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  1. #1
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    tatoo removal surgery

    did anyone remove any tattoos? if you did how does it work? i have two tats and i wanna remove them. if i remove them i can get into modeling business here in korea. help me out here please

  2. #2
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    The only way I have seen done is by lazer surgery.Like 3 or 4 treatments, saw this on the discovery channel..

  3. #3
    tt333 is offline Senior Member
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    bump, looking to do the same thing.

  4. #4
    freak of the week is offline Junior Member
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    Re: tatoo removal surgery

    Originally posted by eradikate
    did anyone remove any tattoos? if you did how does it work? i have two tats and i wanna remove them. if i remove them i can get into modeling business here in korea. help me out here please
    what this your not coming back now your the freak of korea!!!

  5. #5
    FRANK WHITE's Avatar
    FRANK WHITE is offline Senior Member
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    Tattoo removal

    Bro, I've had one removed on my arm. It is a laser surgury procedure whick usually requires 3 to five treatments depending on the color and density of the tattoo. All black ones are generally the easier ones to remove I was told. Each treatment cost me 200 dollars. Not cheap. It took four treatments before the tat was completely gone. Each treatment will lighten the tat until it eventually fades out. Its a little painful. More painful than the tattoo itself. Feels lke someone popping a rubberband every second on your arm. And its going to be sore for a week because it gives you a slight burn. Nothing you can't handle though bro. Your also going to have to wait at least one month, I think, between procedures, to let your body heal. Look aroud and find a good doctor. You don't wan't no second class quack to do this procedure. Good luck with the tats and best of luck with the modeling career.

  6. #6
    Jamisun's Avatar
    Jamisun is offline Associate Member
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    frank - any scarring?

  7. #7
    tatty's Avatar
    tatty is offline Member
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    Can we bother you to post a before and after picture Frank? Thanks in advance.

  8. #8
    FRANK WHITE's Avatar
    FRANK WHITE is offline Senior Member
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    Tattoo removal

    There wasn't any scarring J. The old abrasive method where they basically scraped it off with a brillo pad left a lot of scars I heard. There wasn't any with the laser. I would post a pic if I could tatty, but I had another tattoo placed over the area. Not because of scarring or anything just a design I liked a lot. You can partially see it on my right forearm in the members pic file under New pic. Or you can go to living, look for tattoo artist Wiley, its featured on their site under his work. You can see from that pic their is no scarring on the arm. Its an American flag with Jesus and USMC around it. I designed it myself.It represents the Marine pledge; God, Country, Core. Peace.
    Last edited by FRANK WHITE; 08-20-2002 at 12:36 PM.

  9. #9
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    200 bux for a treatment is cheap! i guess this doc tried to riop me off and shit!~ she told me 2000 bux for each treat ment! i literally dropped my pants and told her to kiss my ass for 2000 bux. see my tat is kinda big. i wish i can show you a pic. it's about 8 inches long and 5 inches wide. and black inked. i can deal with pain cuz tattoo wasn't bad at all just annoying. this doc told me 10 treatments to remove mine. i just laughed and walked out the office with my pants on the floor yelling KISS MY FUCKING ASS!!

  10. #10
    FRANK WHITE's Avatar
    FRANK WHITE is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by eradikate
    200 bux for a treatment is cheap! i guess this doc tried to riop me off and shit!~ she told me 2000 bux for each treat ment! i literally dropped my pants and told her to kiss my ass for 2000 bux. see my tat is kinda big. i wish i can show you a pic. it's about 8 inches long and 5 inches wide. and black inked. i can deal with pain cuz tattoo wasn't bad at all just annoying. this doc told me 10 treatments to remove mine. i just laughed and walked out the office with my pants on the floor yelling KISS MY FUCKING ASS!!

    Thats crazy Bro. I was in Los Angeles at the time and I thought 200.00 dollars a treatment was a little high. That doc was full of shit. Glad you did what you did. Look around a little for 200.00 dollar price. Best of luck Bro. Peace and Take Care.

  11. #11
    smallmovesal is offline Female Member
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    i used battery acid and a loofah.
    I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.

  12. #12
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    Very Interesting. I to have several tats and I must say that I like all of them but one. Really don't know why I picked this particular one. It has a womens face surounded by a skull type of head dress. 200 bucks a pop you say? That really ain't that bad.

  13. #13
    FRANK WHITE's Avatar
    FRANK WHITE is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Tobey
    Very Interesting. I to have several tats and I must say that I like all of them but one. Really don't know why I picked this particular one. It has a womens face surounded by a skull type of head dress. 200 bucks a pop you say? That really ain't that bad.

    Ya Bro, it was 200 dollars a treatment. I had to look around a little though. This was several years ago also, so maybe the price has went down some. My Tat was large also, 10 by 6 inches. A smaller one should be cheaper. Best of luck.

  14. #14
    ripsid's Avatar
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    Why remove it? Have you seen Tyson Bigford(?) he's got sleaves bro! I tell you what I work in business environment and you wouldn't believe the amount of people that have tattoo's!
    I was trying to get into acting/modeling when I lived in Cali, and all they did was take pics with and with makeup over it...alot of times the put you in close that cover them, and not to mention they can alter the photo. Trust me they do it alot! I wouldn't worry about losing a tat! they should be a part of you... hell I'm looking for a 1/2 sleeve, and I'm a responsible adult! (gotta cover my ex's name ***a whole other no no story!***)

  15. #15
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    god damn! i guess i can remove my tat real cheap! i wish i can go punch that doc in the face who told me 2000 bux. thanx for the info frank! i owe ya!

  16. #16
    FRANK WHITE's Avatar
    FRANK WHITE is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by eradikate
    god damn! i guess i can remove my tat real cheap! i wish i can go punch that doc in the face who told me 2000 bux. thanx for the info frank! i owe ya!
    Ok, send the bottle of test to J/K My pleasure E. Glad I was able to help a cool fellow Iron brother like yourself. Peace and Take Care.

  17. #17
    D-bol is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by ripsid
    [B]Why remove it? Have you seen Tyson Bigford(?) he's got sleaves bro! I tell you what I work in business environment and you wouldn't believe the amount of people that have tattoo's!

    hes black right, i think isaw him in maxim or somethin, i rember cause he has a spiderweb on his elbow, dosent he know what that means? and who gets those tattos? lol, tatto guy musta been laughin his ass off at him

  18. #18
    eradikate's Avatar
    eradikate is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by FRANK WHITE

    Ok, send the bottle of test to J/K My pleasure E. Glad I was able to help a cool fellow Iron brother like yourself. Peace and Take Care.
    bottle of test is on the way bro!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    tyson beckford rocks......what is wrong with the spider web tattoo???

  20. #20
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    I have nothing wrong with Tyson...wish I could afford the amount of work he has had done. Not to mention he has a WCC-CFL chopper I'd kill to have....if I could be him I would! I can only imagine the women that he's racked up!

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