Well last night us upperclassmen played pranks on the freshman from our soccer team and I ended up chasing one down my hall way. Now theres a door at the end of the hallway with small glass windows in it. As I hit the door to open it my left hand slides up the door handle which is flat, wide, and smooth (strange handle really) and boom right through the glass!! I didn't feel anything at all until I got outside and felt like it was raining on my left hand alone. Shit!! my left pinky almost got cut in half in 2 areas, my forearm has a gash 1in long and deep, the top of my thumb is cut off and there are several other nasty cuts along my arm/hand. No soccer for 10 days and no weight lifting for a month
needless to say I got worst part is I have gone through that door hundreds of times like that and never hit the glass, not even drunk -.-