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Thread: Blood Pressure

  1. #1
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    Blood Pressure

    Is it true if the cuff is too small, that your bp will come out higher than what it actually is?

    my bp was 145/73 and the cuff was for a normal adult 9-13 inch arm. my arms are around 16.5-17 inch's. Some lady told me that since the cuff was too small, I could minus 20 points off the top or so. Is this a decent estimate?

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    it is true, you have toget what is called the "obese cuff" it is what i have to use, makes a big difference

  3. #3
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    Is it true if the cuff is too small, that your bp will come out higher than what it actually is?

    my bp was 145/73 and the cuff was for a normal adult 9-13 inch arm. my arms are around 16.5-17 inch's. Some lady told me that since the cuff was too small, I could minus 20 points off the top or so. Is this a decent estimate?
    is true...20 points is pushing it, go get it tested with a proper cuff.

  4. #4
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    yea i see those things at walmart all the time, its hard not to resist a free testing lol, but they always seem to be wrong...

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    yea i see those things at walmart all the time, its hard not to resist a free testing lol, but they always seem to be wrong...
    the automated ones are usually the least accurate,especially the ones in dept. stores

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