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  1. #1
    .45Caliber's Avatar
    .45Caliber is offline Associate Member
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    windows vista problem

    Can someone help me with Vista?
    I just bought a new toshiba satellite laptop. When I go to the utube video site and click a video, I get a pop up that says, "bad windows image." But, when I close that pop-up, the video will play. So, I called toshiba, and they told me its in the player that plays the video, its not in the computer. So, I downloaded windows media player 11 to get the updates and still have the same problem. Anyone know why?

  2. #2
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Youtube uses flash video player not windows media. Download the updated flash plugin.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #3
    .45Caliber's Avatar
    .45Caliber is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004
    thanks......... doesnt appear to be doing it now

  4. #4
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    Media player for Vista can't handle a lot. Vista has a lot of problems. I hate it. The only program that works on my computer is Wordperfect. My camera doesn't work with vista... neither does my sound card, cell phone, removable hard drive, Printer, video games, various anti-virus and spyware programs, and there are a tonne of drivers not available. Vista is the biggest let down. Even a bigger let down than Windows 2000. I'll be getting a secondary HD installed into my computer so I can run XP off of the boot menu. Terrible Disk opperating system. Also, I have problems with Modzilla on Vista.... it bounces up and down rapidly.

  5. #5
    .45Caliber's Avatar
    .45Caliber is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    Media player for Vista can't handle a lot. Vista has a lot of problems. I hate it. The only program that works on my computer is Wordperfect. My camera doesn't work with vista... neither does my sound card, cell phone, removable hard drive, Printer, video games, various anti-virus and spyware programs, and there are a tonne of drivers not available. Vista is the biggest let down. Even a bigger let down than Windows 2000. I'll be getting a secondary HD installed into my computer so I can run XP off of the boot menu. Terrible Disk opperating system. Also, I have problems with Modzilla on Vista.... it bounces up and down rapidly.

    ya, I'm beginning to see this. Even now, I still have problems with youtube. My printer would not work and my external hd wont turn off when I have it hooked up.

  6. #6
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    That is why you research before upgrading/purchasing a new OS.

    I am going to install Vista Enterprise on my laptop for work to begin testing it on our network should be interesting.

    Give Vista some time.
    ***No source checks!!!***

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