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Thread: Ringworm?

  1. #1
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    has anyone had it.. any info from personal experiences would be nice..
    i kant figure out watdafak i got here..
    started out as a zit on the inside of my tri close to arm pit.. i popped that mudderfuxr and this morning i HAVE a pefect RED circle round the zit and it HURTS!
    am i gunna die? or have arm amputated? this is gay

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    has anyone had it.. any info from personal experiences would be nice..
    i kant figure out watdafak i got here..
    started out as a zit on the inside of my tri close to arm pit.. i popped that mudderfuxr and this morning i HAVE a pefect RED circle round the zit and it HURTS!
    am i gunna die? or have arm amputated? this is gay

    You problably had an ingrown hair...or just a plain 'ol zit with the borders inflamed. Clean it out with Hyrogen peroxide, put Neosprorin on it and the bandaid you place over I don't think you need to plannnin a vegas run and blowin all your life saving as of yet...or you can just use that as an excuse and do it anyway.

    Ringworm isn't exactly a "worm", it's a fungus, same fungus that gives you athletes foot, jock itch and ringworm: fungus called Tinea - Tinea Pedis, Tinea cruris, and Tinea Corporis (respectively).

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    You problably had an ingrown hair...or just a plain 'ol zit with the borders inflamed. Clean it out with Hyrogen peroxide, put Neosprorin on it and the bandaid you place over I don't think you need to plannnin a vegas run and blowin all your life saving as of yet...or you can just use that as an excuse and do it anyway.

    Ringworm isn't exactly a "worm", it's a fungus, same fungus that gives you athletes foot, jock itch and ringworm: fungus called Tinea - Tinea Pedis, Tinea cruris, and Tinea Corporis (respectively).
    lol i knwo its a fungus and stuff... and i dont think its inflammed borders.. kuz its a perf cricle w/ a 3/4inch radius on it.. and it hurts .. but it also had a TON of White Gold in it when i squeezed da shit outa it .. it was great i could feel it moving around inside (painful) and then POW! right out.. next morning i kant get any more winnings outta it but it still hurts bad and now has a PERFECT gay red puffy circle@! ... i dont like vegas and i dont have much life saving im so fuxd

  4. #4
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    i had ringworm when i was in highschool from wrestling...i had it really bad...all over my body and in my hair on my head...mine itched like crazy..i would say if it doesnt go away at all in two or three days go to a doc...he will give u a ointment and pills...if he does make sure u take both...i never took the pills and it took long as hell to go away...

  5. #5
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    ring worm is a red circle and isnde its lighter.. it really is a perfect ring.

    people get it when they r around kids alot and also from sweaty dirty clothing.

  6. #6
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    use a anti fugal cream

  7. #7
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    you nasty bastard!!!! clean yourself once in a blue moon!!!!

  8. #8
    zimmy's Avatar
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    aright..well being in bjj ...we get ringworm staph alot. Honestly.. if it hurts... not ring worm. And if it started off as a zit and then became inflamed after...might be staph. But if you've never had ring worm... it's pretty easy to tell.. it won't be swollen or in pain...might itch. It will have a raised ringish shape.

    If that's the case then get the anti fungal cream from the store and use it twice a day. When you shower... wash that LAST and try not to let things that touch that, touch other parts of your body.

    Don't re-wear any clothes or anything like that.

    Ringworm = athletes foot on your body. It spreads very easily.

    takes 2 weeks to go away but if you wrestle or something, make sure you wait a week AFTER it fades before you start again or you will give it to someone. Oh and wipe your shit down in the gym.

  9. #9
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    has anyone had it.. any info from personal experiences would be nice..
    i kant figure out watdafak i got here..
    started out as a zit on the inside of my tri close to arm pit.. i popped that mudderfuxr and this morning i HAVE a pefect RED circle round the zit and it HURTS!
    am i gunna die? or have arm amputated? this is gay
    Sounds like you have cervical cancer.

    In this case.. you're going to die.

    Feel free to send all nude pics of your hot GF to me.

    ..along with any ergogenic products you may have one hand.



  10. #10
    Tesla's Avatar
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    I never had it in my life until I started going to the gym I'm going to now.....I've had it twice since going to that gym. And I'm a super-clean person. Nasty A$$ gym!!!

  11. #11
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla
    I never had it in my life until I started going to the gym I'm going to now.....I've had it twice since going to that gym. And I'm a super-clean person. Nasty A$$ gym!!!
    You too have cervical cancer.

    See above instructions


  12. #12
    aknopf95's Avatar
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    if it is ringworm, don't use hydrocortisone cream on it. someone told me it just "feeds" it

  13. #13
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    ^^Hydrocortisone doesn't kill cancer.

    Tai.. i suggest you ask your gyno to schedule a hysterectomy... ASAP!!!

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Sounds like you have cervical cancer.
    In this case.. you're going to die.
    Feel free to send all nude pics of your hot GF to me.
    ..along with any ergogenic products you may have one hand.
    i asked her bout sending u the nude pics.. she said.. no sorry...
    dood if cervical cancer is contagious u might wanna get ur self chekd out after last night.
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    aright..well being in bjj ...we get ringworm staph alot. Honestly.. if it hurts... not ring worm. And if it started off as a zit and then became inflamed after...might be staph.
    No ****ing way? staph?! the perfect red circle around the zit showed up w/ in a few min of poppin the hell outta it? and it hurts ALOT
    this could seriously suck w/ staph

  15. #15
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    There's a fungus among us.

    Pull the Tapeworm out of your ass , HEY!

    I had ringworm on my hand in highschool....It was like an itchy rash along my hand...Got some cream from the doc, and it was gone fast.

  16. #16
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    it wasnt a tick bite was it?

  17. #17
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    put Lamasil on it quick or you going to die!

  18. #18
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    a van down by the river!
    no biggie,i get it now anf than on my arm from my bench shirt, i use ltrimin ultra, over the counter, clears it up under a wk

  19. #19
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    just rub some tren on it

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    ^^Hydrocortisone doesn't kill cancer.

    Tai.. i suggest you ask your gyno to schedule a hysterectomy... ASAP!!!
    OK! i will send u my oversized uterus!

  21. #21
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    Could it be a tick bite?

    perfect concentric rings, sounds like lyme disease?


  22. #22
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Could it be a tick bite?

    perfect concentric rings, sounds like lyme disease?

    nah, i kno ticks! i live in oklahoma!

  23. #23
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Use Lamisil ... that should do the trick.

  24. #24
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    has anyone had it.. any info from personal experiences would be nice..
    i kant figure out watdafak i got here..
    started out as a zit on the inside of my tri close to arm pit.. i popped that mudderfuxr and this morning i HAVE a pefect RED circle round the zit and it HURTS!
    am i gunna die? or have arm amputated? this is gay
    Hmm I dont remember mine being red, it was actually kinda greyish looking but so long ago Im not even sure.
    I invested in some duct tape, plastic bags, and a special antifungal cream for ring worm. I put the cream on ed and taped plastic over it just to make sure that little bitch suffocated.
    Took like 3 months of scratching before it finally went away.

    Might be from the new female you've been speaking about recently, you probaly caught a burner or 2. Make sure to ALWAYS strap your shit and know who your fvckin with.

  25. #25
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Hmm I dont remember mine being red, it was actually kinda greyish looking but so long ago Im not even sure.
    I invested in some duct tape, plastic bags, and a special antifungal cream for ring worm. I put the cream on ed and taped plastic over it just to make sure that little bitch suffocated.
    Took like 3 months of scratching before it finally went away.

    Might be from the new female you've been speaking about recently, you probaly caught a burner or 2. Make sure to ALWAYS strap your shit and know who your fvckin with.
    yeah kuz i love rubbing my tricep on her cooter! thats hot! ><

  26. #26
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Or if you really want to do something stupid (that i do but totally dont recommend)
    Get a can of dust off like for computers and shit. Turn it upside down and freeze the skin for about 5 secs. It will blister, all the tissue will die + w/e fungus/bacteria is under the skin. I actually did this like a month ago because I had one of those pimples that wouldnt go a way (same size for like 3 weeks) So I froze the shit and no scar or nothing. Took like a week to scab up and shit looks normal again... but again Im not sure how smart this is just something I do personally when need be.

  27. #27
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Or if you really want to do something stupid (that i do but totally dont recommend)
    Get a can of dust off like for computers and shit. Turn it upside down and freeze the skin for about 5 secs. It will blister, all the tissue will die + w/e fungus/bacteria is under the skin. I actually did this like a month ago because I had one of those pimples that wouldnt go a way (same size for like 3 weeks) So I froze the shit and no scar or nothing. Took like a week to scab up and shit looks normal again... but again Im not sure how smart this is just something I do personally when need be.
    yeah...... i think i will see how it goes till monday... and if its stll there goto the doc.
    but i love those can'o'air things.. i would turn them upside down and spray them into cups fo water and like freeze all the water instantly! that shit was soooo cool (when i worked at a computer repair place like 10yrs ago.

  28. #28
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah kuz i love rubbing my tricep on her cooter! thats hot! ><
    lmao! it aint always the cooter brotha, she can be a carrier and not a reactor and 99% of her skin could be covered with some invisible disease you never even heard of.

    I just find it odd how you started posting threads about how good your sex life has been and only like a week later your posting threads about foreign growths on your body lmfao!! .. I couldnt help but make the connection.

  29. #29
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah...... i think i will see how it goes till monday... and if its stll there goto the doc.
    but i love those can'o'air things.. i would turn them upside down and spray them into cups fo water and like freeze all the water instantly! that shit was soooo cool (when i worked at a computer repair place like 10yrs ago.
    rofl. we had a can by the computer in petsmart and did the same thing but we would stick a cricket inside and watch him boil till he turned white. Than we'd take them out and throw them at the fish tanks and watch thier little bodies shatter.. it was a lot of fun at the time, as childish as it was.

  30. #30
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    lmao! it aint always the cooter brotha, she can be a carrier and not a reactor and 99% of her skin could be covered with some invisible disease you never even heard of.
    so wtf do i do .. wrap her in cyranwrap?! ><

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I just find it odd how you started posting threads about how good your sex life has been and only like a week later your posting threads about foreign growths on your body lmfao!! .. I couldnt help but make the connection.
    i know just my luck.. if the sex is good something else has to give.

  31. #31
    numbat's Avatar
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    Lol.. If it is in fact ringworm ,your best bet will be as stated above an antifungal cream.I got it one time from my x's wetodddid cat and was told by a doc to use that and it worked well.It started lookin like an itchy welp and eventually developed into a well pronounced red ring.

  32. #32
    gigem's Avatar
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    will you put me in your will?

  33. #33
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    so wtf do i do .. wrap her in cyranwrap?! ><

    i know just my luck.. if the sex is good something else has to give.
    Well honestly just a thing I do, even if its like a ONS (one night stand) or w/e.
    I ALWAYS befriend her friends (at the bar/club/library etc) and actually get to know them better than the girl I'm fvcking. (or planning on fvcking)
    Cause a chick will ALWAYS try to make herself look better but her friends (especially if you get a little attraction going with them and get some kinda jealousy plot going on) will be a lot more honest with you, and will exaggerate her flaws if thier in an attraction state with you. The key point you get the FLAWS, minimize them a bit in your head (to counter out thier natural tendency to exagerate them from her friends) and will have some kinda sum total equaling the reality of what kinda chick she really is. Psych 101 shit right here.. little confusing at first but works like a charm once you get the hang of it.

    Its a matter of how you frame it. I'll get on real good terms with the friends, than I'll make them think they have a chance with me. (after creating attatraction first) Than I turn the frame around and will say like "you dont mind if your friend leaves with me do you?"
    At this point socially it wouldnt be congruent for them to say no. Even though they may want to (the dynamics of it go A LOT deeper but Im not getting into it)
    Than I'll do my little push pull thing like Im trying to bail out at the last minute and say something like (away from the friend) "omg, what am I doing.. i dont even know this girl!!! she could be a little std factory for all i know!!!"
    Than her friends will tell me how promiscous she is. If I hear anything like shes a bar/club rat or is a real "worldy" or "open" girl that usually implies shes a little slut and her friends dont want to sell her out boldy on the fact.

    I actually aim for the ones who put up MASSIVE walls of resistance at first. But just because I or you can overcome it doesnt mean some other dude cant, even still the odds are always more in your favor with chicks like that imo.


  34. #34
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Well honestly just a thing I do, even if its like a ONS (one night stand) or w/e.
    I ALWAYS befriend her friends (at the bar/club/library etc) and actually get to know them better than the girl I'm fvcking. (or planning on fvcking)
    Cause a chick will ALWAYS try to make herself look better but her friends (especially if you get a little attraction going with them and get some kinda jealousy plot going on) will be a lot more honest with you, and will exaggerate her flaws if thier in an attraction state with you. The key point you get the FLAWS, minimize them a bit in your head (to counter out thier natural tendency to exagerate them from her friends) and will have some kinda sum total equaling the reality of what kinda chick she really is. Psych 101 shit right here.. little confusing at first but works like a charm once you get the hang of it.

    Its a matter of how you frame it. I'll get on real good terms with the friends, than I'll make them think they have a chance with me. (after creating attatraction first) Than I turn the frame around and will say like "you dont mind if your friend leaves with me do you?"
    At this point socially it wouldnt be congruent for them to say no. Even though they may want to (the dynamics of it go A LOT deeper but Im not getting into it)
    Than I'll do my little push pull thing like Im trying to bail out at the last minute and say something like (away from the friend) "omg, what am I doing.. i dont even know this girl!!! she could be a little std factory for all i know!!!"
    Than her friends will tell me how promiscous she is. If I hear anything like shes a bar/club rat or is a real "worldy" or "open" girl that usually implies shes a little slut and her friends dont want to sell her out boldy on the fact.

    I actually aim for the ones who put up MASSIVE walls of resistance at first. But just because I or you can overcome it doesnt mean some other dude cant, even still the odds are always more in your favor with chicks like that imo.

    yeah i hear ya, i have known this chick for a LONG time and i met her through my ex wife (they are/were good friends) and we became good friends. the neat thing is... she went like 11months w/o sex prior to hookin up w/ me which was neat (though it took her a while to figure out wtf to do again) in the sack. so i know she is clean in every way and i know its not from her lol.. though... i did rub my tricep all over her lil HMMM

  35. #35
    Lexed's Avatar
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    inject the worm with some deca might blow it up. Who knows might get muscular and harder to get out or maybe if your lucky it will get all the shitty side's of deca and die. Member I am not a certifed docter
    Last edited by Lexed; 04-13-2007 at 09:49 PM.

  36. #36
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    inject the worm with some deca might blow it up. Who knows might get muscular and harder to get out or maybe if your lucky it will get all the shitty side's of deca and die. Member I am not a certifed docter
    i was thinkin bout making some transdermal tren base for the lil fellow and see how it works for him..

  37. #37
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    I still say rub the tren on it. Whats the worst that could come of it?

  38. #38
    Tesla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    You too have cervical cancer.

    See above instructions

    Aaaarrrggghhhhh!!!! NOT MY CERVIX!!! LOL!!!!

  39. #39
    zimmy's Avatar
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    by now he should know alteast what it's NOT.

  40. #40
    1819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Sounds like you have cervical cancer.

    In this case.. you're going to die.

    Feel free to send all nude pics of your hot GF to me.

    ..along with any ergogenic products you may have one hand.


    you just made coffee shoot out my nose. f-in lau***n my a** off over here.

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