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  1. #1
    JackBauer's Avatar
    JackBauer is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007

    Read this article on tim couch

  2. #2
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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    May 2003
    NFL is the biggest league of users. Lucky for them their union is powerful enough to keep those things quiet.

  3. #3
    JackBauer's Avatar
    JackBauer is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007
    yes i definately agree, i live with a lot of players for my team... but the article was very interesting in that to me at least it shows all the money that these stars are paying into the newest and greatest development of steroids ... i mean it seems like the age old saying that whatever the law is doing to prevent "crime" the "criminals" will just find another way around it. It was very interesting to me the fact that they used 2 other relatively unknown compounds that in conjunction with testosterone produced a potent trio that proves to be very cheap and very promising.. the article made me feel like buying some before it was illegal

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