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Thread: Sexual Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sexual Help

    Ooook guys, hope this isnt out of line to post here....
    Been with this girl for about 4 months, we finally slept together last night.. It was good, she is obviously sore today (hasnt had sex in two years) due to being religious etc, anywayz thats besides the point.. She didnt orgasim, and she told me no guy has ever been able to make her, its ****ed but her whole goal was just to please me. This is a long term relationship, and I want to please her bad.. What do I do?

  2. #2
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    I think alot is to do if she is comfortable. If she was stressed or nervous since it your first time and a long time for her that could cause it. I think after you guys are together more you knock it out of the park

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    Ooook guys, hope this isnt out of line to post here....
    Been with this girl for about 4 months, we finally slept together last night.. It was good, she is obviously sore today (hasnt had sex in two years) due to being religious etc, anywayz thats besides the point.. She didnt orgasim, and she told me no guy has ever been able to make her, its ****ed but her whole goal was just to please me. This is a long term relationship, and I want to please her bad.. What do I do?
    WOW!!! haha sorry for lau***ng but... 4 months and you just slept together??? And how is she able to not achieve an orgasm??? No idea there bro... But I bet you'll get her, try again tonite

  4. #4
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    why do they edit out " l a u g h i n g " ????

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I wasn't aware that "G H I" meant anything

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I think alot is to do if she is comfortable. If she was stressed or nervous since it your first time and a long time for her that could cause it. I think after you guys are together more you knock it out of the park
    Thats what I was thinking bro, I told her it would take a while to get used to each other etc...
    And yea 4 months, I was in the market for a girl who wasnt a whore and found one, it was worth the wait!!

  7. #7
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    lots of foreplay

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Some girls are completely unable to have an orgasm. And the rest have to be comfortable with you to do it

    Why don't you use your tongue

  9. #9
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    well I used the tongue and fingers (hittin the G) but then she wanted me so I had to stop.. Im not sure I think she just wanted me, wanted to please me and didnt care about herself.. Hope shit gets better as time goes on

  10. #10
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    first go down on her for like 2 hours... thats boyfriend material... make sure to bring a big bottle of lube....

  11. #11
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    ive been in your situation before bro...first off how old is she, because its a fact that younger girls dont orgasim until they mature...also her having to be comfortable is also another big thing to keep in mind...

  12. #12
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    lol im not telling :D
    my ex wife was 24.. probably been w/ far more people than i care to mention and i was the first person to give her an orgasm.. it was great right after it happened she calld all her SUPER hot friends to brag bout it to them...

    so if u want i'll come over and show ya how its done.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by l2elapse
    lots of foreplay

    go everywhere but there, if you can stand it>do that a couple of times and then when you do move forward, LOTS of forplay.

  14. #14
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    she didnt orgasm? wow bro u mustve been shit j/k

    i knew a woman who didnt orgasm till she was 30,could be a number of things

  15. #15
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    its a comfort thing. especially if she is religious. she has been told that sex before marraige is the ultimate sin. i doubt it will be anytime soon that she will be able to completely relax and enjoy herself. just keep at it and try and reassure her without pressuring her as much as you can.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I think alot is to do if she is comfortable. If she was stressed or nervous since it your first time and a long time for her that could cause it. I think after you guys are together more you knock it out of the park
    I agree here.

    A girl that isn't a freak, hasn't had sex in two years, religious deals, etc...It's hard for them to be comfortable with what they're doing. If she hasn't had much sexual experience, she may be confused/embarassed about what to do during sex. This is where you come in.

    You tell her to relax and be comfortable, all that stuff. The more times you two get it on, the more comfortable she gets about everything. Make sure you know what you're doing as well.

  17. #17
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    my ex couldn't have one during sex, but could get herself off. I got her off only once but man was I happy that I could. She said that she was on medication when she was in her late teens for depression and she couldn't have one from sex afterwards. If I spent a lot of time working on her orally she would have one in a snap, but never really from sex and I am descent in bed if I do say so myself.

  18. #18
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    Next time your getting ready to do it, go down on her and write the ABC's with your tounge. Go really slow, deliberate, and go all the way to Z. I swear she'll either explode or try to marry you the next day.

    I know this sounds silly, but it works very well. Your tounge will be exhausted but your dick will thank you.

  19. #19
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    Yeah Anti-depressants have a lot of sexual side effects..Alot of women who take medication like (lexapro) or any other strong anti-d's cannot orgasm while taking it...Had a girl tell me that once and I didnt believe her so I did my research, turns out she was right..Once she was off the meds, she was squirting!!!

  20. #20
    did u have it the right whole...if u did u may want to try the dirt road gf touches her self every time

  21. #21
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by customworksking
    did u have it the right whole...if u did u may want to try the dirt road gf touches her self every time

  22. #22
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    Use your tounge haha. I was the first to give my ex the 2nd degree orgasm that women have.

  23. #23
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    I think your best bet might be trying to get her to orgasm during foreplay. It's alot easier to hit the sweet spot that way.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  24. #24
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    Yea you guys are prolly right, but she wouldnt even let me do much to her, she just wanted me haha not a bad thing I guess BUT, I wanna keep her happy too :wink:

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Next time your getting ready to do it, go down on her and write the ABC's with your tounge. Go really slow, deliberate, and go all the way to Z. I swear she'll either explode or try to marry you the next day.

    I know this sounds silly, but it works very well. Your tounge will be exhausted but your dick will thank you.
    LMAO or sheel be like the one i was with when i was 20 and she asked me "are you doing the ABC's, be more creative than that!" ...woman know about this bro, it is no trick and to be totaly blunt about it, it isnt the best technique for giving good head. I can go on all day but trust me, an expierienced woman will know exactly what you are doing, and it is played out. When a woman is arroused and the clitorus becomes engorged with blood they want firm,not flicking type pressure, you NEED TO READ every woman you are giving head to b/c they will tell you in subtle or not so subtle ways what your doing that they like or that is working, when you find the right pattern and she gets ready to climax, stay with that pattern and dont stop, also gradually increase the pressure. Dont go right to the clit and start wacking that phuker with your tongue, kiss it, make out w/ it suck the labia and clit gently etc. but trust me bro, at least do the ABC backwards or something, it will embarass the hell out of you when a woman calls you on it. I agree that if her comfort level isnt there in the first place she will NEVER orgasm, that is a fact, you need to really work on getting her comfortable with her sexuality and understand that it is a gradual process, even the sex is foreplay right now bro, ive dealt w/ this a few times b4 and it really did take a lot of getting her comfort level up.....then yoiu get married and have kids, the end LOL

  26. #26
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    You have to make sure she's comfortable enough and more so psychologically and physically mature enough. Some women can't orgasm through vaginal (g-spot) stimulation, some women can't orgasm through clitoral stimulation (though that is more rare)... but ultimately the orgasm happens in the brain. Every woman (unless she is physically damaged in some way) has the neurological pathway for orgasm to happen, both vaginal and clitoral. It's all about what makes her comfortable and what she likes and/or doesn't. You won't figure that out on your own - communication is the key. Stimulate her mind and she will cum over and over again - it all starts in the brain....

  27. #27
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    lol im not telling :D
    fvck it.. its ovious the issue is you.. just get her a vibrator..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    fvck it.. its ovious the issue is you.. just get her a vibrator..
    hahaha good advice everyone... except Tai!!!!!

  29. #29
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    lol im not telling :D
    psh seroiusly.. vibrator.. get urs then hand her the vibrator be like "Here, you didnt think i would tottaly forget bout you.."

  30. #30
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    Been with women who were like that, and call me a shallow prick (I don't mind) but I'd never stay with a girl that was like that. Its almost like their clit isn't wired right or something... who knows though. Maybe she's big on the G-spot and not so much clitoral stimulation. Hell, maybe you're REALLY lucky and she just needs to experience anal to explode.

    I'd say read up or watch lots of porn with oral... if sex isn't doing it for her then oral surely should.

  31. #31
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    its mostly a psychological thing on her part. . . as long as u were 10+ min it aint ur fault. . . but look on the bright side, at least you got your NUT!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    psh seroiusly.. vibrator.. get urs then hand her the vibrator be like "Here, you didnt think i would tottaly forget bout you.."
    Show's how caring tia really can be.. and what's with the whole tia thing anyways, why not just plain old tai????

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2
    LMAO or sheel be like the one i was with when i was 20 and she asked me "are you doing the ABC's, be more creative than that!" ...woman know about this bro, it is no trick and to be totaly blunt about it, it isnt the best technique for giving good head. I can go on all day but trust me, an expierienced woman will know exactly what you are doing, and it is played out. When a woman is arroused and the clitorus becomes engorged with blood they want firm,not flicking type pressure, you NEED TO READ every woman you are giving head to b/c they will tell you in subtle or not so subtle ways what your doing that they like or that is working, when you find the right pattern and she gets ready to climax, stay with that pattern and dont stop, also gradually increase the pressure. Dont go right to the clit and start wacking that phuker with your tongue, kiss it, make out w/ it suck the labia and clit gently etc. but trust me bro, at least do the ABC backwards or something, it will embarass the hell out of you when a woman calls you on it. I agree that if her comfort level isnt there in the first place she will NEVER orgasm, that is a fact, you need to really work on getting her comfortable with her sexuality and understand that it is a gradual process, even the sex is foreplay right now bro, ive dealt w/ this a few times b4 and it really did take a lot of getting her comfort level up.....then yoiu get married and have kids, the end LOL
    Funny. I am married. Have not done that shiz in YEARS. I let electronics do all the work now, once in a while I'll get nasty. I just remember the good ol days is all and I was sharing what little nasty things I used to do.

  34. #34
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Show's how caring tia really can be.. and what's with the whole tia thing anyways, why not just plain old tai????
    apparently im a fat CHICK w/ giant knockers now.. aka Tia

  35. #35
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Next time your getting ready to do it, go down on her and write the ABC's with your tounge. Go really slow, deliberate, and go all the way to Z. I swear she'll either explode or try to marry you the next day.

    I know this sounds silly, but it works very well. Your tounge will be exhausted but your dick will thank you.

    This is a good technique. I do it quite often and it works great. If you finger her and do the ABC's at the same time, she will get off even more. The juices will be flowing, for sure.

  36. #36
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    RIP Brother...
    LMFAO @ writing your ABCs! - Is that like the idiot's guide to cunnilingus or what?

    Just get a bit creative, vary what you're doing and gauge her reaction like BITTAPART2 said, when she reacts well do more stuff like that, when she seems to not enjoy something as much do less of that - it's not rocket science for God's sake!


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