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  1. #1
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    My ego needs stroking!

    YEs youve read that right! well for the last week or more ive been depressed due to my ex fiance. reason im depressed is cus she acts as if i dont even exist and now she is hanging out like there is no tommorow with my now ex friend. i think that would make lots of people pissed. and the dbol of course doesnt help with the whole eating situation. so my diet has kinda been shit but today is my last day of dbol and ive really been trying to scarf down the food. feel like im gonna puke. i just need some help on trying to get better like trying to feel better and not feeling like shit. once again maybe its the dbol i dont know. but she doesnt even care bout me and thats not like her. she's changed A LOT and so have my so called friends. oh well, what you guys think? all of this going on mixed witht he dbol makes me go depressed? last day today so well see!

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    sorry to hear that bro. everything will get better soon

  3. #3
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    kick ur ex friends ass, guaranteed 100% satisfaction after that, yea it sux man been there done that, had a girl cheat on me thats a kick to the nuts especially when its someone youd never guess would do it, gotta jus swollow hard and take it, sucks to do but sometimes thats all you can do you know?

  4. #4
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    kick ur ex friends ass, guaranteed 100%
    i like ur thinking....

    damn i gotta look at this forum often again.. i been slacking off the past month.. i better stop playing video games

  5. #5
    stuball's Avatar
    stuball is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks
    YEs youve read that right! well for the last week or more ive been depressed due to my ex fiance. reason im depressed is cus she acts as if i dont even exist and now she is hanging out like there is no tommorow with my now ex friend. i think that would make lots of people pissed. and the dbol of course doesnt help with the whole eating situation. so my diet has kinda been shit but today is my last day of dbol and ive really been trying to scarf down the food. feel like im gonna puke. i just need some help on trying to get better like trying to feel better and not feeling like shit. once again maybe its the dbol i dont know. but she doesnt even care bout me and thats not like her. she's changed A LOT and so have my so called friends. oh well, what you guys think? all of this going on mixed witht he dbol makes me go depressed? last day today so well see!
    Bro go out and do what she's doin, have a good time and F every that moves, they all come back sooner or later, if you show her that you dont care it will piss her off...

  6. #6
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    im strongly standing by this now from recent expirence

    "if u love somthing let it go, if it comes back to u, its yours, if it dosnt **** it youll never know"

    gotta love DMX wise words spoken

  7. #7
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    hi hun u were missed

  8. #8
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    hi hun u were missed

    Hahaha what missed being single or missed not being on her??? Im just saying screw it. life is good now, dont have anyone to say "hey im going here im going there im doing this im doing that." gotta get back in the game~ been out for little over 2 years and gotta get my style and flirting back! Kinda tuff tho when ya cant drink cus of cycling....JUST PERFECT! I gotta do this stuff the hard way!

  9. #9
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol gotta bring the A game lego

  10. #10
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    lol gotta bring the A game lego
    yah but he didnt flirt with me he just ranted!!!

  11. #11
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Bro go out and do what she's doin, have a good time and F every that moves, they all come back sooner or later, if you show her that you dont care it will piss her off...
    lol where did you figure that one from? more often than not, once its over, its over for good. BUT, legobricks, this is a good thing! single is the dogs bollocks! nobody to trust, nobody to consider/ask when you are making certain decisions, you can bang whatever you want without feeling bad, and nobody can hurt you in the way that the ex could. in short: get your dick out and go on a mad one!

  12. #12
    need2Bbig's Avatar
    need2Bbig is offline Associate Member
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    Im sorry to hear about yoursituation man, but how much better off without her are you? Like what aspects of her didyou not like? Did she hold you down?

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