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  1. #1
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Dreaming about Peeing in the Toilet!!!

    How many of you dream about pissing in the toilet and when you wake up....uhhhh, you know the rest.....ROFL. I mean WTF.....

  2. #2
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    i never have myself...

    but this one dude lololololol

    i dreamed that he was pissing in a urnal, and he woke up the next day, and his sofa smelled like pisslo,lolok

    as a side note, the other night, i totally fell out of my bed. totally landed on my head. it was pretty funny. i was peaced out, and the next thing i know, i am at the bottom of a fall off my bed

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic CEO
    How many of you dream about pissing in the toilet and when you wake up....uhhhh, you know the rest.....ROFL. I mean WTF.....
    i think someone needs nappies

  4. #4
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I did when i was about 15... weird to do that shit when you are older :P

  5. #5
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Haha luckily I never had that issue, I have a sensitive ass bladder so I wake up at least once, sometimes twice a night to take a piss.

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    Haha luckily I never had that issue, I have a sensitive ass bladder so I wake up at least once, sometimes twice a night to take a piss.

    Me aswell, twice a night, even worse wen am on the drink, am ok up to 3 pints then once ive pissed once thats it every half pint after that.

  7. #7
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    when i am asleep and i am holding a piss i feel very 'constricted' in my dreams... i will feel extra thirsty... or ill see the water but i wont be able to get to it

    usually the discomfort is relieved by taking a piss IN THE TOILET thereafter

  8. #8
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    Hopefull you peed on jackies head

  9. #9
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Sometimes I dream that I am touching my front tail then I wake up and..... Oh I feel so used and dirty.

  10. #10
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    not since i quit drinking lol

  11. #11
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    I slammed to 16oz glasses of water right before bed, and i always wake up and go piss, like 2 or 3 times a night, but i must of been really f*ckin tired or something. I did have a heating pad on my stomach all night because it was cold in the house, maybe that had something to do with it as well, but when i use to drink A LOT i use to do it as well....LOL. Looks like "Depends" from here on

  12. #12
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    I dream that I'm peeing often... sometimes I'll wake up and be like "OH NO!" but I never end up actually peeing in real life. It's like dying in a dream and waking up like "thank God!"

    ...speaking of dreams, the worst nightmares I get (and I get them a lot) are when I kill somebody in my dream either on purpose or by accident and I become a fugitive and cops keep chasing me and I kill a few cops and finally get caught and everybody hates me and I get put on death row and I'm in a cell waiting to die - then I finally wake up. AWEFUL dream I tell you.

  13. #13
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    It happened to a buddy of mine, we all went camping and he woke up in his own urine, we were all making fun of him and he said he dreamed that he was running and could not find a bathroom, and we he finally did he let it go. He was sleeping next to this chick that was so mad.

  14. #14
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman

    ...speaking of dreams, the worst nightmares I get (and I get them a lot) are when I kill somebody in my dream either on purpose or by accident and I become a fugitive and cops keep chasing me and I kill a few cops and finally get caught and everybody hates me and I get put on death row and I'm in a cell waiting to die - then I finally wake up. AWEFUL dream I tell you.
    blah that dream does kinna suck

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