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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey

    anyone quit smoking

    howdy doodly.
    i quit smoking on new years, i have had the occassional cigarrette on the weekend with a few beers.
    im sure that it is actually getting harder and harder as the weeks go by.
    its probably as im realising that i wont be smoking anymore. aghhh
    i did attempt to quit smoking before lasted 2 months.
    going cold turkey this time without any nicorrette stuff, which aint helping.

    anyone got any tips.

  2. #2
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know what u mean

    i quit dipping on new years .... along with having the occassional cigarette .... as well as alcohol

    so far so good ... gotta see if i can hold up next week ... got my boy coming down for a week

  3. #3
    ecivon is offline Member
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    I don't know if I can help you out Bro, it has to come only from you, but I'll tell you how I did it and the end result, looking back: Piece of Cake!!

    I smoked 1 1/2 - 2 packs per day and chewed at the same time and never spit -- just swallowed. I just got so damned tired of it, one day I just said 'that's it' and never smoked, or chewed again and that was 22 years ago and never had a let down.

    One thing I learned is that it is all psychological -- regardless of the chemicals in the tobacco -- successfully quitting is all in the head. Whenever I got an urge to light up I just told myself to wait 3 lousy minutes and the urge would pass and it would. Even if the urge returned in 5 minutes I would tell myself the same thing, wait until the urge passed and in less than a month the urges kept getting further and further apart until I didn't need to worry about it.

    One thing successfully quitting does is give you a turbocharged willpower and determination in most every other thing that'll come up in your life.

    All's I can tell you is man it up and be determined. And do not smoke on the weekends, or for any other occasion, those are crutches and will guarantee you will fail. Sincerely, Good Luck on this one Bro. After you've quit for awhile you'll find out how ****ing disgusting cigarettes and smoking is and just the smell of a cigarette will turn you off. And then try making out with a hot and sexy chick who smokes --- No way possible.

  4. #4
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    im 3 days without any so far! and 3 days before i had like 1 or 2 but i had a few drinks. now im 'on' so theres no more drinks i think ill do fine! ive smoked for 8 years its time.

  5. #5
    big L 17's Avatar
    big L 17 is offline Female Member
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    i am trying to quite dipping but i am slowy stopping

  6. #6
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    yep, i quit 4 years ago in my daughters b-day.thru the smokes in the trash and dats dat

  7. #7
    x_moe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    yep, i quit 4 years ago in my daughters b-day.thru the smokes in the trash and dats dat
    cant imagine how hard it is to do that with me

  8. #8
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    i use to smoke so much(though id be cool in my teenage years) i had nicotine stains on my first 2 fingers.
    I ended up using welbutrin to wuit. It's most commenly prescribed as an antidepressant but also used as a quit smoking aid. It really helped me out!

  9. #9
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    well, i got a bro who just quit smoking after 40 years......he has been diagnosed with stage 3b lung cancer.......stats on stage 3b, is 4 per cent make it 5 years. hes taking chemo and radiation treatments.......making him sick as a dog. i guess i was lucky, never use tobacco products in my life...use to not even kiss a girl if she smoked.....but my standards have been lowered over the years.

  10. #10
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    for some reason i can start and quit anytime i want to fairly eaily so maybe i'm not the one ask, but one technique i've used before is to take up a cardio sport (running is what i used), and everytime i wanted a smoke real bad-like i'd run a mile. it's more satisfying and you know that if you start again you're ruining your progress.

  11. #11
    fenceguy's Avatar
    fenceguy is offline Associate Member
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    I quit after 10 years, before I quit, I was up to 3 packs a day. i went on the patch for 2 weeks and started training for rugby. running sprints, joggin, kicking up and unders for 3 hours a day. work your lungs so they hurt so bad, you couldn't imagine putting smoke in them.

  12. #12
    ecs44 is offline Junior Member
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    I hear there is a new drug out that blocks part of the brain that deals with the pleasure you get from smoking,I cant remember what the name is but any dr. should know.Its not wellbutrin

  13. #13
    STYLE74's Avatar
    STYLE74 is offline Got Style?
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    I quit smoking about 7 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. It made no sense going to the gym working out training to be more healthy but then smoking cigarettes so I just quit.

  14. #14
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    I gave up 23 years ago and it was the best thing I did. You will know that you have won when you go out and get drunk and refrain from smoking. Don't be tempted to have a cigar for special occations as I have seen lots of people over the years fall back into smoking again that way!

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    My friend smoke for years. We were just talking about this yesterday. She went to a hypnotist in the fall. She hasn't smoke 1 cigarette since. Its been about 4 months.

  16. #16
    rar1015's Avatar
    rar1015 is offline Anabolic Member
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    my doctor gave me this stuff and worked like wonders. Check it out.

  17. #17
    ifyoubuildit is offline New Member
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    i stopped on july 17 last year (not that i'm keeping track lol). cold turkey. i found that days 3, 4, 5 were bad physically, but like what has been said earlier, it's all in your head. i'm at the point where i'm comfortable being out with smokers having a drink and don't give in. there are days still though where i'm jonesing for a pull. i'm hoping those times become fewer and further between. no secret for me though, just willpower.

  18. #18
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifyoubuildit
    i'm hoping those times become fewer and further between. no secret for me though, just willpower.
    Good for you Bro ... Trust me, you'll get slight urges from time-to-time, but just let them pass, they are no big deal, or threat to you.

  19. #19
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Man Up ... thats all the help you need.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    every single, biro ,pencil, ruler, bacically anything i can chew has teeth marks.
    i hate pen chewers, well i hate it when they chew my pens.

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