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Thread: sigh!

  1. #1
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Im 100% sure im not going back to college. I will kill myself if i go back, the whole time i was their i wanted to check myself into the hospital for depression because i was so behind in school, but if i checked myself in the hospital i would get even further behind and then more depressed. so im positive im not going back to college. But now I dont know WTF im going to do for the rest of my life. Im trying to get my letter of intent so I can join the carpenters union but nobody wants a apprentice. I was thinking I might go to a tech school so I could get into HVAC or a electrician. But I dont have a way to pay for a tech school. I know I cant work at golds gym for the rest of my life and I feel like im going to be stuck their for the rest of my life unless I start something. My older bro says not to freak out and everything will work out by its self and to take a year or so for myself without to many responsibilities. He says to stay clean and to keep lifting and I will find my place in the world. But im scared if I take a few years to myself I will end up like 30 and not know WTF im doing. But on the upside I benched 315lbs on bench today for the first time EVER! Please someone help me figure out WTF I should do for the rest of my life.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    I would stay in college and take a lighter class load. That way you can do good at a couple classes any you are getting something accomplished why you figure out what you want

  3. #3
    x_moe's Avatar
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    you can wash cars!

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I would stay in college and take a lighter class load. That way you can do good at a couple classes any you are getting something accomplished why you figure out what you want
    I agree 100 percent. DO NOT drop all your classes. Once you stop most never go back. Even if you only take one class at a time do that for a year. This way you will have min workload and still earn some credits.

    I do understand where you are coming from. I almost dropped out of school because of the pressure. I was going full time school/work at the time.At one point the stress was so bad it made me sick. I started going part time (sometimes even under part-time) and i finished. It might have taken me longer to get but guess what? i have it and will have it for the remainder of my life.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    Just remember that a little hard work and dedication can be forever rewarding in whatever it is that you choose to do in the future. Because a half hearted effort will most likely produce a half hearted result.


  6. #6
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    If that's what you need to do than do it. But you definitely need a plan like you were saying. It's good and all that your bro is trying to comfort you. But at the same time kinda like Mavs is saying, doin that isnt gonna get you anywhere. You dont need to chill for a year and lift weigst to find your place in the world. I just dont believe in that excuse to be lazy.

    But I definitely will not be against you leaving school, it's not for everyone. BOTH my parents dropped outta school so I can never hate cuz they lead fine lives and raised me and my 3 brothers really well.

  7. #7
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    stay in school

  8. #8
    king6's Avatar
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    Military, sounds like it is just what you are looking for.

  9. #9
    bpm1's Avatar
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    if electrical interests u why not just hire on as an apprentice? forget the trade school, u really learn it by doing an electrician and have done very well, i do own my own business though which is the only way to really cash in on it. its a good way to find out if u really will enjoy it or not as well. GL bro if u have any quests let me know

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    if electrical interests u why not just hire on as an apprentice? forget the trade school, u really learn it by doing an electrician and have done very well, i do own my own business though which is the only way to really cash in on it. its a good way to find out if u really will enjoy it or not as well. GL bro if u have any quests let me know
    See Schmidty things are looking up. Just move next to bpm1 and he will hire you

  11. #11
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    See Schmidty things are looking up. Just move next to bpm1 and he will hire you
    u r funny

  12. #12
    Tock's Avatar
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    You haven't really told us much about your situation in school, or your interests, what you want to do, what you don't want to do, etc.

    It could be that you just need to pick a different major. Or maybe you've got a learning disability of some sort (I didn't discover mine until I was 29). Or maybe school really isn't for you. You might have the personality that would do well in sales, where education isn't as important as knowing how to deal with people.

    One thing about people and learning -- only 20% of people have the natural wherewithal to do well in most schools. The reason is that some people learn best in the standard format where the professor lectures and the student listens. Other people learn best by being shown and then doing, like artists, musicians, gymnasts. Other people learn best when their hands are touching what they are learning about, like mechanics, plumbers. Other people are visually oriented, and learn best when they "see" things, like architects, engineers.

    Truth is that most people aren't suited to learn in the dreadful institutions called schools. I suspect you may be one of the many "round pegs" trying to force yourself into a square hole. I also suspect that you are not stupid. In fact, you're probably a lot smarter than what you give yourself credit for. You just need to find the right environment for yourself where you can apply yourself, and learn things in a different way than you would in a standard school.

    You could start in a trade school of some sort, or apprentice, or start your own business of some sort and learn how to make it grow. If you're good at memorizing things (or suspect you could get good at that), you might consider nursing school, then work in a sports clinic afterward where you can apply what you know about personal training (and learn more about physiology & etc that would help with your own training).

    There's all sorts of things you might get into, and you might be eligible for gov't $$$ to help you get started. So don't despair. But do tell us more about your plight, about your interests, what's available to you, and what might work for you. It won't take long to solve your problem . . .

  13. #13
    Zipper's Avatar
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    I took a yaer off and became a ski bum. I came back home cuz I got home sick and never went back to school. Biggest mistake I ever made. Well maybe no the biggest, but its one of them I always look back on and wish I would've finished. I started working construction cuz the money was good and made my way through pipefitter apprenticeship. I always wish i would,ve got my degree because it is something you will always have with you and something to fall back on. I know people always say why dont you just go back and finish, but 18 yars later with a kid and other responsibilities makesw it really tough! My advice would be to finish and then decide what you want to do. I know alot of guys in the trades that have degrees and it makes it easier to advance into the management part of things. Just my opinion! hope this helps and good luck to you.

  14. #14
    Renesis's Avatar
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    Well Schimdty, you come here and look for advice so lemme see what I can do. What are you good with?? Are you a book person, but the college enviornment makes it hard for you to study? Are you a hands on person, you know someone that is good at the trades mechanic/construction, or are you sharp, witty and good with people? Give us your skills and lack of and then most of us can better advise you.

  15. #15
    x_moe's Avatar
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    at college i always found it hard to study and keep up with the class, and i wasnt getting good marks, it got better when i got my self a study partner who also was in the same situation as i am and needed help, we sticked together, worked/studied together and everything went well from there. find yourself a study partner from your classmates and trust me youll see some improvment. but make sure its someone who cares and also wants to improve himself.

  16. #16
    Stock's Avatar
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    Yep, college really sucks...All that ass walking back and forth from classes everyday all day long, always something going on, and did I mention all the ass running around trying to jump on every d!ck they can get? Man up, finish school, and take a lighter class load. You will never, EVER, have a better time in life than what you have now, if you are doing it like I did for 5 years...

  17. #17
    paulzane's Avatar
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    If I were you I would learn how to write English properly first!

  18. #18
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    Yep, college really sucks...All that ass walking back and forth from classes everyday all day long, always something going on, and did I mention all the ass running around trying to jump on every d!ck they can get? Man up, finish school, and take a lighter class load. You will never, EVER, have a better time in life than what you have now, if you are doing it like I did for 5 years...
    ahh college ass..those were the best times I dont remember!! I was there for 8 years!!

    Honestly bro, a college degree is more essential at this time than it was even 10 years ago. You come here asking us what you want to do, but we dont know anything about you. You need to search within yourself and find something you have a passion for. You seem to enjoy training..why not sports therapy or something along those lines? I had a roommate in college that did that. He loved it. Havent heard from him in years so I dont know what he's doing now. You can always talk to a guidance counselor at your school. Perhaps they can point you in a direction. Most people change majors 2-3 times anyway. I would suggest taking a lighter load. If you quit all together, theres a good chance you will never go back

  19. #19
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    dont be a fool. Stay in school.

    I took 2 years off and im f*cked for not going. i wish i had stayed in it. now im a frshman when i should be a junior, trust me its worth it.

  20. #20
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    Military, sounds like it is just what you are looking for.
    I kind of feel like that is my only option

  21. #21
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    You haven't really told us much about your situation in school, or your interests, what you want to do, what you don't want to do, etc.
    It could be that you just need to pick a different major. Or maybe you've got a learning disability of some sort (I didn't discover mine until I was 29). Or maybe school really isn't for you. You might have the personality that would do well in sales, where education isn't as important as knowing how to deal with people.

    One thing about people and learning -- only 20% of people have the natural wherewithal to do well in most schools. The reason is that some people learn best in the standard format where the professor lectures and the student listens. Other people learn best by being shown and then doing, like artists, musicians, gymnasts. Other people learn best when their hands are touching what they are learning about, like mechanics, plumbers. Other people are visually oriented, and learn best when they "see" things, like architects, engineers.

    Truth is that most people aren't suited to learn in the dreadful institutions called schools. I suspect you may be one of the many "round pegs" trying to force yourself into a square hole. I also suspect that you are not stupid. In fact, you're probably a lot smarter than what you give yourself credit for. You just need to find the right environment for yourself where you can apply yourself, and learn things in a different way than you would in a standard school.

    You could start in a trade school of some sort, or apprentice, or start your own business of some sort and learn how to make it grow. If you're good at memorizing things (or suspect you could get good at that), you might consider nursing school, then work in a sports clinic afterward where you can apply what you know about personal training (and learn more about physiology & etc that would help with your own training).

    There's all sorts of things you might get into, and you might be eligible for gov't $$$ to help you get started. So don't despair. But do tell us more about your plight, about your interests, what's available to you, and what might work for you. It won't take long to solve your problem . . .
    My situation is that I was in college for a year and it was made clear to me that I cant get anything out of it. I tried and tried and no matter how much I did, I would fall even further behind. I quit going out and partyn n what not so I could study and when the time came for me to know what I had studied for, I wouldnt remember. I asked my docs to put me on some meds for my adhd and they wont because last time I abused them. I was majoring in chiropractic and it sucked!
    A few years back I went to this school the specialized in A-typical learning. The school had me take test to find out what kind of ways I learned for what subject. But i didnt get to stay for very long because I was being stupid.
    I have a few friends trying to get me work in some trades but nobody wants a apprentice right now, so I think I would be best off going to a trade school. But paying for the school is going to be a bitch, I think I proly have to get into the military as a reserve to pay for it.

  22. #22
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Schmidty, hell you got to decide yourself what your gonna do with your life. Congrats on the 315 thou bro. Oh yeah how is the juiced rat coming along?

  23. #23
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    A few years back I went to this school the specialized in A-typical learning. The school had me take test to find out what kind of ways I learned for what subject.
    Did they tell you what ways you learn?
    If they did, it should greatly influence what sort of further education you look for.

  24. #24
    rubix6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I would stay in college and take a lighter class load. That way you can do good at a couple classes any you are getting something accomplished why you figure out what you want
    i def agree with that

  25. #25
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Did they tell you what ways you learn?
    If they did, it should greatly influence what sort of further education you look for.
    I learn by doing something and getting experience form it. But im going to talk to this chick for the national guard. I feel like that is the only thing i can do for right now. It dont really sound that bad either, at least the reserves anyway.

  26. #26
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I learn by doing something and getting experience form it. But im going to talk to this chick for the national guard. I feel like that is the only thing i can do for right now. It dont really sound that bad either, at least the reserves anyway.
    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    Some other stuff you might learn by doing is anything you can apprentice for. Something that will come in very handy, also, and will set you apart from lots of other guys, is Toastmasters. That's a learn-by-doing sort of thing where you ease your way in to public speaking. Everyone who's ever done it has been scared at first, so they'll understand what you're dealing with, and will help you through. It's also the sort of thing where you watch other folks do something, you get helpful pointers, and then you get to give it a try. Soon you'll be a master of ceremonies, and beleive you me, folks with public speaking skills are very popular. Plus, you'll get to meet folks in these groups who can help you along with whatever career you want to pursue.
    There are lots of different groups, some are full of old geezer CEO's and other grand-poobahs, some have mid-level managers, some are full of aspiring politicians, some have construction & trades sorts of guys. Check on their website, see what's available in your area, visit a few, find one that's good for ya. And then send me $10 for this bit of good advice . . .

    Something tells me you'll do just fine, though, in whatever you decide to pursue. You can find helpful information on a wide range of occupation's outlooks at this site:

    Best of luck,

  27. #27
    BuffDJ's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that man. As a nursing school instructor I feel education is so important. It's like that last rep sometimes just got to get it up bro.

  28. #28
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    Sounds like a good idea to me.

    Some other stuff you might learn by doing is anything you can apprentice for. Something that will come in very handy, also, and will set you apart from lots of other guys, is Toastmasters. That's a learn-by-doing sort of thing where you ease your way in to public speaking. Everyone who's ever done it has been scared at first, so they'll understand what you're dealing with, and will help you through. It's also the sort of thing where you watch other folks do something, you get helpful pointers, and then you get to give it a try. Soon you'll be a master of ceremonies, and beleive you me, folks with public speaking skills are very popular. Plus, you'll get to meet folks in these groups who can help you along with whatever career you want to pursue.
    There are lots of different groups, some are full of old geezer CEO's and other grand-poobahs, some have mid-level managers, some are full of aspiring politicians, some have construction & trades sorts of guys. Check on their website, see what's available in your area, visit a few, find one that's good for ya. And then send me $10 for this bit of good advice . . .

    Something tells me you'll do just fine, though, in whatever you decide to pursue. You can find helpful information on a wide range of occupation's outlooks at this site:

    Best of luck,
    Man if u could hear the way I talk u wouldnt be saying I should get into public speaking. When I get nervous or mad I studer really bad and trip all over my words. But ill check out that web site and see whats up

  29. #29
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    Man if u could hear the way I talk u wouldnt be saying I should get into public speaking. When I get nervous or mad I studer really bad and trip all over my words. But ill check out that web site and see whats up
    That is na na na normal.

    Most people have a fear of speaking in front of others. What separates them from others are the ones that try and get over it.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 07-12-2007 at 04:04 PM.

  30. #30
    305GUY's Avatar
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    get your bachelors bro TRUST ME!

  31. #31
    Tock's Avatar
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    There are two ways to do well in this world. If you're gonna be part of the corporate world, yes, you're gonna need to have some sort of degree in something. Lots of companies don't really care what your degree is in, just so long as you've demonstrated to someone else that you've got enough brainpower to make it through their dog and pony show. If you try to make it in the corporate world without that degree, forget it, it ain't gonna happen. The managers with degrees and who write the checks are going to look upon the "haves" and the "have nots" (as far as degrees go), and seperate the two groups, and pronounce one "good" and the other "not so good." You'll be kept in a position beneath your ability for as long as you work with them, and they will forever be in the position to dictate everything you do all day long, for the rest of your life. Some folks are comfortable with that, and if it works for you, well, fine.

    But, if a college degree isn't in the cards for ya, you will definitely require ability, which is what many people who have degrees do not have (many degreed folks are smart, but over the years I've encountered an abundance of degreed folks who are dumber than spit).
    . . To compensate for your lack of a paper degree, you'll need to acquire special abilities.
    1) You must learn how to speak. Toastmasters can teach you that.
    2) You must also learn how to think. Talking with smart people can help to teach you that. Make friends with the smartest people you can find, and pick their brains. Ask 'em interesting questions.
    3) You must also educate yourself in two ways:
    . . . (a) you must know everything there is to know about ONE thing. It doesn't matter what it is, just so long as whatever it is, it is useful.
    . . . (b) you must know a little bit about everything else. You can get this from scanning the local newspaper, reading a page or two from an encyclopedia every day, reading a little something else from a little bit of everything else.

    If you do #1, 2, and 3, and never quit doing #1, 2, and 3, then you'll be useful to somebody, and they will pay you good $$$ to do something for them. And they'll be happy to pay you well, because you won't be an idiot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    Man if u could hear the way I talk u wouldnt be saying I should get into public speaking. When I get nervous or mad I studer really bad and trip all over my words. But ill check out that web site and see whats up
    Toastmasters is your #1 stop on your road to success. There are lots of different groups out there, find one that's good for you. Here in Dallas, there are groups of gay people, groups of clergy, of businessmen, of teachers, of housewives, etc etc etc. There's one out there in your area that has a seat with your name on it. Nevermind about nervousness or stuttering--those people know all about it, because each and every one of them has been through it. Some of 'em are still learning. And you can learn, too.

    As I said before,
    Best of luck,

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