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Thread: Help With Gf!!!

  1. #1
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Help With Gf!!!

    Well we were laying in my bed last night talking after she got off work... She's been real stand offish lately and finally I just told her to tell me the truth about how she feels about me. She told me that sometimes she wishes she was alone, but loves me to much to ever leave me. I was shocked by this, but then again, I had similar feelings (similar as in thought of what it would be like to be alone) but they eventually just went away. She told me she loves my family too much as well. She also said that even if she tried she knows she could never leave me. She told me she could never find anyone like me, etc. Now I was hurt by this, because, I'm the very powerful emotional type romantic, ya know? And she is about as opposite as you can get, lol. We are great together it is just she's been really stressed at work because she's been working so much, she goes to school at night, and she's helping her friend with a family crisis. I can understand where she's coming from with being stand offish and all, but that statement was just like a slap to my face. She told me not to worry and kissed me. So saying goodbye to her at the door she said, "I swear I'll never leave you." So that made me a little happier. What do you guys think? Do you think she's just confused right now (she's only 18 as am I) since she's in such a serious relationship (a year and a half)??? I mean should I worry (I already do, lol) or not from what else she said? Need some input!!!

  2. #2
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Also she said she hates the way she feels (about thinking of being alone) and knows she'll never find a guy as perfect for her as me and wishes the feeling would go away...

  3. #3
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    jeeze brother RELAX!!!!!

    you are 18! I'm on my way to 23, and me and my girl swore we'd never leave each other, after 2 years of me catering to her, I needed to be single. Its been a week. I dont regret it. Life is one big learning experience. Dont get me wrong she maybe "the one" but if she isnt, LIFE GOES ON!

    take it one day at a time, with stride.

  4. #4
    king6's Avatar
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    Who knows what girls mean half the time. They say so much sh!t, you never can tell how they feel. She might just be lashing out because of stress, sometimes we do things to be mean without really meaning to, or know that we do it. Stress isnt good for anything, especially relationships. Just be patient, understanding and available, don't push her or pick fights, that will just make things worse. And for god sakes get you liscense. Girls like to be driven by their bf, not the other way around.

  5. #5
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    At 18yrs old, niether one of you can begin to grasp the meaning of Love.

    I would suggest you start seperating yourself from her, it seems she is trying to do that and it will end with you siting at home all weekend sulking in a corner.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  6. #6
    king6's Avatar
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    Your 18!? I must have missed that. Yeah man, you have your whole life ahead of you, don't get to hung up on one girl. I understand you love her and all, but it wont be the end of the world either.

  7. #7
    spound's Avatar
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    It is probably just a phase, just give her some space and don't seem needy ever and don't call ehr all the time. EItehr way though, like others said, if ya'll break up, life goes on, you are only 18, there will be plenty more girls to come!

  8. #8
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Yeh I know, but my previous girlfriends have never been this perfect... We get along perfectly, not to mention we both love fitness... I think she's just lashing out cause of stress like you said, but who really knows. She is a very caring and understanding person so it was good of her to speak the truth. And I am not to young to grasp the true meaning of love. Our love has passed the "teenage romanticism" point and is more of a mature love right now. So yeh, maybe she just needs space to sort out her crap... I hope so, because at this point I couldn't have her as a friend if I could't be with her, you know?

  9. #9
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
    Chitown Raider is offline Anabolic Member
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    IMO no one should be in a serious relationship till the age of 25.

  10. #10
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Im telling you, more kids on this board that are in there teens are to serious about relationships... like whats going on?

    is it good to be faithful?... yes
    but goddamn bro your 18 and so is she. theres a pretty damn good chance u two arent going to make it to the aisle if you know what i mean.

    This is the reason people get there hearts broken when there younger and are "to scared" to get into a another relationship when there older. u gotta back off, and chill, and look at the bigger picture, your to young for this shit. im 21 and im not even close to that point in my life yet.

  11. #11
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    never say that "i will never leave you", "i will always love you no matter what" or the old "i promise il never hurt you". you cant predict the future. it definately wont last forever, especially as she is feeling like this now. its a shit situation to be in when a seemingly perfect relationship goes sour, but it will happen, and more than afew times. enjoy the moment, if i was you, stick with her, but distance yourself from her. give her a chance to see if she really does like being alone

  12. #12
    prncezzml's Avatar
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    Hey most females ARE a little crazy, we can hardly ever make up our minds, its annoying really (for us and you guys) But there is this is old saying "If you love something, let it go, it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was". Sometimes young people need to go their seperate ways for awhile and then they realize OK, I wanna be with that person, I made a mistake. The problem is, sometimes by the time they realize it, it's too late.

  13. #13
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chitown Raider
    IMO no one should be in a serious relationship till the age of 25.
    why do you say that? im jus as mature as any of my 25 yr old friends and im only 20, been with my gf for 4 years we live together now and i wouldnt trade it for ANYTHING!

  14. #14
    RA's Avatar
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    We idealize the people we are with and then when they say something about the relationship not being perfect we make a big deal out of it.

    You should put less stress on the relationship and go out more with the boyz. Your 18, enjoy it. Shes not really going to make up her mind till shes 25 anyway.

  15. #15
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    why do you say that? im jus as mature as any of my 25 yr old friends and im only 20, been with my gf for 4 years we live together now and i wouldnt trade it for ANYTHING!

    Its not 100% but thats the age when the area in your brain that controls your understanding of consequences fully develops.

  16. #16
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    why do you say that? im jus as mature as any of my 25 yr old friends and im only 20, been with my gf for 4 years we live together now and i wouldnt trade it for ANYTHING!
    That's good.

  17. #17
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    did you get that drivers license yet?

  18. #18
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Its not 100% but thats the age when the area in your brain that controls your understanding of consequences fully develops.

  19. #19
    PaRiS2005 is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by prncezzml
    Hey most females ARE a little crazy, we can hardly ever make up our minds, its annoying really (for us and you guys) But there is this is old saying "If you love something, let it go, it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was". Sometimes young people need to go their seperate ways for awhile and then they realize OK, I wanna be with that person, I made a mistake. The problem is, sometimes by the time they realize it, it's too late.

    I completely agree. Females are nuts. They have emotions that change every 5 minutes! I mean, its' crazy to think about, but when you sit down and think about it, females deal with things entirely different then males do. A lot of guys have the mentality, move on and get over it. While females sit, and over analyze every little detail. Sometimes, this isn't the best thing, but it's what we are taught and what makes sense.

  20. #20
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3

    Yeah. People often change their opinions about a lot of things around age 25,26,27. Thats the reason.

  21. #21
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
    SMYL_GR8 is offline Senior Member
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    A year and a half relationship at your age is crazy. Let it run its course and move on OR get married soon and get divorced in 5 years like everyone your age.

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