I just have to get this off my chest...First of all I have a fat-ass brother in law and he is a complete POS. Well I havent seen him since Christmas, and he has dropped 40 lbs using a perscription fat loss drug perscribed by his Dr. He was really bragging to all the family how he has lost so much weight, dieting hard etc. So, since we dont get along, I decide to ask specific questions regarding working out, his specific diet, blood work while on the perscription, etc. Come to find out, No working out, diet is not good because he "just doesnt get hungry any more".
So what really gets to me is that while I'm asking these questions, I'm looking around the room to see the reactions from everyone else, and everyone is congradulating him on his hard work, and everyone is so proud, etc.
Just when did it get acceptable to be a lazy POS, and take drugs to loose weight without working out and eating right, and not acceptable to use drugs while working out, eating well, etc.???