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  1. #41
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    You say that, "The problem with psychology is that it's such a hard thing to test or observe." Actually, it depends on what you mean by psychology. In the case of research psychology, it's actually a strenght. An independant variable is defined in such away that it can be quantified, tested, and replicated.

    There is problems with surveys - that's a given but the NPI is not a survey. It's a standardized test that validly and reliably measures Narcissistic tendencies. A high score on the NPI doesn't warrant the diagnosis of narcissism but it shows a tendency and has the therapist "barking up the right tree." Diagnosing a personality disorder is murky buissness and more often the psychologists focuses more on concrete and immediate behaviors and thoughts rather than abstract traits.

    You say, "I really feel that the field does not know enough about the brain to be altering its chemistry this early in the game." It's true that not much is known precisely how some meds work - the talk about an anti-depressant, for example, impacting neurotransmitters is speculative, last I checked. But it is known that taking this med corresponds to reducing symptoms in the majority of patients (it can actually worsen symptoms, particularly when adolescents take these meds).

    You say that, "you cant see inside the persons thoughts to understand the problem, you can only observe behavior." It's true that you can't see thoughts but cognitive-behavioral therapy is about the patient reporting his or her thoughts and behaviors and the therapist educates you to be "meta-cognitive (you start to think about your thinking). For example, a depressive may interpret neutral stimuli in a threatening way and this in turn causes him or her to react defensively bringing about a negative response from the other person (a self-fullfilling prophesy). When a client becomes aware of this tendency, the client may become more detached from such negative interpretations - he or she may say, I'm interpreting it that way because I feel depressed. Depressives generally think in a rigid-minded and dismal way and that just sustains the depresion.

    You say that "[psychology] is really still in its infancy. Psychology has come along way actually. Psychology, however, is and always will be "pre-paradigmatic." A mature science, like physics operates under a single paradigm (quantum physics I think). Psychology has a number of approaches and overall is not a unified field.

    I would be careful about drawing conclusions about psychology. You don't want to find yourself in a state of "Logan13ism" where you have all the confident oppinions and little valid understanding. Better to suspend your judgement, assume you are in the process of finding out - raise questions to your therapists about the strengths and weaknesses of your therapy, possible alternatives, and whether a multi-layered approach (e.g., meds, plus cognitive behavioral therapy) is better than just the pharmacological route.

    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    It doesn't interest me all that much... I mean, the only real measure is a persons behavior/actions. Other then that, asking them questions, surverys, 1-on1's, etc, etc, dont really give me a clear indiciation of whether or not that person REALLY feels that way. I see a Psychiatrist because I have anxiety/panic attacks, to be honest she is pretty much just a pill pusher, she compares your condition to what medication she knows may have an effect, asks you about side effects, and adjusts dosage. So the Psychiatrist is clearly operating on the biological viewpoint of psychology. Whereas a therapist is using other methods of behavior modification and 1 on 1 therapy to change the individual. Then you have the ones who use a combination of both...I really feel that the field does not know enough about the brain to be altering its chemistry this early in the game (I say this somewhat hypocritically since i take psych meds everyday to control my anxiety attacks, but who knows what other side effects Im having that Im not even concious of)...

    I guess Im on a pretty big rant here, but its basically my feelings on why psychology isn't a reliable field of study in my opinion. It's really still in its infancy and a lot less is known about it then the other functions of the body. It's also a field FLOOOOOODED by tons and tons of theorys a lot of which make sense, and its anyones guess as to which ones are law. Again, because you cant see inside the persons thoughts to understand the problem, you can only observe behavior, and go by what the person tells you, when neither one may really be indiciative of the problem.

  2. #42
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    I'm still better than all of you.

  3. #43
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Maybe, but atleast I'm better than that Logan character!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    I'm still better than all of you.

  4. #44
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  5. #45
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    I don't care what these researchers say. As a 22 year old college student, I am better than them in every way
    I second that.

  6. #46
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Maybe, but atleast I'm better than that Logan character!
    yes, you are such an internet toughguy...............

  7. #47
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Bought too much into a specialized field that uses the scientfic method to get a sense of human behavior and personality? What alternative would you suggest?

    Contrary to what you say, I think an informed viewpoint is superior to not thinking deep enough and relying on default oversimplfications to grasp the world around you. I also think learning to approach a subject systematically is superior than just have "common sense." Do you think an accountant is buying too much into economic theory?

    Also, no one said that everything that makes a person unique is a disorder. To be sure, Narcissistic personality disorder is a problem - mostly for those close to the narcissist. It's mostly an interpersonal problem. In case where it becomes a problem for the narcissist, he or she commonly comes in with a vague description of feeling empty.

    I agree with you, no doc is going to tell you that you're personality should be something else - no one implied that to begin with. A therapist, should a person seek to see one, would focus more on behaviors and thoughts (over personality) with suggestions of alternative ways of thinking. It's more about adress concrete and immediate stuff over personality traits. Many people don't realize that it's there way of thinking or behaving that is the cause of their suffering. Those can always be improved - even for the therapist. Just like in bodybuilding, you train in the right way and you get developed. Not training, whether bodybuilding or psychology = the absence of that developement.
    not my job to make people think better about me.....they make up their own mind.....people not liking someone shouldn't make the person being disliked want to change don't like me whatever.....your loss not mine

    behaviors and thoughts make up your personality.............

    and changing myself to suit other people's retarded ideas and expectations of how i should be is probably the most retarded thing i've ever heard......therapy to get rid of something like narcissism which would be an integral part of any person considered afflicted with it i would think, is absurd.

  8. #48
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Take it easy killer! Lol!

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    yes, you are such an internet toughguy...............

  9. #49
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    I've got to be me! Sounds good! More power to you!

    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    not my job to make people think better about me.....they make up their own mind.....people not liking someone shouldn't make the person being disliked want to change don't like me whatever.....your loss not mine

    behaviors and thoughts make up your personality.............

    and changing myself to suit other people's retarded ideas and expectations of how i should be is probably the most retarded thing i've ever heard......therapy to get rid of something like narcissism which would be an integral part of any person considered afflicted with it i would think, is absurd.

  10. #50
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Take it easy killer! Lol!
    could not resist, I was trying to find that "Internet Tough Guy" banner..... damn it!

  11. #51
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    ???? OK my man, whatever you say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    could not resist, I was trying to find that "Internet Tough Guy" banner..... damn it!

  12. #52
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    ???? OK my man, whatever you say.
    “How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The great part of abstract terms are shadows that hide a vacuum.” - Joseph Joubert

  13. #53
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    The alternative to that is that you don't have much capacity for abstract thought. If I were you, I'd save face and stick with your view. If you ever find something I say abstract, I'd be happy to break it down into more concrete terms. But my feeling is, the person I'm speaking to is hearing me. That person is a type of person (not you're type). What's abstract for one person may be concrete for another person. It really depends on what you bring to the table. But I'd be happy to explain things appropriate to you if you ask me too.

    You're making interpretations about my intentions. Unfortunately for you, you feel confindent in your judgement and you self-alienate as a result. I'm sure you misunderstand alot of people and those people probably just shrug you off and say, "that confident guy is a bit out of touch" but what would be life without some characters around. No hard feelings my man.

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    “How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The great part of abstract terms are shadows that hide a vacuum.” - Joseph Joubert

    Last edited by Mike Dura; 03-18-2007 at 01:18 PM.

  14. #54
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    The alternative to that is that you don't have much capacity for abstract thought. If I were you, I'd save face and stick with your view. If you ever find something I say abstract, I'd be happy to break it down into more concrete terms. But my feeling is, the person I'm speaking to is hearing me. That person is a type of person (not you're type). What's abstract for one person may be concrete for another person. It really depends on what you bring to the table. But I'd be happy to explain things appropriate to you if you ask me too.

    You're making interpretations about my intentions. Unfortunately for you, you feel confindent in your judgement and you self-alienate as a result. I'm sure you misunderstand alot of people and those people probably just shrug you off and say, "that confident guy is a bit out of touch" but what would be life without some characters around. No hard feelings my man.
    sorry that I hit a nerve with that one............

  15. #55
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    You didn't at all but stick with that view if it helps. I gave a sincere answer to you for you're own edification. That's what we're all here for right? - to learn a little bit. I'm not out to steal your thunder. Just trying to lend a hand. For you I'd do that anytime. Best of luck wrestling those weighty topics and best of luck with your bodybuilding! I bet your good at bodybuilding! Have you posted a pic? I'd love to see how you look! -Mike

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    sorry that I hit a nerve with that one............

  16. #56
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    You didn't at all but stick with that view if it helps. I gave a sincere answer to you for you're own edification. That's what we're all here for right? - to learn a little bit. I'm not out to steal your thunder. Just trying to lend a hand. For you I'd do that anytime. Best of luck wrestling those weighty topics and best of luck with your bodybuilding! I bet your good at bodybuilding! Have you posted a pic? I'd love to see how you look! -Mike
    You can't steal thunder, you have to earn your own.
    Post some pics of yourself WITH the gyno than.............

  17. #57
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    I did earn my own. As far as the gyno it's minimal so you don't really see it. Better luck next time!

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    You can't steal thunder, you have to earn your own.
    Post some pics of yourself WITH the gyno than.............

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