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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls

    dumb ass fight tonight

    What a night I had tonight. everything was going awsome for the first half of the night. It was packed and we had a wild crowed all night.(nothing but metal on the jukebox, the way i like it!) so everyone is just partying and this guy that is a about 7 years older than me that use to kick the shit out of all kinds of people gets a bug up his ass and walks over and pulls the chair out from under another guy that is like 10 inches taller and 100 pounds bigger. so I go over and throw the shorter guy out and and have my bro keep everyone calm wile i walk this guy out. I acually no the guy pritty decent and he is very calm and just walks out and said he didnt mean no disrespect just that the other guy is a dick and he had it coming. so Im talking with him and I tell him weather he had it coming or not you cant act like that in my biss and expect to stay. he has no problem and i walk back in and go back to bartending. then just like allways the big guy is all wound up(not that I blame him) and wants to go beat the other guys ass. so before I can take control the big guy flys out the door and gets in the other guys face, he starts shoving and calling the short guy every thing in the book to get him to fight.I sprint around the bar go out side see that there are 2 of the shorter guys friends there that had pulled up and were talking about his truck I asume because the hood was open and they all were prity calm. so Im in the middle of both of them and I no every person there pritty good. the big guy is doing every thing he can to fight the little guy and he's also geting the other 2 friends wild to. now the little guy is all wound up and is doing everything he can to fight to. so Im right in the middle of this and shoving every one away from each other than somthing just snaps in me and I lose my ****ing cool. I grab both of them and shove them together and tell them to ****ing fight. they both look at me in shock and kind of stand there with this dumb look on there face so I am really pissed now that they are just standing there and I grab both of them and lead them out in the grass and tell them to fight like they been trying to. they both look at each other for a min and start going at it. the big guy grabs the little guy buy the throwt and the little guys punchs the big guy right in the jaw nocking him out cold. then I tell them they need to all leave witch they start to and the little guy starts calling me a wimp and telling me that just because I cage fight and lift weights dosent mean im tought. I looked at him and told him I hav no problem with him and that I hav never braged about fighting in my life. NOW IM SO PISSED BECAUSE I WOULD JUST LITERALLY KILL THIS GUY SO EASIALLY(I THINK) BECAUSE I TRAIN EAT BREATH AND SLEEP BEING AS BIG STRONG AND FIGHTING THE BEST I CAN. AND THIS GUY IS JUST A FAMMER THAT DRINKS BEER AND IS STOCKY. I THINK I MADE THE RIGHT DESISION BY LETING IT GO

  2. #2
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    its ppl that having nothing to prove that are stronger

  3. #3
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Well done ....But that just sounds like a normal night out in UK

  4. #4
    LawMan018's Avatar
    LawMan018 is offline Senior Member
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    Usually the ones that go about starting fights aren't that good at fighting themselves...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    IN your walls
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Usually the ones that go about starting fights aren't that good at fighting themselves...

  6. #6
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Good job CrazyHorse, you would have f-ed him up real bad and ended up in prison. Happened to me earlier this year and I'm sure I'm not as badass a fighter as you are if you cage fight.

  7. #7
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    good deal...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Good job CrazyHorse, you would have f-ed him up real bad and ended up in prison. Happened to me earlier this year and I'm sure I'm not as badass a fighter as you are if you cage fight.
    ha ha. I am by no means a mean guy,I got a very very long fuse but it's a atomic bomb at the end. once in a long while shit gets to me and this was a close one. somtimes its just nice to have other people tell you that you made the right choice. thanks bro

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