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  1. #1
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    Started my new job today.

    Now I've got a real job again with good benefits, 401k, paid holidays and sick days, free uniforms, stock options, guaranteed paycheck. But man the hours, 7-6 every day and mandatory Saturdays. I was exhausted when I got home from being on my feet all day. Couldn't even make it to the gym. I really hope I can get used to this schedule. Anyone else work long hours? It would be one thing if I were sitting behind a desk but I'm an Automotive Tech and 11 hours is a long damn time. It's a sacrifice I have to make to take care of my family. I just have to find the energy to get in the gym by 8. I brought a bunch of food with me today. Some fruit and peanut butter sandwiches helped keep me going.

  2. #2
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    66 hrs a week bro??? damn.

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    You will get use to it. I started a new job about 7 months ago that was a lot more physically demanding them my previous. Took me a while to get use to busting my ass all day , come home then head right to the gym. Every once and a while i will come home beaten from the sun (i work outside) and physical work and just sit at home and do nothing .

  4. #4
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hope they are paying you overtime!

  5. #5
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Now I've got a real job again with good benefits, 401k, paid holidays and sick days, free uniforms, stock options, guaranteed paycheck. But man the hours, 7-6 every day and mandatory Saturdays. I was exhausted when I got home from being on my feet all day. Couldn't even make it to the gym. I really hope I can get used to this schedule. Anyone else work long hours? It would be one thing if I were sitting behind a desk but I'm an Automotive Tech and 11 hours is a long damn time. It's a sacrifice I have to make to take care of my family. I just have to find the energy to get in the gym by 8. I brought a bunch of food with me today. Some fruit and peanut butter sandwiches helped keep me going.

    Is that a typo?

  6. #6
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    ^ 401k is a retirement package...not his salary..

  7. #7
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    before i took my new managers position i worked 12-14 hoiurs a day 5-7 days a week in the oilfield in Alberta and the only advice i can give you for staying training is to make sure you go there asap after work if not imediately from work...i always found if i went home and took time to realx my drive to train went down FAST...i would just go straight ot the gym after work and have a light snack on the way then have my meals after, if i went home had supper and watched some tv i would find it very very hard to get off the couch and train....

  8. #8
    Prada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    before i took my new managers position i worked 12-14 hoiurs a day 5-7 days a week in the oilfield in Alberta and the only advice i can give you for staying training is to make sure you go there asap after work if not imediately from work...i always found if i went home and took time to realx my drive to train went down FAST...i would just go straight ot the gym after work and have a light snack on the way then have my meals after, if i went home had supper and watched some tv i would find it very very hard to get off the couch and train....

    You're exactly like I am. If I sit down to relax the only way Ill go to the gym is if I take a nap, hence I prefer going immediately after work.

  9. #9
    Zipper's Avatar
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    Congratulations! I wish i was back to work. Im a union pipefitter and have been laid off for the last 3 months. My motivation is in the tank and its hard getting out of this slump. Hopefully be back to work soon though, we still have 60 guys out of work. Plus its getting hard paying for all this food. getting sick of tuna. anyways pct starts in 2 weeks so all is good!

  10. #10
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    ^ 401k is a retirement package...not his salary..

    LMAO .... who says English is the universal language?

  11. #11
    Stock's Avatar
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    Try to go to the gym before work. That is what I do, and although it took a while to adjust, now, it's my favorite time to go. Get an Ipod and kill it. It takes me 75% of the time to get stuff done in the gym in the AM than after work. Good luck!!

  12. #12
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
    Sir Lifts-a-lot is offline Senior Member
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    congrats on the new job first off... Secondly you will adjust to it. Took me a few months but now I am getting to the gym. You have to force yourself somtimes.

  13. #13
    bpm1's Avatar
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    yea i work outside as well,its hot (it was 115 degrees today or will be we havnt hit the high yet) and i have alot of 10hr+ days. i have to say its really hard to hit after that ,and alot of times i dont. ive been slow for a while and i havnt killed it at work for a while so we'll se how it goes when i get busy again anyway goodluck!!

  14. #14
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Actually it's 5 days a week so it's like 55 hours and no they don't consider it overtime. There are incentives though once I clear 5% of my gross. In other words once I make them $3500 I get a certain percentage of the profit after that. It's only been 2 days and I've already cleared $3000.
    My gym doesn't even open til 7 and closes at 7 on Saturdays. I used to have no problem coming home and taking a nap then going to the gym. It was actually better for me being rested. But now I'm so tired once my ass hit the couch last night I was finished. Def. going tonite though no matter how tired I am. The other guys in the shop are skinny young kids, a fat guy and an old guy. If they can do this I'm sure I'll be able to. Course they aren't doing squats and shit afterwards. The one kid today says to me, "Your eating again?" I said you only eat once in 11 hours? Sorry, my body needs more food than that. It doesn't take me much time to shove a sandwich and banana down my throat.

  15. #15
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Thanks guys. Actually it's 5 days a week so it's like 55 hours and no they don't consider it overtime. There are incentives though once I clear 5% of my gross. In other words once I make them $3500 I get a certain percentage of the profit after that. It's only been 2 days and I've already cleared $3000.
    My gym doesn't even open til 7 and closes at 7 on Saturdays. I used to have no problem coming home and taking a nap then going to the gym. It was actually better for me being rested. But now I'm so tired once my ass hit the couch last night I was finished. Def. going tonite though no matter how tired I am. The other guys in the shop are skinny young kids, a fat guy and an old guy. If they can do this I'm sure I'll be able to. Course they aren't doing squats and shit afterwards. The one kid today says to me, "Your eating again?" I said you only eat once in 11 hours? Sorry, my body needs more food than that. It doesn't take me much time to shove a sandwich and banana down my throat.

    STOP IT....your turning Tai and Bino on....

  16. #16
    spound's Avatar
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    Pop some kind of stimulant RIGHT as you get off work and head straight to the gym. You have any ephedra? If not, use caffeine and a large dose of green will be straight, I promise. I did this during my contest prep when I worked long hours (and early up at 4am ED) and had a 1hr commute only to have to come home and train AND do another hour of cario (after I had already done anhour of it BEFORE going to work). I wouldn't have been able to do it without the green tea, caffeine (200mg) and sometimes ephedra.

  17. #17
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Long hours. I feel ya dude. I'm currently a line leader in an automotive factory. The pay is good, but only because I work like 60 hours a week and Sundays are double.

    Just like Tai said, I go straight to the gym afterwards. There's no way I'd go if I stopped on the way home.

  18. #18
    Shiftt101's Avatar
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    You will get use to it man, i work fairly long hours too. And when i get home im buggered. Have to motivate myself to get myself to gym. But as time went on, i got use to it.

  19. #19
    thetank's Avatar
    thetank is offline Anabolic Member
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    im source cheks
    congrats on the new job.
    any long hour manual labor job ive had in the past didnt really bother me, unless i was repetitively bending over...that shit kills me.

  20. #20
    kynetguy's Avatar
    kynetguy is offline Senior Member
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    Man if you could just squeeze in a good 30 minute routine after work everyday you should be able to maintain. If you get an hour for lunch you could do something then too.

    Whenever you carry anything of any weight, press it, curl it, or something as you walk. You could probablly get a decent bi/tri/shoulder workout in while getting paid! lol

  21. #21
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well I made it in last night. I just came home took a quick shower which usually helps and then went right down the road to the gym. I ate another PB sandwich, a power bar and some high carb smoothie drink from the convenience store. I was in a hurry. I was tired but still managed a decent shoulder workout even though I just got done throwing about 50 tires. My legs and calves are really wiped at the end of the day. Maybe I need some new work shoes.

  22. #22
    jerseyboy's Avatar
    jerseyboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Pop some kind of stimulant RIGHT as you get off work and head straight to the gym. You have any ephedra? If not, use caffeine and a large dose of green will be straight, I promise. I did this during my contest prep when I worked long hours (and early up at 4am ED) and had a 1hr commute only to have to come home and train AND do another hour of cario (after I had already done anhour of it BEFORE going to work). I wouldn't have been able to do it without the green tea, caffeine (200mg) and sometimes ephedra.
    I used to drink alot of green tea instead of coffee. Caffeine def. helps me at night with my workout. What kind of caffeine do you recommend? Like something from the health food store in pill form? I found it in 200mg from ProLab. I've never tried straight ephedra. I used to use Ephedrine alot. Can you just walk in and by ephedra now? I'm gonna go search the Vitamin Shoppe website.
    Last edited by jerseyboy; 07-04-2007 at 08:21 AM.

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