Writing always helps me when I'm sad or depressed, so I wrote this little bit for my blog on myspace... What do you guys think?
What is love? For me, love is the ultimate thing one can feel in life. It is the most powerful emotion we as human beings can feel. It can start wars, it can give hope, and it can make one do the impossible. I believe love is a gift from god and that we should spread it throughout the world.
There is far too much hate as of now and perhaps, just maybe, if everyone loved a little more this world would be a much greater place. We as humans can surely discover a similarity between one another... We are far too focused on our differences rather then what we each hold in common. We rose to dominance and the only challenge is that of ourselves.
There are many goals in life, money, power, prestige, etc. Having these is great, but will it make one truly happy? Happiness doesn't derive from money alone, becoming a celebrity doesn't provide for one the happiness they seek... There is only one source for true happiness, and that is love.
If one breaks it down, there are different degrees of love. The love a parent has for their child, which is unconditional. The love one shares with his siblings, which also happens to be unconditional. Then there is the love that you find within another person. Now, the love you find within another person surely isn't as powerful as one has for their own child, but it is the type of love that eventually will produce that child, and that child will eventually have those siblings.
I will use my self as an example of one such love. It all happened when I met this girl. I didn't fall in love with her at first sight, nor did I believe anything would come of us. However, soon after we began dating we both realized that this was something different. The feelings I felt made me feel greater than Donald Trump and they made me feel better than Tom Cruise. Because this was love, true love, the ultimate feeling we as humans can ever hope to achieve.
For reasons I truly cannot comprehend but support we have recently broken up. Does it hurt? It is the most pain I have ever received; it's as if one of Heaven's angels has reached into my body and removed my soul. This proves a common theory that all relationships, no matter how strong and powerful, need some time alone.
Being with the one you love constantly can also take an effect on other goals. School, a job, even your friends and family. If your tied up within a relationship for so long and you neglect these other fields, the brain is going to begin to resent the heart.
So, the number one thing in a relationship is balance... I didn't understand this until it slapped me in the face. I had to learn the hard way. No matter how much you love eachother, there comes a time when one or both of you needs space, and if that happens, let it. Don't cling on and beg for the one you love to come back, let her have her space. Ultimately if she has been truthful, it will end in your favor and the one you love will realize that they wish to be with you.
I personally believe that the girl I fell in love with over a year ago, who we as a relationship have endured many challenges, will come back to me. And I will wait. Sure I could go running off and looking for another girl because I'm angry or sad, sure she could do the same thing. But if you truly love someone, you will wait for them. And if they truly love you, they will come back.
Life gives us many things, the most magical being love. It is by far the most powerful emotion humans can feel, and it has the greatest potential for good or for harm. If you use it wisely, it will benefit you greatly, and if you use it wrongly, then you will never be truly happy. Out of all the types of love, the one you feel for a certain person you wish to spend your life with is the most influencial. If you find that love, nurture it, do not abuse it. And if a break is necessary, let it happen. The woman I love once said, "If you truly love something, set it free, if it comes back, then it's meant to be."
P.S. If anyone has had a heart break and would like to talk with someone about it I'd be happy to. Don't think about doing something drastic such as suicide... Please, talk to me. I'd be more then happy to communicate with someone on a similar level and if I can prevent you from doing something possibly life threatening, then I know I have done something good as a human being.