

    Alright, I've been with my girl for about a year and a half now, and I love her. But when I try to go out with my friends, I get the angry look. I don't know what to do.
    Last edited by GUnit33; 07-31-2006 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Katelette81's Avatar
    Katelette81 is offline Female Member
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    Dude... get up, walk over to her... take your balls back and go out with your frineds. You really want to be with a woman so insecure she doesn't want you to train and better yourself? Does she not have her own friends that she can go out with? This situation is a no brainer...

    Theres no excuse for a woman to control a man as you've described here and there's certainly no excuse for you to allow it to happen or to have gone this far.

    There are a ton of self respecting, independant women out there who would make a great gf or partner... find one, you won't regret it, and your frineds will appreciate having thier buddy back.

  3. #3
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katelette81
    Dude... get up, walk over to her... take your balls back and go out with your frineds. You really want to be with a woman so insecure she doesn't want you to train and better yourself? Does she not have her own friends that she can go out with? This situation is a no brainer...

    Theres no excuse for a woman to control a man as you've described here and there's certainly no excuse for you to allow it to happen or to have gone this far.

    There are a ton of self respecting, independant women out there who would make a great gf or partner... find one, you won't regret it, and your frineds will appreciate having thier buddy back.
    AGREED!! dont put up with shit..give her a choice..allow you to go out and trust you because you are good to her...or find someone that will allow the leash

    not your fault..imsure it slowly progressed to this without you realizing change if you give her that choice if she doesnt then **** her it wasnt worth it in the first place

    you live with her?

  4. #4
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    Thanks. I've just always been the kid who wouldn't be a jackass or mean to anyone unlesss I needed to step in to help out, and that's why this is hard, because I do care for her but she just pisses me off wit hthis shit.

  5. #5
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    you live with her?
    Last edited by GUnit33; 07-31-2006 at 09:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    Unfortunatly, yes, but I've got the cash to buy out the lease, so that isn't an issue.
    dont give up give her a choice if she really cant change than its best to cut it off because its only gonna get harder..

  7. #7
    Swiggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    Alright, I've been with my girl for about a year and a half now, and I'm really into her, but every time I turn around a friend of mine say sI've changed. And I started thinkin about shit, and I realized that she's a controlling female. Everytime I wana go out with the boys, she throws a fit, or gets mad and wants me to stay home, and about 75% of the time I do. I never go out anymore, and she even does this when I try to go and train. Than, about 4 months ago, I got real pissed and wanted to take a break, and she started baling, and I couldn't do it, I guess I'm too nice. Lately it's been eating at me again because she said she'd change and she did for like a month, now it's the same old shit again. Her sister even called her out on it today when she got pissed because I had told her two days ago that I was going out tonight, and than today she goes: "we're having people over" I told her no, I'm going out with my friends. She got angry, and I go ok, whatever. I don't know what to do. I wouldn't care about just going out and saying whatever to her, but she's the type of chick to make a scene and get all sentimental and crying and such to make me feel like a dick head. I'm getting to the point that I'm about ready to just say **** it, and leave her, because it's messing with my head, taking me away from my best friends, and keeping me from training. Anyone else been in this situation?
    Your answering your own question here when your saying you can't take it. from an outsiders view the only chance you have to make it work for you is do what you have to do and don't give in to the drama because thats what she is counting on. Don't react when she freaks out and don't let her make you feel guilty for having a life away from her. Good luck either way.

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Mate !!!! I put up with this shit with my first wife, FOR 10 YEARS !!!!! She was exactly the same, crying all the time and totally controlling, I even syopped going to the gym. Do yourself a very, very big favour and walk away. I wish I had had the balls, and I have always regretted I didnt

  9. #9
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katelette81
    Dude... get up, walk over to her... take your balls back and go out with your frineds. You really want to be with a woman so insecure she doesn't want you to train and better yourself? Does she not have her own friends that she can go out with? This situation is a no brainer...

    Theres no excuse for a woman to control a man as you've described here and there's certainly no excuse for you to allow it to happen or to have gone this far.

    There are a ton of self respecting, independant women out there who would make a great gf or partner... find one, you won't regret it, and your frineds will appreciate having thier buddy back.

    woop there it is!

    its about having mutual trust and respect for sure,you need to leave this relationship sounds unhealthy,good luck.

  10. #10
    Katelette81's Avatar
    Katelette81 is offline Female Member
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    I feel for you dude... I'm watching my brother go through it right now, though he'd never agree. I know you don't want to hurt her but in a way you are. She needs to be independant and right now she's co-dependant,... she will always need someone there to hold her up .. .and that's not healthy for either of you. she needs to learn how to be alone and take care of herself before she can be a real partner ...

    All the best, sorry if I came across bitchy.. it's jst such a shame to see guys putting upwith this kind of stuff. I just don't understand it, and seeing my bro going through it is upsetting...

  11. #11
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    you resent her.

    Before you walk out - talk to her and tell her how you feel.

    If you love her, that is.

    If you just want to walk away, then walk away.

  12. #12
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    Anyone else been in this situation?
    Never, thank goodness, I'd have left that beeyatch ages ago if that were the case.


  13. #13
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    you resent her.

    Before you walk out - talk to her and tell her how you feel.

    If you love her, that is.

    If you just want to walk away, then walk away.
    sounds like a love song or somethin

  14. #14
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Time to fine someone new.

  15. #15
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    id be more concerned about your friends. the girl wont change, that is not going to happen. so cut your losses, make a clean break, and apologise to your friends. ive seen afew mates of mine go down this path, and when they ended the relationship and came back into the friends scene, they realised how much they had missed and needed to catch up on.

  16. #16
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    sounds like a love song or somethin
    Nah but if he loves her, he should give her a warning - seeing as he has apparently put up with it for so long

  17. #17
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Nah but if he loves her, he should give her a warning - seeing as he has apparently put up with it for so long
    I just don't know what to say to her. Last night, I just said **** it and went out with my friends. Non stop calling from 10:00 until 2:00...I finally just stopped answering to phone because it was ****ing ridiculous....than this morning, she comes in and is like WTF I was worried about you, and I know you were being sneaky and cheating on me and everything, that's all I could think about...

    I just wanted to take a step back and say...well if you don't trust me enough that you think I'm cheating, than that's it, it's over...

    But I want to make this shit work, I care for her, I love her. I don't know what to do...I know that if I break up with her it'll put her in a rut big time, and that's always going to hold me back from making any type of rash decision because I'm not the type of person to hurt someone, but at the same time, I'm about ready to ****ing explode on her, and I don't want to do that either.

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