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  1. #1
    Sage's Avatar
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    scale to measure food

    Does anyone weight their food (protein/carbs and etc...) by placing food on scale and make sure sufficient amount of intake has been implemented throughout the day.

    I buy my meat from butchers along with carbs and vegs, and etc. from farmers and got no labels in terms of what’s what so need to incorporate food scale into the mix. Meat I can eat all dat long but I need a more documented diet.

    Any good food scales on the market (electronic)

  2. #2
    bpm1's Avatar
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    ive got an electronic scale by "salter" it works great, i use it every day!

  3. #3
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    I just have a regualr everyday kitchen scale. Got it for like 5 bucks. I know it isn't the most accurate but I just use it to pretty much give me a ball park figure of how much I am ingesting.

  4. #4
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Lets say for example one day, I do nothing except lay around the house the entire day and watch tv

    and the next day, I am on my feet the entire day, (with meals of course), cutting the grass, washing the truck, take the dog for a walk, playing a pickup football game

    It makes entirely no sense to me whatsover to measure my food and eat the same exact things over those 2 days........Now in real life, from day to day, variability isnt that extreme, but enough where I dont believe i should be eating the exact same things every day

    I eat entirely by hunger......I eat when i am hungry, stop when I am full.....simple as that.......That way, my body gets what it needs, and nothing excess imo

    and i still manage to put down tremendous amounts of food, but it varies depending on my activitiy levels that day, and hunger dictates that for me

  5. #5
    scaramouche's Avatar
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    i thought everyoned weighed thier food,i use 99p asda smart price scales

  6. #6
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    Lets say for example one day, I do nothing except lay around the house the entire day and watch tv

    and the next day, I am on my feet the entire day, (with meals of course), cutting the grass, washing the truck, take the dog for a walk, playing a pickup football game

    It makes entirely no sense to me whatsover to measure my food and eat the same exact things over those 2 days........Now in real life, from day to day, variability isnt that extreme, but enough where I dont believe i should be eating the exact same things every day

    I eat entirely by hunger......I eat when i am hungry, stop when I am full.....simple as that.......That way, my body gets what it needs, and nothing excess imo

    and i still manage to put down tremendous amounts of food, but it varies depending on my activitiy levels that day, and hunger dictates that for me
    u r odviously very in tune with ur body, i admire that. that is a talent and a gift i believe. im not quite to that level as far as diet goes, but im learning how it all works and maybee some day it'll be a little less structured

  7. #7
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    If i have learned anything, hardcore muscle mass isnt built with a strict diet...........Junk food shouldnt be there, but if i feel i need carbs, i eat carbs....etc.

    I will share some more beliefs later

  8. #8
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    I use the Soelhne brand electronic kitchen scale.. Best investment I ever made!

  9. #9
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    One reason i dont believe in using a scale

    My belief is that we should be processing as much food as humanly possible....This isnt dictated by a scale, but by hunger...........YOu shouldnt need a scale to tell you when you are full

    My main idea here, is that I need to really push the envelope with food consumption.........IF i finish, and i am still able to put more food down, I am not processing as much as i could.........IF i eat past hunger, its my belief this food goes straight to fast stores

    I dont use a scale, because diet isnt a precise thing, what can be processed day to day is highly variable.......Keeping things constant imo can lead to less muscle gains, not eating enough, or fat gains, over eating.

    i think using a scale, is really hit or miss........Hunger is best to gauge food consumption for the day imo....

    IF you guys just sit back, cant you feel what your body feels like? Right now, my metabolism is through the roof right now....I did my morning cardio, took my thermo pills, drank some green tea......Right now, theirs nothing I can do, that will spill into fat right now (except extremely crappy food like pizza)..........I can eat like a horse, and its all going to one place

    NOw later on tonight, after eating intensly, and i feel full.......I will just be able to feel, that I shouldnt be taking in any more energy foods like fat or carbs...

    This is where I am coming from here

    Process as much as humanly possible, "food processing manufacturing plants", but hunger will let you know when this food will spill into fat storage, and when the food can keep coming

    just my thoughts.........But im trying to be a 240 pound skinless dorian yates look alike at 5'8

  10. #10
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    Dante "doggcrapp" put out the most motivation quote of all time

    "food processing, human forklift, muscle building fat burning blast furnace"

    a mother ****ing blast furnace

  11. #11
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    NOw Im a guy, who always thought of himself as a endomorph fat kid genetics guy right.....

    BUt, how i have things worked out now, with the thermos, the green tea, off day cardio, massive food consumption

    I find myself eating and processing up to 300-400 grams of carbs "on some days". where in the past I didnt like going over like 100-150.

    With the food consumption, the idea is to "trick" our bodies into not wanting fat and holding more and more muscle mass

  12. #12
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    One reason i dont believe in using a scale

    My belief is that we should be processing as much food as humanly possible....This isnt dictated by a scale, but by hunger...........YOu shouldnt need a scale to tell you when you are full

    My main idea here, is that I need to really push the envelope with food consumption.........IF i finish, and i am still able to put more food down, I am not processing as much as i could.........IF i eat past hunger, its my belief this food goes straight to fast stores

    I dont use a scale, because diet isnt a precise thing, what can be processed day to day is highly variable.......Keeping things constant imo can lead to less muscle gains, not eating enough, or fat gains, over eating.

    i think using a scale, is really hit or miss........Hunger is best to gauge food consumption for the day imo....

    IF you guys just sit back, cant you feel what your body feels like? Right now, my metabolism is through the roof right now....I did my morning cardio, took my thermo pills, drank some green tea......Right now, theirs nothing I can do, that will spill into fat right now (except extremely crappy food like pizza)..........I can eat like a horse, and its all going to one place

    NOw later on tonight, after eating intensly, and i feel full.......I will just be able to feel, that I shouldnt be taking in any more energy foods like fat or carbs...

    This is where I am coming from here

    Process as much as humanly possible, "food processing manufacturing plants", but hunger will let you know when this food will spill into fat storage, and when the food can keep coming

    just my thoughts.........But im trying to be a 240 pound skinless dorian yates look alike at 5'8
    this makes sense to me, again i think u've odviosly honed in on this.the problem is most people r so out of touch with their bodies they dont know which was is up much less how to make their bodies a fat burning muscle building machine. i think that this is a great concept that i personally am going to mess around with and see if i cant get the results im looking for.whtas ur bf @ right now, give me some stats im curious, and no biggie if its not 8% if ur not shooting for that, point is im curious where u r able to keep urself with this philosophy

  13. #13
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    NOw Im a guy, who always thought of himself as a endomorph fat kid genetics guy right.....

    BUt, how i have things worked out now, with the thermos, the green tea, off day cardio, massive food consumption

    I find myself eating and processing up to 300-400 grams of carbs "on some days". where in the past I didnt like going over like 100-150.

    With the food consumption, the idea is to "trick" our bodies into not wanting fat and holding more and more muscle mass[/SIZE]
    exactly, my goals r a little diff than ur's but accomplished the same 5'11" and my goal is 225 @7-8% bf, id be more than thrilled with not into looking like a proper bb, just bigger than most.

  14. #14
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    this makes sense to me, again i think u've odviosly honed in on this.the problem is most people r so out of touch with their bodies they dont know which was is up much less how to make their bodies a fat burning muscle building machine. i think that this is a great concept that i personally am going to mess around with and see if i cant get the results im looking for.whtas ur bf @ right now, give me some stats im curious, and no biggie if its not 8% if ur not shooting for that, point is im curious where u r able to keep urself with this philosophy

    I'm a natty, but will def be juicing when the time is right

    basically, im 5'8 200-210, bodyfat is really tricky to guess, but I would say 13-14 percent

    My body is pretty stuborn when it comes to fat, it can be a real pain in that ass actually.......But, between cardio, thermos, green tea, the strength gains are coming and the bodyfat is staying where its at

    The only goal with fat right now, is that it doest go up........I just want to look "acceptable" while being in off season mode if that makes any sense....

    I am still learning my way, but I have spend a whole lot of time at the whole scale thing is my conclusions

  15. #15
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    in fact, im gonna try to get an avy pic of my back.......real soon
    Last edited by IronReload04; 07-11-2007 at 07:53 PM.

  16. #16
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    I'm a natty, but will def be juicing when the time is right

    basically, im 5'8 200-210, bodyfat is really tricky to guess, but I would say 13-14 percent

    My body is pretty stuborn when it comes to fat, it can be a real pain in that ass actually.......But, between cardio, thermos, green tea, the strength gains are coming and the bodyfat is staying where its at

    The only goal with fat right now, is that it doest go up........I just want to look "acceptable" while being in off season mode if that makes any sense....

    I am still learning my way, but I have spend a whole lot of time at the whole scale thing is my conclusions
    thats a fine bf, epecially since ur looking for more mass. u r young yet and nothing wrong with natty, keep building that base and ur only gonna need a cycle or two to hit ur goal IMO. im 33 so natty is only gonna get me so far with test levels in the low 200's, in fact i never even considered cycling intil i went to a doc and he tested my test levels , the rest is history as they say.

  17. #17
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    in fact, im gonna try to get an avy pic of my back.......real soon
    there, this is what I look like in my avy, and I eat by hunger, I have fat kid genetics, yet I eat without holding back, and use thermos, green tea, and cardio to stay in good off season shape

  18. #18
    bpm1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    there, this is what I look like in my avy, and I eat by hunger, I have fat kid genetics, yet I eat without holding back, and use thermos, green tea, and cardio to stay in good off season shape
    nice bro, deff dont look like a fat kid to me

  19. #19
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    thanks man.....I have come a real long way in every aspect over the last year

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