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Thread: Brothels

  1. #1
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Oct 2005


    I've got two stories to share. Went to the Mustang Ranch in Las Vegas with my brother-in-law and got booted out. When you walked in the girls all jumped into a line and you picked the one you wanted. I picked mine and headed down this little hall towards a 'room'. She gave me this basin to 'freshen' my boys and we talked price. I told her I didn't have much and could only pay $75 and she bitched and moaned and agreed. She left the room and I was trying to stuff my money in my socks so she wouldn't see it when she came back in the room and caught me and got pissed. She said she wanted like $200 -- she caught me by surprise and before my brain could stop my mouth I told her she wasn't worth it. Never tell a 'pro' she's not worth it. I hadn't been in there 5 minutes when I walked out and my brother-in-law was still trying to decide on what girl to pick. He saw me and started lau***ng his ass off about me being so 'quick on the draw' and how he felt sorry for his sister.

    The other story is Wallace, Idaho. Brothels were legal in Wallace and the girls were almost all co-eds from WSU in Pullman. The brothels were all on main street and they all had different colored brightly painted front doors. That's how you could tell them from the normal businesses. Anyway, I had just gotten back from fishing and was weraing my hip waders and I left for Wallace with a buddy and a half-gallon of whiskey. By the time we got there I had lost one of my boots during a road stop piss break. Luckily his brother had left a Keds tennis shoe under the seat of the pickup, so I went to all of these brothels with one hip wader and wearing a left Ked on my right foot. These chicks looked at me like I was crazy. Never laughed so hard in my life, it was great fun. Freaking gorgeous co-eds and the going rate was $1.00 per minute -- no kidding.

  2. #2
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Funny stuff!

  3. #3
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Wow, a dollar a minute. Surely cheaper then getting married.

  4. #4
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Wow, a dollar a minute. Surely cheaper then getting married.
    Yeah, it was unbelievable fun, a great time. I like lau***ng and getting crazy. Marriage seems to put a damper on things. But when it's good I suppose it's the way to go.

  5. #5
    ru-ga-ru's Avatar
    ru-ga-ru is offline Associate Member
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    TX via South LA
    Haaaaa thats some great shit

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