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04-14-2007, 01:08 PM #1
An even bigger positive video on steroids. I want to shoot myself every time I hear this guy
Last edited by TbolzNdbols; 04-14-2007 at 04:16 PM.
04-14-2007, 01:09 PM #2
that dood was so annoying. My lil brother is bigger than he is and he doesnt lift lol
04-14-2007, 01:11 PM #3
that was on MTV, it sucked!
04-14-2007, 01:16 PM #4
Originally Posted by chest6
just the way he says, I wanna see if my PACK-AGE arrived.
04-14-2007, 01:20 PM #5
the only reason he wanted to use them was so he could look good while stripping i remember
04-14-2007, 01:52 PM #6
"Couldnt you have gained that by lifting more weights"
"sure i could of... In MONTHS"... lmfao.. that is ****ing CLASSIC
04-14-2007, 02:13 PM #7
hahahahahhahahaha. I just stick in the neddle, work out and poof i get big. And props to everyone who kept the gay comments out, because here on this board I do respect gays. I don't respect idiotic aas users.
Last edited by TbolzNdbols; 04-14-2007 at 02:17 PM.
04-14-2007, 02:33 PM #8
what a dumb@ss:aaok****t
04-14-2007, 02:35 PM #9
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that guys is such a dumshit no wonder he lost all his gains he dosnt eat right and dosnt work out properly giving steriods a bad image because of his lazy ass. He thinks steriods is a mricale drug and you can just use it and get big. Seriously somone needs to smack some sense into him.
Last edited by Lexed; 04-14-2007 at 02:57 PM.
04-14-2007, 03:28 PM #10
Originally Posted by TbolzNdbols
04-14-2007, 03:45 PM #11
Originally Posted by naturalsux
04-14-2007, 03:48 PM #12
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what a total clown
04-14-2007, 04:45 PM #13
I abso-****ing-lutely gaurentee, that when they put up his picture "after" he lost his gains, that was truthfully a picture before he started lifting weights.
smokin no training no food no water yup you rockin
04-14-2007, 06:14 PM #15
you know whats even worse is that one of them trains at my gym, the one that wants to be a model. When it showed fuvkin tool thought he was a celebrity! I was about to have a "roid rage on his ass" LOL
04-14-2007, 06:26 PM #16
The guy put a bandaid on after injecting?
04-14-2007, 07:00 PM #17
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he needs to be biatchslapped.
i hate mtv... actually 95% of media is garbage.
actually, this is perfect for the nitwits that watch mtv.
please dont take offense mtv viewers, but come on.....mtv is a corporate whore, that really doesnt give a shit about our kids, especially our young women.
my rant, im out.Last edited by Kristofer68ss; 04-14-2007 at 07:05 PM.
04-14-2007, 07:30 PM #18
Originally Posted by Kristofer68ss
on the otherhand, i love jack ass and i kind of dug that show beauty and the geek
04-14-2007, 07:30 PM #19
Originally Posted by heavyhitter08
bro, please tell us some stories about dingleberry.
04-15-2007, 04:12 AM #20
Originally Posted by heavyhitter08
People dont know how to use gear..!!
Taking about gear drunk and on and on ore what ever.
In all this case it is important to help him not gang up on him , because in one way ore a nother he use Gears and he have a responsibility how too use steroids the rigth way.
If he fail it will make ordinary ignorant people more prejafraid and ignorant of steroids and after a while the law will make things harder for the good use of gear with higher penaltys and more advanse law`s.
For exempel... In Sweden under the 1980`s every body whanted to be a bodybulder and ther was alot of people how dident know how to use steroids.
Accident and other forms of failer happends and that is what bodybulder must eat up to day in sweden with harder law`s and alot of prejafraid and ignorant.
People think that Steroids make peolpe to a murder machins or thay belive steroids user is similarity whit addicted lost hookers!!
It can happend USA too and it growing stronger every day.
Help him and you help 10 ore maby 1000 of bodybulders in the future!.
This is why this forum exist!.
That is what i belive.
Make him on the rigth track.
04-15-2007, 03:11 PM #21
well none of us personally know him so theres no way we can tell him this straight up. I see your point, But a lot of it is his fault. He should take time out and DO THE RESEARCH! like every other hard worker on this board. There are no short cuts even with aas keep in mind.
04-15-2007, 04:11 PM #22
shit don't work on fags
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