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  1. #1
    FireFighter's Avatar
    FireFighter is offline Associate Member
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    Smile going back to school

    Well its that time of year. Saying goodbye to the beach and hello to the books. Everyones favourite time!! haha! But im actually excited to go back! Its gonna be sweet this year. I get to do a whole bunch of cool sh*t. I get to do a search and rescue in a burning airplane... probably won't be too hard to find the dummys, and bunch of other cool stuff. I can wait til im a for real deal fireman, but for now training is good enough.

    Anyone else going back to school??? what program are you in?

  2. #2
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    Yup, lots of studying and a shit load of projects. I can't wait till I'm finally done. (engineering)

  3. #3
    FireFighter's Avatar
    FireFighter is offline Associate Member
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    Steel city, for now.
    Oh yeah what subjects do you teach LG????

  4. #4
    FireFighter's Avatar
    FireFighter is offline Associate Member
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    Thats cool. What type of engineer?? Chemical?
    that must be a lot of work VK

  5. #5
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    Mechanical and yes, it's a shit load of work. 18 credits and I also do research so my time is well used up. I also have projects for competitions to finish and still design crap for some company. I'm also trying to look into an invention I'm working on to see if I can patent it.

    Firefighting's pretty tough as well I'm sure.

  6. #6
    FireFighter's Avatar
    FireFighter is offline Associate Member
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    It is tough, but its not that bad. Some classes are just a joke. But it all depends if you put in your time and do the work. The physical aspects of it are pretty tough, but i find them fun as hell and I love gearing up and going into fires.. its awesome. Im sure the first "real" one i go into will be scary, but these ones are fun!

  7. #7
    FireFighter's Avatar
    FireFighter is offline Associate Member
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    yeah no kiddin'. French was my worst subject ever!!!! what makes it even better is that im like 75% french!! oh im a dork. heheh

  8. #8
    BMANN's Avatar
    BMANN is offline Associate Member
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    I just started yesterday. I'm going for my electrical engineering degree, but I'm just starting. I went to a tech school for computer aided drafting, but the compnay I work for now is paying for me to go back to school. I have about six years to go, but hell when I'm done I'll only be about 26 and making a shit load of money. I'm so stoked.

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