Man, women are the same. Only difference is.. some are more open and honest about it and some are not. For example...
When in the relationship... You go out for a movies, dinner, drinks etc.. You pay, You go home and get laid IF she is in the mood. Most of the time she will feel guilty that You spent all this money and its time to satisfy You for all this.
With a girl that just wants to have fun pretty much same thing but much easier than with the girlfriend, example... You meet her at the club/bar whatever, buy her some drinks than You go to your place... she already knows what she is going there for.. and You get laid.
Now with the prostitute same thing but much much easier, becasue she already knows what You are comming for, money the table, pants down, Youre going at it.. done deal.
Dude, I bet You if prostitution was legal in the US, the economy would go right the F down .. You know why ? because guys would be spending all the money on hot prostitutes instead of on the food, drinks, places, fancy clothes, fancy cars that they need in order to get HOT looking women to bang!

Easy, obvious, no drama involved, no obligations, no commitments, You get what You want %100 of the time

Think about it!