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  1. #1
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    CAn I get a Break ????

    See this is why My wife is banned from going out with her old chums from collage PI beta get a life ... they are the biggest bunch of heffers ... they are the hole reason I dont go to the country club .... Any way they are all sitting around talking baby stuff for sure ... and what do they decide to talk about her little brother (my brother-in-law) and his AAS deal..... which is fine and good ... than the topic turns ON ME ... WTF now they have put it in her head that there are so many studies that prove that woman that get pregnat with a guy On gear the baby has birth defects becasue mary sisters brothers uncle friend had that happen ........COME ON now she didnt answer there question if I was On BUT SHE KNEW .. and when she gets home CRYING a river how I damaged the baby this and that SHE IS REALLY WORKED UP .... Now I have to sleep in one of the spare bedrooms which that terd of a brother-in-law has the nice one ... THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT ....

    damn Sorry but i have to vent and this is just the crazyest thing she has ever come up with SHE BELIVES THEM they did that shit on Purpose to just mess with me They hate me becasue I dont fit into that hole money and power thinglike there FAT AZZ husbands ... and to boot i make way more than they do ..... see this is why I dont like people ....

    Any ideas?????? I tryed I printeing shit off of a few sites with HRT studies dealing with pregantcy and she is not going forIT.. I SWEAR I AM WALKING IN THE NEXT ROOM AND PUNCHING MY BROTHER-IN-LAW RIGHT IN THE HEAD

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    That sukcs bro. Some time it hard for people to understand how hormones work. Most dont even know how there own body reacts to water never mind a hormone. If i was i would just telling he and reinsuring her that the baby will be fin and that it's all horse shit.

    I know you wont to punh the guy in the head but this will not make any thing better for you. You will be in the dog house even longer.

  3. #3
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    bro there are absolutly no studies to back up what those fat bitches are talking about u need to tell her that u wouldnt do anything to indanger her or ur child and tell her rest assured our child will be fine.and altho they are her freinds women are cady and will do anything to look or feel better then the next chick just sit her down bro and ask her if she trusts u then hit her with the true facts

    the only way aas would have any effect on an unborn child is if she was taking them while pregnant
    and just take it out on his little punk ass in the gym muhuhahahahahahaha

  4. #4
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    That sukcs bro. Some time it hard for people to understand how hormones work. Most dont even know how there own body reacts to water never mind a hormone. If i was i would just telling he and reinsuring her that the baby will be fin and that it's all horse shit.

    I know you wont to punh the guy in the head but this will not make any thing better for you. You will be in the dog house even longer.

    No matter what i say i am just making it worse ... damn them woman ... I have told her so much and she is well educated on AAS from being with me over the years.... I guess I am just going to have the doc tell her but what sucks is they will put that in her chart... But thanks bro ..

    As for that brother-in-law .. man I know i cant hit him all though he is 19.. But that will only make things worse .... i swear when it rains it pours

  5. #5
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    bro there are absolutly no studies to back up what those fat bitches are talking about u need to tell her that u wouldnt do anything to indanger her or ur child and tell her rest assured our child will be fine.and altho they are her freinds women are cady and will do anything to look or feel better then the next chick just sit her down bro and ask her if she trusts u then hit her with the true facts

    the only way aas would have any effect on an unborn child is if she was taking them while pregnant
    and just take it out on his little punk ass in the gym muhuhahahahahahaha

    i know bro I have tryed I have printed all kinds of stuff off the net for to read and even slid them under the door ... And I would never ever do anything that would endanger her or the child .... as for that piss ant he has no idea what leg day really means I have come damn close twice making him cry in the gym ..... 10 sets of ten on the Squat rack for him

    thanks for the input bro really

  6. #6
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Queens BITCH!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    See this is why My wife is banned from going out with her old chums from collage PI beta get a life ... they are the biggest bunch of heffers ... they are the hole reason I dont go to the country club .... Any way they are all sitting around talking baby stuff for sure ... and what do they decide to talk about her little brother (my brother-in-law) and his AAS deal..... which is fine and good ... than the topic turns ON ME ... WTF now they have put it in her head that there are so many studies that prove that woman that get pregnat with a guy On gear the baby has birth defects becasue mary sisters brothers uncle friend had that happen ........COME ON now she didnt answer there question if I was On BUT SHE KNEW .. and when she gets home CRYING a river how I damaged the baby this and that SHE IS REALLY WORKED UP .... Now I have to sleep in one of the spare bedrooms which that terd of a brother-in-law has the nice one ... THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT ....

    damn Sorry but i have to vent and this is just the crazyest thing she has ever come up with SHE BELIVES THEM they did that shit on Purpose to just mess with me They hate me becasue I dont fit into that hole money and power thinglike there FAT AZZ husbands ... and to boot i make way more than they do ..... see this is why I dont like people ....

    Any ideas?????? I tryed I printeing shit off of a few sites with HRT studies dealing with pregantcy and she is not going forIT.. I SWEAR I AM WALKING IN THE NEXT ROOM AND PUNCHING MY BROTHER-IN-LAW RIGHT IN THE HEAD
    I love how you tell a story!!!

  7. #7
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    hey V, just remind her its not just her child its both of you. and why on earth would you take the cahnce of f*ckin up your own child as pumped said. i mean come on why would you take that kinda gamble with ur kids health, maybe she'll understand that. otherwise just remind her its hormones ur playing with not genetics. you arent altering dna and therefore your chromosomes (spelling) are not changing so the only thing hormone levels could vary would be your potency (lowered sperm count) not your dna (x,y chromosomes that make the child) this is coming from an engineering not a pre-med major lol but im pretty sure what i said it right

  8. #8
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    I love how you tell a story!!!

    gee thanks????? i am glad my life can make ya smile

  9. #9
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Im confused, your wife and her heffer friends are talkin about all this shit but you wanna punch your brother in law out? I dont get what he did in this situation, maybe I missed it?

  10. #10
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    I'd just tell her, "At least we aren't going to have a fat lard ass bitch of a baby like your fat lard ass bitch heffer friends are going to have...and that's if the ugly ****ers having sex with them have enough flour to find the wet spot."


  11. #11
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Tell her skank friends about the study i conducted that colcluded that fat depressed women who cause problems for my AR Bros have a 90% greater chance of having their spinal chords and skulls ripped out by the Predator and mounted on his wall.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 10-11-2006 at 03:47 PM.

  12. #12
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Im confused, your wife and her heffer friends are talkin about all this shit but you wanna punch your brother in law out? I dont get what he did in this situation, maybe I missed it?
    His BIL took AS when everyone here and V told him not too. He did it anyway and ****ed it up and then went begging to V cos he was all bloated with high BP. V offered to help but was not happy and made his BIL move in to the house so he could make sure he ate good and didnt party ect. Now Vs wife is talking to her friends about the BIL problem and convo led to V being on AS ect ect... Not that i've been following this story closely!! I do have a life really....

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