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  1. #1
    Fooboy's Avatar
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    Melatonin...Help or Hoax????

    I went to GNC the other day and the guy there told me that by taking melatonin every night, it aids in the rebuilding of muscle tissue. Is this fact or plain ol' fiction. Theoretically it sounds factual however I never know with those GNC guys. No offense to any GNC employees out there...they've actually helped me out a lot. Just wanted to get some feedback on the issue.


  2. #2
    tie's Avatar
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    I may be mistaken, but I believe that Melatonin is the hormone which the body releases naturally prior to sleep, and the cheif benefit od supplementation is assocaited with inducing sleep and addressing insomnia. I guess the guys at GNC could be suggesting that improved sleep encourages tisue rebuilding, which is true. However, I don't believe that Melatonin itself directly benefits tissue development.


  3. #3
    demetri's Avatar
    demetri is offline Member
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    I agree, Melatonin itself will not aid in the rebuilding of muscle tissue.

    The better you sleep the better you grow. The better you sleep the better you think. As a lot of hormones are released when you sleep soundly (GH for one) then it stands to reason that you'll benefit from a good sleep.

    I also think that if everything is in order upstairs you'll grow better too and sleep is the most important factor in healthy cognition.

    One bizarre observation that I've recently made is that I need a heck of a lot less sleep since I quit watching TV. Any thoughts out there?

  4. #4
    Fooboy's Avatar
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    i apologize for my misinformation. I actually meant that when one has a good nights sleep, his body recuperates more efficiently. I didn't mean that melatonin itself will directly aid muscle repair. Thanks for the input, fellas.


  5. #5
    jeffylyte's Avatar
    jeffylyte is offline Member
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    now here is some interesting info. Ive learned this cause my GF has a disease called fibromyalgia.

    1) most of the hormonal release is done while you sleep (especially HGH).
    2) melatonin is the body's signal to go to sleep. so if you have insomnia it could help.
    3) other things can help such as valerian and ZMA. Valerian relaxes you and ZMA helps with the body's own production of melatonin.
    4) most hormone release is done in stage 4 sleep (of which fibromyalgia inhibits). so unfortunately, melatonin, valerian, and ZMA dont help you get to... they only help you sleep.
    5) anti-depressants such as celexxa sp? help with stage 4 sleep, thereby conteracting much of the hormonal depletion associated with fibromyalgia or any other lack of stage 4 sleep.

    in short, if you have insomnia, it could help. otherwise its shit. i wonder however, if anti-depressants wouldnt be better?

  6. #6
    Sicilian30's Avatar
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    I do believe in it, it has helped me fall asleep more than anything else. I was a skeptic, but now I am a believer after trying it for two days. And trust, me no one has a harder time than me falling asleep.

  7. #7
    5minsforfighting's Avatar
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    I picked some up at gnc a few months ago .. I hate that f*cking store but i went there with a buddy of mine and picked some up cause it was cheap .. under $5 .. they were small tabs that you dissovle under your tounge.. helped me sleep like a baby ... and i usually wake up like 3-4 times a night and I am finally sleeping a full 8-9 hours now without waking up in the middle of the night .. this stuff is great and the price is reasonable ..

  8. #8
    Fooboy's Avatar
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    yeah, i used to not be able to fall asleep at all and when i finally did, wake up 3-4 times a night. I sleep like a pig now. And the dreams are rather pleasant as well.

  9. #9
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    lets put it this way. i usually hit the hay at about 4am...well i had to get up real early on saturday if u do the math, that is 2 hours of sleep which would just not cut it. took 4.5mg melatonin at 11pm and by 1230am i was fucking knocked out. i had 7 missed calls on my cell phone when i woke up at 6...and NOT ONE disturbed me at all.

    good stuff!!!

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