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  1. #1
    ecivon is offline Member
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    How Much Alcohol Can You Drink At One Time??

    Okay, how much alcohol have you ever drank in a short period of time? Say like in one night, or from when you started to drink to when you stopped?

    I can't drink that much: One bottle of wine, or one bottle of whiskey, or 10 cans of beer. Don't really care for beer, makes me tired. In either of the above I'm wasted the next day.

    Couple of years ago I got a DUI and had to spend a couple of days in jail. Dudes in there were bragging about 8-10 DUI's and slamming a fifth before hitting the road to party and drinking another fifth and loads of beer all in the same night.

    Some guys have insane capacity.

  2. #2
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Okay, how much alcohol have you ever drank in a short period of time? Say like in one night, or from when you started to drink to when you stopped?

    I can't drink that much: One bottle of wine, or one bottle of whiskey, or 10 cans of beer. Don't really care for beer, makes me tired. In either of the above I'm wasted the next day.

    Couple of years ago I got a DUI and had to spend a couple of days in jail. Dudes in there were bragging about 8-10 DUI's and slamming a fifth before hitting the road to party and drinking another fifth and loads of beer all in the same night.

    Some guys have insane capacity.
    You build a tolerance ask my liver !!!

  3. #3
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Okay, how much alcohol have you ever drank in a short period of time? Say like in one night, or from when you started to drink to when you stopped?

    I can't drink that much: One bottle of wine, or one bottle of whiskey, or 10 cans of beer. Don't really care for beer, makes me tired. In either of the above I'm wasted the next day.

    Couple of years ago I got a DUI and had to spend a couple of days in jail. Dudes in there were bragging about 8-10 DUI's and slamming a fifth before hitting the road to party and drinking another fifth and loads of beer all in the same night.

    Some guys have insane capacity.
    Oh and by the way 8 to 10 dui or dwi, your locked up for a long time..

  4. #4
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    i've drank way more than a fifth when i was in college, but i get buzzed off just a couple drinks now.

  5. #5
    h4mer's Avatar
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    ill drink a litre of vodka from 8pm to 12am then head to town and drink 10 pints with the help of ephadrine,god help my liver

  6. #6
    ru-ga-ru's Avatar
    ru-ga-ru is offline Associate Member
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    Well when we used to go fishing offshore, we would always start the night before with beer then move to Crown and Coke til about 1 am. Wake up at 4 am drink one Bloody Mary to kill the hangover and drink beer ALL day long til about 3:30pm. Now we always have 4 people and 1 case (24 beers) per person. Not to mention if one of the dumbasses may have brought some medicinal smoke. And that always adds to the mix.

  7. #7
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    3 puffs and im gone

  8. #8
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Freshman year in college, I could throw down 15 beers before i passed out.
    Now, 4 beers, i'm buzzed

  9. #9
    bbplaya21's Avatar
    bbplaya21 is offline Associate Member
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    in the woods.......
    last week a bottle of whiskey (jack Daniels) and about 4 or 5 beers playing flip cup. two days later a bottle of Hpnotiq and about a 12 pack. I still got my tolerence up there pretty damn high still but o well its college

  10. #10
    audis4's Avatar
    audis4 is offline Eat, Sleep, Lift...Repeat!
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    last thursday for my 21st in 1.5 hours time.....

    -2 tequila shot
    -1 cement mixer
    -1 brain washer
    -1 jager bomb
    -2 adios motherfvcker
    -4 long islands
    -2 kim jong ill's
    -4 3wisemen (omg these are sooo gross!!!)
    -2 lemon drops
    -1 irish car bomb
    -1 duck fart
    -2 blueberry komokazi's
    -1 shot jack
    -1 mind eraser

    ---omg, not sure how i lived. NOT drinking for a LONGGGGG time!! F-ing friends spent more than $200

  11. #11
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    The most I ever drank was somewhere in the Mid-20's...25 drinks probably.

  12. #12
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    at a blockparty. 28beers over the course of the day into the night at 2am i couldnt see anymore and was trying to fight people..i remember they drove me home but i was blind lmao no hangover the next day either. and a 1.75ml bottle of grey goos on the 4th of july that wasnt good either i got emotional and called my ex and wound up fighting with her lol...just to say i dont drink anymore...well 1 or 2 michelob ultras when i go it doesnt get me buzzed but if i drink 3 then its 4 then 5 then 6 then 7 ect.

    oh yeah there was this time i drank the whole bottle of cabo wabo tequila..that was noooooo goood.

  13. #13
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    When I used to drink a lot more Ive downed a 26er of jack or goose and I could finish a 24 of beer, seperate nights of course!

  14. #14
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Always been able to drink enuff to make me promise I never would do it again the next day. Yeah I have lied to myself alot

  15. #15
    ThePump's Avatar
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    i've drank almost 30 beers before on st. patties day. and i used to drink jim beam by default a 5th every night we went out. lol

  16. #16
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    my friend bet me 25 bucks that i couldn't drink 3 18 packs in 10 hours. I made it to 50. Fought him. Puked on a girl. Vandalized our apartment complex. Woke up bloody and sick. Good night. Don't drink like that anymore though.

  17. #17
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    I think bragging about how much you can drink is ridiculous. A high tolerance is not a good thing

  18. #18
    BIGB's Avatar
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    not proud of the but i drank gin lime presses at the cabin i drank 33 ounces so half the 66 from 8 pm till 11:30 till i passed out in the car for the night and was sick as hell i was shottin the shit with another fire guy and thats all i remember. that would be my tops

  19. #19
    big L 17's Avatar
    big L 17 is offline Female Member
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    back in high school i drank half a bottle of everclear
    average drikning night with my friends ill down 12 beers.on crazy nights i have dranken a 18 and 8 shots of vodka.i normally dont stop untill everyone is passed out.

  20. #20
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    I ended up getting kicked outa 1 of the high schools I went to. The night before a big field trip I picked up 2 gallons of vodka, I drank 3/4 a gallon myself and then packed up and went to school with a book bag full of water bottelsI had filled with the rest of the gallon and 1/4. I slam the 1/4 before I walk into school and once we got to our destination at the arch I start handing out bottles of vodka to my friends. Then we get on a boat and go down the mississippi river during flood season.While going down the river im sipping slowly on a full water bottle of vodka and I drank about a 1/4 of that everyone else was throwing up and a buch of the people rated on me and even said I MADE them drink.

  21. #21
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Pre meathead era I could and did used to drink shitloads.

    Now I barely drink at all and when I do a coupla beers with a coupla shots of Jack get me feeling pretty happy.

  22. #22
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    I am no longer able to drink because my eyes and hands turn yellow. NO JOKE. I am pretty sure it HepC but I cant pay for the test.

  23. #23
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    ill let u know after tonight goin to b.w.wings 64oz bud selects for 7 dollars

  24. #24
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I am no longer able to drink because my eyes and hands turn yellow. NO JOKE. I am pretty sure it HepC but I cant pay for the test.
    i think thats somthing you should pay for. aren't you 19? i could be mistaken, but if you are your not under your parents health insurance anymore?

    im lucky my mothers job covers me until im 25 without being in college!

  25. #25
    ecivon is offline Member
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    I was sent to Mexico to work on a project and while killing time came across mezcal con gusano for the first time. I had heard all the stories about being able to get to the bottom of the bottle and eating the worm. I don't think I even came close. Woke up in my bed 1 1/2 days later with all my clothes on and feeling not so good.

  26. #26
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    M insurance sucks. It makes me pay for everything, Im pretty sure I got it like 99.9% not to break the rules but IV drug use with a person that I later found out had Hep C. But as long as I stay clean from whay Iunderstand my liver will fix its self. My doc wouldnt test me for it but told me that.

  27. #27
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    M insurance sucks. It makes me pay for everything, Im pretty sure I got it like 99.9% not to break the rules but IV drug use with a person that I later found out had Hep C. But as long as I stay clean from whay Iunderstand my liver will fix its self. My doc wouldnt test me for it but told me that.
    Hep A and B are treatable with A being the less serious of the two. Hep C is somewhat treatable to keep it in check, but is generally considered uncurable and is the most serious of the three. Neglecting to have any of them screened is not advisable. You should get checked out if you get jaundiced as easily as you made it sound. It could be cirrhosis and not hepatitis and you should know so that you can maked informed decisions about diet, exercise, AAS ,etc.

  28. #28
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    Hep A and B are treatable with A being the less serious of the two. Hep C is somewhat treatable to keep it in check, but is generally considered uncurable and is the most serious of the three. Neglecting to have any of them screened is not advisable. You should get checked out if you get jaundiced as easily as you made it sound. It could be cirrhosis and not hepatitis and you should know so that you can maked informed decisions about diet, exercise, AAS ,etc.
    I think it could be cirrhosis. I do become jaundice that easy. as for diet and exercise and aas, im staying clear of everything that putts stress on the liver. I use milk thistle. Hep-C is uncureable but if you manage it it wont effect you.

  29. #29
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Ive been known kill bottles of captain morgan (original or tattoo) in a nights time

  30. #30
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    i have never drank, so probably a sip of beer.
    really never drank or tasted the shit.

  31. #31
    chest6's Avatar
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    dont really drink much anymore even tho i did last night and came on here posting random shit...tolerance used to be good like 20-25 beers during the night now its more like 10-15 gets me drunk. Still I may drink once or twice every 6 months now tho

  32. #32
    bigbouncinballs's Avatar
    bigbouncinballs is offline Senior Member
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    Your mom's
    bout 15 beers
    couple shots of tequila
    4 shots of jack
    some foo-foo shots thrown in there

    puked all the way home, woke up at 6am on the bathroom floor. can't wait till this thursday!!

  33. #33
    DARKSEID's Avatar
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    Most in short period was around 15 shots of yukon jack in about 5 min. I was 19 and it was a gift from work. Just a small bottle. Took me about 10 min, before I was all over the place, then spent the night being sick. My tolerance is next to none now, I had a couple beers after work with co-worker the other day and it was my first beer in about 6+ years and after 2, I was getting hot and my bp was up.

  34. #34
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Too much

  35. #35
    Sage's Avatar
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    i had 5.5 bottles of golden monkey and was still able to drive home.

  36. #36
    TAPPER is offline Junior Member
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    On many occasions I have seem my friend go from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning pounding beer after beer after beer offset with a few shots now and again. Its sad because before he became an alcoholic there once was a man with some goals and ambition in there. Now he is just wasting away.

  37. #37
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    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    did a bottle of absolute vodka,6 stellas and half a bottle of archers last night.
    always been able to drink a lot.not bragging cus its expensive to get pissed.
    only drink sort of once a week!!!!
    both parents were alchoholics and anyones opinion can that be passed down through genetics?????
    all my friends are 2nd generation irish like me and all drink very heavy,just a sterio type or geneticaly real?

  38. #38
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    last thursday for my 21st in 1.5 hours time.....

    -2 tequila shot
    -1 cement mixer
    -1 brain washer
    -1 jager bomb
    -2 adios motherfvcker
    -4 long islands
    -2 kim jong ill's
    -4 3wisemen (omg these are sooo gross!!!)
    -2 lemon drops
    -1 irish car bomb
    -1 duck fart
    -2 blueberry komokazi's
    -1 shot jack
    -1 mind eraser

    ---omg, not sure how i lived. NOT drinking for a LONGGGGG time!! F-ing friends spent more than $200
    ive got to know whats in a kim jong ill

  39. #39
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    did a bottle of absolute vodka,6 stellas and half a bottle of archers last night.
    always been able to drink a lot.not bragging cus its expensive to get pissed.
    only drink sort of once a week!!!!
    both parents were alchoholics and anyones opinion can that be passed down through genetics?????
    all my friends are 2nd generation irish like me and all drink very heavy,just a sterio type or geneticaly real?

    Yes .... alcoholism is a genetic disease ... but you can prevent it by not drinking

  40. #40
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    ok since the thread says "one time" my one time happened to be 2 1/2 days straight at senior prom. I would estimate I drank around 40-50 beers, dropped about 5 x tabs, a few rails of cystal and yeyo, but no herbals.
    All the other shit (especially the crystal) helped burn the alchohol out of my system as I drank it so they kinda countered each other.

    BUt the bad part is when you stop, than sunday night comes by and your body starts to recover *awake from a 2 1/2 day binge like that because all the lingering stimulants still have you awake. That sunday night was a blurr. I really dont even remember recovering and how bad it prob was, but I remember waking up the next morning and 10mins after getting in my car I blacked out doing 35 and went head on into a minivan.
    The emt's say the only reason I didnt get seriously fvcked up is because i was asleep and my body was loose and able to bounce back and forth to the impact without me sticking limbs out to resist.
    The one kid in the minivan was in a neckbrace for a while, but since I was actaully friends with him (knew him from school) I really didnt get in any trouble and people more or less felt bad for me when I told them I just "blacked out for *no reason".
    No tests were done or nothing. I was one crazy m/fking teenager.

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